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Mintleaves's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Remarkable (44)
Status: Offline

Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Zyra

14 Jul
Ok guys I just got off of the phone with my friend (hes a comedian). He mentioned to me a couple of jokes about WoW so i thought what if i could make and entire Blog Post about, jokes about LoL. If you have a joke to add please comment below or send me a PM.

1. What do you call a Sejuani who harrasses? A "Porker"
2. What is Malphite's Favorite song? Rock You like A Hurricane
3. What kinda of soup does Teemo Like? Mushroom
4. What do you call a bad Ashe? A (inappropriate content but if you send me a message i will tell the answer)
5. How do you figure out a good pun for a...
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12 Jul
Hey guys im back sorry I've havent been on in forever, I've been trying to get some IP for this new upcoming champion Zyra, Rise of the Thorns I swear its going to be cool she looks a lot like Blackthrn Morgana doesnt she but i digress. So in the the Champion spotlights i've been making i have been behind in fact i was working on one before i got off i will have it too you by Saturday. Anyways its nice to be back and i hope too talk to you remember you can leave me PMs and comments below.
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