Hello Everyone
I just started a new series of guides that are quite different from others. That's because the champions I am going to make guides on are most of times Assassins (but more roles are coming too), but played on Support role. I don't want to show just a regular assassin builds when their role is the only difference between them and their solo lanes. I want to try to make them as support like as possible while keeping them alright (not Ardent Censer Zed for example). I already created 4 guides that you can check by typing #waitsupport? in browse guide, or here with URL:
Support Utility Akali
Support Utility Zed
Support Utility Lee Sin
Support Utility LeBlanc
They are a lot less edited then my guides before - That's because hard and boring editing made me quit Mobafire for over a year and I came back because I got that crazy idea of creating Support Akali guide, that made me want to make some more. Those guides are also a bit shorter because my experiences are not the best with them (not really - try picking a Zed in Blind pick as a support - it took me like 5 games until my ADC's stop leaving the leave the queue).

More champions I want to make #waitsupport? guide on:
Master Yi