Skill Order

For these games I tried skilling Vault in preference of Heightened Senses, while in my previous games I did the reverse. Both times I was maxing Blinding Assault first.

In my head the jury is still out on which is better as my lanes were all different than yesterday and so I can't say that one over the other impacted my performance. Tentatively, I feel like last hitting is a little smoother if you max Heightened Senses in preference to Vault, which you really only want to use for trading or re-positioning in the event of a gank or an assassin barreling down on you during a team fight.

Elements for Success with Quinn

I seem to have the most success with Quinn in games where I can successfully trade in lane and where small skirmishes proliferate in her vicinity. E.g. the enemy jungler invades your jungler after you are 6th level, you can just pop Tag Team to get to the fight and run through your combo to save your jungler or mop up after your jungler goes down. Both of these things combined will get you ahead, which in turn gives your team an edge in team fights even if team fighting isn't a great strength for Quinn.


An important note on Tag Team is that you and Valor share cooldowns, so if you used Blinding Assault or Vault before turning into Valor, Blinding Assault and Vault will be on cooldown for the normal duration.

I did some more investigation about Quinn vs. Kalista and it looks like the blind works in similar manner on Kalista as it does with Draven. Kalista will still hop after targeting you or a minion with an autoattack but her spears will not stack or do damage to you. However, because Vault has a small knock back, it will hault Kalista's hopping.

In the case of Draven, Draven's axes will still bounce back to him, however they will do no damage to you while he is blind.

Vault interrupts channeled abilities, though in Caitlyn's case it only puts Ace in the Hole on cooldown for 5 seconds.

A lot of guides say to level Vault first. However, if I am leashing for my jungler I like to level Blinding Assault first as it ensures that the neutral monster(s) miss a number of autoattacks saving you jungler a substantial chunk of health.

Lane Match-ups

5-4-6 Quinn + Karma vs Vayne and Bard

This lane sucked a lot more than expected. Bard's buffs have turned him into a rather annoying opponent to lane against. As with Vayne you really have to watch your surroundings to avoid getting stunned. Actually, it is worse than with Vayne because Vayne can only stun you against objects. Bard can stun you against a minion or even your own laning partner. Between the two they can keep you pinned down for quite some time.

Vayne can dodge Blinding Assault with Tumble or by going invisible through tumbling with Final Hour active. However she can still get hit by the AoE damage and blind if it strikes another target in the vicinty of where she tumble to.

You can ensure Blinding Assault hits if you Vault to her in Valor form, though you typically only want to do this when you are going in for a kill.

I'm going to have to play against Bard more to formulate more of an opinion on how to effectively deal with him.

5-6-3 Quinn + Kennen vs. Jinx and Sona

Jinx is annoying because she puts out more AoE damage than you can from a lot higher range, though you can mitigate that if you can get a blind on her, which is easier said then done if she is standing behind her minion wave.

Sona hurts early with here Auto + Q + Empowered auto combo. She also provides enough healing sustain that it is almost not worth poking them. When vs a Sona I like having a tanky support like Gragas that can shrug off Sona's poke and keep her zoned.

There was a super fed (23-2-13) almost full damage Jarvan IV that ended up carrying the game for the enemy team, which I mention because you can Vault off of him to escape Cataclysm, but not if he is so fed that he insta-gibs you. Also you need to be a hella long way from him to avoid getting hit with a Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike combo. So, if you see a full damage J4 coming at you remember that he has three gap closers if he has Flash, so the better part of valor is turning into Valor and departing the premises as soon as he shows his mug.