So, been playing a lot of Dr. Mundo lately on my smurf, in just about every mode possible; Dominion, Twisted Treeline, even a few ARAMs... and of course Crystal Scar. I have determined, to probably no one's surprise, that the guy needs no damage items... He doesn't even really need a Frozen Mallet due to his Q slows. Only a handful of champs really can escape from that after Flash is burned and they aren't getting away unscathed. The trick is landing them, so if you're particularly horrible at skill shots, then consider using FM after all or pick Ryze instead xP

Anyone that loves to play your typical bruiser top lane or jungling champs absolutely has to at least try Dr. Mundo out a few times. If you don't get him right the first few tries keep at it, he's scary fun.

Now, I personally got my start playing Dr. Mundo with Fuggernaught's PWNDO Build/Guide and I think that's a perfectly great place to start.

I've since changed his build to suit my own play style and likes, here's a brief description of what I'm using.

0/22/8 - maxing all 4 of the first line on Defense tree, only Vigor on second, Indomitable & Bladed Armor on the third, only Enlightenment on forth, Mercenary on fifth, and of course Juggernaut . On Utility tree just Summoner's Insight , Good Hands , and Swiftness are what you're going to have the points left for.

Marks - Greater Mark of Desolation * 9
Seals - Greater Seal of Regeneration * 9
Glyphs - Greater Glyph of Magic Resist * 9
Quintessences - Greater Quintessence of Gold * 3

Mercury's Treads
Warmog's Armor
Force of Nature
Spirit Visage
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Sunfire Aegis

I always take my Q - Infected Bonesaw first and max it first, it's just good harass and decent damage plus if you have a strong invade team it's a good one to have. Next I go for Heart Zapper which I also max second, Blunt Force Trauma and Maximum Dosage are both just your situational buffs which you use when you see fit/need. Every time I see a small skirmish I'll use Blunt Force Trauma I typically try to save Maximum Dosage for escaping/healing when it's really warranted. It's got a decently low cool down so you can use it liberally anyway but try to save it towards the Team Phase side of the game as it could mean the difference between you living and giving your team a bunch of kills or just dying.


Anyway, this turned out to be a much bigger post than I originally set out to do but hey, if you read it this far, thanks! If not... no cookie for ju! xD