What changed?
League calls this a small patch, which it certainly is; but there is a bigger impact I think will occur than most people with predict.

So lets make a list of the most notable changes:

- Kai'Sa has been released.
- Bandit 2nd passive remove on Ancient Coin, Relic Shield, and Spellthief's Edge.
- Banner of Command turret damage multiplayer no longer stacks with Baron buff.
- Warmog's Armor and Enchantment: Cinderhulk has been nerfed.
-Cloud Drake buff changed: now grants 2% movement speed per dragon in combat, effect tripled out of combat.
- Aftershock cooldown nearly doubled.

In my opinion these are my predicted effects:
- Aftershock lovers such as Alistar, Leona, and Volibear will suffer
- Ancient Coin, Relic Shield, and Spellthief's Edge will rarely be taken by non supports.
- Tanks will see a overall dip in play-rate.
- Team-fights becomes less common, splitting becomes more common.
- Games will be more volatile, BUT not shorter.

How does bot lane look?

Getting a decisive lead in the bot lane is a near guarantee win. Unless other lanes have a fed early game champion such as Sion, Nunu & Willump or Akali, bot lane is the key to victory.

As such early game champions are heavily favored, but not to the extreme of lethality users such as Miss Fortune. As a result, very burst heavy and push oriented ADCs are being favored.

Popular and Strong ADCS

51.1% Winrate
23.5% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Xayah is grossly underrated and way more bursty than most league players would think. In my opinion she is on the same boat as Taric in the sense that she seems to be good in most metas and has a high win-rate, but will fly under the radar more often than not!

In any case her main reason for being so strong is the high damage and great utility of both Bladecaller and Featherstorm. These give her great and sneaky damage in the early game and provides utility and safety in the mid to late game.

She is also able to push in the early game fairly well with her Clean Cuts and Deadly Plumage. This makes her a safe and effective pick for pushing towers and providing a reliable ADC for her team.

51.3% Winrate
30.7% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: W ratio up, range scaling down.

Tristana was side graded this past patch. Her Rocket Jump scaling per level was increased considerably , but her base range was nerfed. This means that her laning phase is gonna be worse, but her all in is much better.

Tristana is not really a farm simulator champion, so overall I consider this to be a slight buff. This means that her main identity of leroying her opponents and pushing down towers hard with her Explosive Charge is still very prevalent. she also is gonna be a easy champion to abuse in solo que, since she flourishes in early game favored metas!

49.8% Winrate
9.8% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Caitlyn is at being a bully and as most people know, bullies thrive in the early game ( Aka middle school :( ).

Piltover Peacemaker is great at pushing the enemy wave in along with her Headshot acting not only as a good last hit mechanic, but also a poking mechanic.

Her Yordle Snap Trap is great for a variety of reasons which range from dictating enemy champion movement to just relative enemy jungler gank safety. This is also complimented by her 90 Caliber Net which acts both as a escape and possible gap closer.

Overall she has all the tools to be a lane dominate bully who thrives on keeping her enemies low.

Popular and Strong Supports

53.5% Winrate
12.8% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

If Lemmonation has taught me anything, it is that Janna is freelo.

Janna is a very simple champion to learn, similar to Tristana. While I believe her skill ceiling is high, being " good " on Janna is fairly easy. As a matter of fact ill break it down for everyone:

Step 1) Poke with Zephyr
Step 2) Protect ADC with Eye of the Storm
Step 3) Use Howling Gale against enemy ganks
Step 4) Monsoon if engaged on
Step 5) :Thinking:
Step 6) Profit

50.2% Winrate
11.8% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

When people pick Morgana, it is often for her Black Shield. While part of the reason she is on this list is for that reason, it is also due to another reason.

Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow are those reasons. They two provide a very easy way to trigger Spellthief's Edge which will help you obtain wards with ease, but they also push the wave without much effort and act as a solid engage/disengage tool.

51.6% Winrate
1.1% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Nami thrives in metas that favor the early game and in this meta she is almost the queen in my opinion.

Ebb and Flow gives amazing sustain and poke during the lane phase and can easily bounce between 3 people during the mid to late game. Tidecaller's Blessing is great to poke the lane more or just to enhance your ADCS own basic attacks!

For more experienced Nami players Aqua Prison is a consistent and reliable for of CC that helps against ganks and catching the enemy bot lane out.

Hidden gems

51.5% Winrate
0.26% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Here is how to win as Taric:

1)Burst with Bravado and Dazzle in the early game.
2)Build Tear of the Goddess
3)Use Cosmic Radiance when grouping.
4)Spam Bastion and Starlight's Touch in team-fights, making sure you are triggering Bravado during it.


This meta is gonna hurt tanks a lot and make losing bot lane that much more depressing. This will likely lead to more toxic and volatile games, as early game metas tend to do so.

If you are a amazing early game player live it up while you can! For most however this patch may prove to be a challenge.

ADC Health: B
Support Health: B-
Overall enjoyment: B-
Final Grade: B-