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TinyStar's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Established (113)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 22 [user_id] => 268632 [achievement_id] => 12 [relation_type] => ForumThread [relation_id] => 18012 [display_order] => 0 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-04-24 17:26:05 [threadLink] => /league-of-legends/forum/artists-corner/tinystar-s-signature-boutique-18012 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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TinyStar's Mobafire Blog

02 Oct

Views: 764 Insomnia and Arthritis

Once again,can't sleep! UGH! My sleep insomnia has kicked back in. I'm tired. Extremely tired,but can't fall asleep!!! Plus,my arthritis is acting up in my knees/legs and wrist. When I was younger my mom took me to the doctor about these extreme growing pains. Come to find out, it's arthritis. It's so bad at times I cry my eyes out. It's a shame,but I try to soak myself in hot water to relieve it. I have to stop playing LoL after about to hours bc the arthritis or carpal tunnel starts acting up. It sucked in high school with taking notes,teachers never believed I had arthritis,taking...
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30 Sep

Views: 688 My Arthritis

It's acting up really bad tonight. My knees and wrists(could be carpal tunnel) are killing me. I've had these problems since I was three. Makes it hard at times to play LoL,or PhotoShop for hours. I think it's bed time :/

Btw,my little brother had an amazing birthday ^.^;

Good night guys!

P.S. If you have ordered a signature,they'll be done tomorrow :3
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29 Sep

Views: 418 Busy Day

Gonna be so busy today. Tomorrow's my little brothers 13th birthday. We're going out of town tomorrow,so we gotta get everything done today. I'll try to get signatures done before tomorrow! I have to go for now!

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28 Sep

Views: 1140 Feeling Welcomed :)

Thanks for welcoming me and my signatures :) I hope to become good friends with everyone <3


*edit* if you want a sig click here
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