Runes: Atk Spd, sHealth, sMR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 9-21-0


Our team comp and their team comp was Volibear favorable. Both Sion and Lissandra could initiate. Morgana has good catch potential with Dark Binding. And Kog'Maw was a happy void critter behind Sion and me as Volibear.

Ezreal was practically impossible to catch and Sona could stuff up my Thundering Smash engages, but those weren’t insurmountable obstacles. Ashe was also a little annoying, but Boots of Swiftness helped make her catchable.

Azir, though not in this game, stands out as another champion to watch out for if you are picking Volibear. As his wall can mess up your initiation something fierce and his soldiers just poke you to death.

I switched up my runes and masteries to be a better tank and it worked out well in this case. It slowed my early jungle down a bit, but I compensated for that by purchasing Ranger's Trailblazer. Overall I felt quite a bit tankier and didn't feel the lack of damage by only going 9 in the Offense Tree.

Itemization is a little interesting with Volibear especially if the enemy team is running some sort of percent heath damage. I think late game it might be worth switching out Righteous Glory for another tank item such as Frozen Heart or Zz'Rot Portal as the later gives you the highest combination of Armor and Magic Resistance that you can get in one item. Or you could forgo the Warmog's Armor if you still felt like you need the catch potential that the Righteous Glory active gives you.