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jhoijhoi's avatar


Rank: Moderator
Rep: Mythical (2057)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 164164 [user_id] => 52504 [achievement_id] => 18 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 6053 [display_order] => 3 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-08-10 17:02:51 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/build-and-guide-discussion/jhoijhois-review-amp-discussion-service-6053 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 164152 [user_id] => 52504 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 6423 [display_order] => 6 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-04-24 17:15:13 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/jhoijhois-tentative-signature-store-6423 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 164174 [user_id] => 52504 [achievement_id] => 158 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 67331 [display_order] => 10 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2020-01-21 10:40:06 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 164176 [user_id] => 52504 [achievement_id] => 145 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 101506 [display_order] => 11 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2019-08-22 06:38:25 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 164175 [user_id] => 52504 [achievement_id] => 109 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 41930 [display_order] => 12 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2017-12-25 21:26:25 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/news/winners-mobafire-s8-guide-contest-41930 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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jhoijhoi's Mobafire Blog

11 Oct

Views: 7098 wut

You'll find the below is an actual comment from my Ashe guide.

White = Commenter's words
Blue = What he "quoted" from my guide
Green = What I was thinking at the time of reading the comment for the first time

- - - - - - - - - - -

*sighs* Time to be the bad guy.

Seen this build almost every ashe. Thank you for making them nothing but fodder to Nocturnes and Khazix's all around the world. Now to nit pick deeper.
k, this guy is serious, I wonder what I did wrong? :/
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29 Sep
Where my dogs at? Bark with me now. So I'm back *cue Terminator music?* ^^ And apparently I've got a lot to do...

- read and respond to PMs
- update all guides
- revive my signature shop
- play a MobaINHAUS, I've heard great things

But don't expect me to be back a lot *shakes finger at MobaFirites*. University is full-on this semester, going on my second teaching prac and I'm...
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18 May

Views: 5315 Coding Accomplishments

Heya, MobaFire :3 Well, this blog is dedicated to the coding clusters I have created during my stay here. As I create more unique ways of displaying information, I'll include them here. Each coding cluster will feature an approximate date of creation (or manipulation) and will also display who first pioneered the look, if the coder wasn't entirely me (or if I created the coding cluster in conjunction with a friend). They shall be ordered...
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17 Apr

Heya, MobaFire :3 Ready for a new blog dedication? This one is about comparing the top builds of different sites: LoLPro, SoloMid and MobaFire. I'll only be focusing on the build itself, the skilling order, the runes, masteries and summoner spells dictated for the chosen champions, as these are the things most people will look at/want to know before they try out the champion.

This blog is meant to achieve two things:...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide