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Mintleaves's avatar


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Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: s2

16 Oct
This Battle was redone, and I feel that this one was better.

Mint: Hey Mundo?

Dr. Mundo: Yeah?

Mint: Is it getting hot in here?

Dr. Mundo: Yes actually.

Mint: Well, turn up the AC.

Brand: Forget about it.

Annie: We're gunna play!

Ashe: You can play with my arrows.

Anivia: Or my walls of ice.

Dr. Mundo: You guys got a problem?

Brand: Time to melt 'em eh Annie?

Annie: Lets show 'em Tibbers.

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battles of League of Legends!!! Brand and Annie!!! Versus! Ashe...
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01 Oct

Views: 1324 s2

Shaco: Ladies and gentlemen, we have someone who wants to come back! To come back, Minty has decided to give a second chance. Epic Rap Battles of League of Legends. Its Urgot versus Dr. Mundo. Begin the battle.

Urgot: Hey Mundo, don't come at me, with your big slowing cleavers, and burning agony. I throw muck in your face, watch my team and me get an ace. I'll kill you slowly you worm, I'll get more farm than you, now it's your turn.

Dr. Mundo: I win rap battles cause I please, I wil rap battles with such ease. Introducing your defeat, like I have only 3 toes on...
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21 Sep
Shaco: Epic Rap Battle of League of Legends. Allow me to introduce, Jarvan IV. He will be up against, Jerico Swain. Begin, the fight.

Swain: When I start, I go mid, killing everything, from Ahri to Fid! Come over here to take a pass, and watch me stick your flag up your class! Cause, no one likes tank, they go for fighter, would you like to die? I'll pull an all nighter, in queue more people pick me, they see that they'll feed with you, a wussy!

Jarvan IV: You call me commander, take a lesson from the stronger. My flag leads the attack, so when I'm mia, better...
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