Anyone else notice how ridiculously op this champion is? I'm assuming that during the gigantic *** wait time for the release of this patch, they decided to just buff the **** out of him.

Right now I am seeing ridiculous damage output with:
Boots of Swiftness
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Force of Nature
Phantom Dancer
Infinity Edge

Spells: Cleanse & Ghost

Essentially, you are running a movement AD build. You have over 100% crit chance, which makes for perfect crit every time. The proc from trinity force is going to work great with his Q move, combined with the slow from phage, you are going to control any fight you enter into.
Force of nature in combination with your W is going to give you a lot of hp regen/life-steal.
Your natural movement speed will be over 500 easily, jumping way over 750 with ghost-blade, ghost, and your charge (E move). The first hit after your charge will devastate any squishy champ. The bonus movement speed when all your actives/spells are used is an additional 100 attack damage.

No one can escape you... don't be afraid to gank all over the map, especially when you get your ult. Your speed is going to catch Master Yi on a regular basis.

BUT! This champion WILL get nerfed in the next patch or two, so don't get too attached.