Veteran's different take on the roles of the individual positions.

I main jungle, so that is what I really care about, but it is also good to know which roles are easiest to carry from because as the jungler that helps know which lanes to prioritize.

And really once you watch the video above you should also watch his analysis of the fairly recent Summer Season 9 game of G2 vs Fanatic as it might help you put things in context (though that may depend on where you are at with your understanding of league).

The logic for jungle is this. Do more faster. Always look for something else to do on the map before farming your own jungle.

You need your first clear for levels, but after that kill the enemy jungler. Kill their laners. Then farm the enemy jungle since they are so far behind they can't contest what you want to do.

Really you should only be doing a camp if it will give you a level up or item spike.

Below is an amalgamation of thoughts, not necessarily only from what I got from Veteran.

And unspent gold equals no go lead. Usually item components run somwhere around 875-1300 gold, Pickaxe or B. F. Sword territory. So when you have that amount go back and spend it. Better yet, know your champion well enough that you know exactly how much every component you want costs and back when you have the right amount.

In following this advice I'm going to go back to Xin Zhao as his early ganks and dueling power while not unparalleled are pretty damn good. This gives me a decent chance of taking control of the early game, accelerate to the mid game, and end before it gets to late game when Xin falls off.

Currently banning Jax since he outscales and deals well with auto attackers. Might change that as I go through this process, but to some extent if you are ahead of the play by being proactive rather than reactive it doesn't matter what the enemy champions can do if they aren't there in time.

Oh, and camp Mid lane, especially if it is an assassin so they can help your murder everyone else on the map. After that get your hyper carries fed (stuff like Fiora], Tryndamere, and Jax, or if that hypercarry is in Bot lane then go there instead of Top, especially if that helps unlike a support that is good at roaming).