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Mintleaves's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Remarkable (44)
Status: Offline

Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Jax

10 Sep
Mintleaves: Hello everyone I'm Mintleaves and I make Rap Battles for Champions. This series I made, was fun to make, and fun to watch you guys have fun with it, so my next rap battle is my last, and I want you to PM on Who's Last, I think I am done I ran out of ideas and I hope you enjoy this one and the next, cue fade effect into...

Dr. Mundo: EPIC RAP BATTLE OF LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!! Allow me to introduce JAX!!! Versus!!!! The all deadly YORICCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! Begin!!

Yorick: Drop dead, you lamp holding sucka' I hope you find that rap battle's over! When I apply my rhymes and put...
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16 Jul

Views: 611 Jax

Hey guys, I haven't been getting much feedback from my viewers :( this kinda makes me feel sad. But! I shall overcome my sadness :D!! I want to say thank you for the rep+'s from two people whoever you are.

Now time to get to the topic on hand I have a question or two.

I want to play with three people in League of Legends I want to make a 2v2 so in a comment or PM tell me your username for LoL and a friend invite (Both needed to play) I don't really have a prize so anyone who wants to play can (at least 3 people) the first thrre people to send me a comment or a PM will be picked have...
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14 Jul
Ok guys I just got off of the phone with my friend (hes a comedian). He mentioned to me a couple of jokes about WoW so i thought what if i could make and entire Blog Post about, jokes about LoL. If you have a joke to add please comment below or send me a PM.

1. What do you call a Sejuani who harrasses? A "Porker"
2. What is Malphite's Favorite song? Rock You like A Hurricane
3. What kinda of soup does Teemo Like? Mushroom
4. What do you call a bad Ashe? A (inappropriate content but if you send me a message i will tell the answer)
5. How do you figure out a good pun for a...
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