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Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: mint

25 Jul

Views: 919 mint

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battles of League of Legends!!! Morgana! Verus! Kaaaayyyyyllllleeeee!!!! Begin!

Morgana: Hey Kayle, long time, no see. Not since I owned you, while Soul Siphoning. Now my Dark Binding is redefining, A war in which, I was... tantalizing, you with my low HP. I bring down your team, with the click of my Q and E. Saving mine, and justifin', my swift actions is too much for you, and with the win in reach, admit defeat, cause I'll never join your cause you say wait, but I un-pause. This battle, was over before it begun sorry sis but I think I won.

Kayle: The...
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23 Jul
In request of CKawaii.

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battle of League of Legends!!! Kassadin! Versus! Mahlzahaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!! Begin!

Kassadin: Void Prince? Ha now that's a laugh, maybe you should just build your Dorans rings and me my Voidstaff. What's funny is, that I'm your counter; I jump around the map all day, "Why no ss?" your teammates say, yet you only got flash, okay? In The Void, there can only be one, and that's gonna be me with my Voidgun! We're both here, like Luke and Vader, except that this Vader is a Malzahar...
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21 Jul

Hey everyone this is Mint! And I am mad right now if you couldnt tell!


My newest Gragas build which has been out for about a week now wont go up in the home page so i thought if you guys could tell me what to do or if this has evered happened to you before!

Gragas, Hold My Beer And Watch This by Mintleaves

Check it out and see if you can help me! >;~(
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21 Jul
Hey everyone as requested by Fox Rage I have created a GP vs MF battle, Enjoy. (Sadly The LZ could not reach me and honestly I wanted to post this a little before 10:00 so I kinda went over time for him, sorry)

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battle of League of Legends!!! Gangplank! Versus! Miss Fortuuuuuuunnnnneee!!!!!!!!! Begin!

Gangplank: Yar Har fiddle me dee, being a pirate is all i can be. My gun in your face, dont start up a chase, i am a pirate! You come here to rap against me? I'm the best dang rapper to sail the seven seas....
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