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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Elise

25 Oct

Views: 761 Elise

This probably will not be that informative for seasoned Elise players, but I happen to be trying to improve my play with her, so I'm using this space to write down things I've discovered/learned/re-learned.

Re-learned? Yeah. I played Elise a decent amount before her most recent "re-work" and some things about her have changed. Not in huge ways pre se, but changes in skill ordering, item builds, and combo rotations are worth debugging in a custom game even on your favorite champs. Go find a good guide or video on them and see if you are doing things in a way that makes...
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20 Jan

Views: 1543 Elise

I dragged the fat man out of the bar last night for a go round in the top lane. Ended up being vs an Elise. Opted to start Crystalline Flask as I didn't know how this match-up goes.

Running 21-9-0 Masteries with Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR Glyphs, and AP Quints.

I played this late pretty cautiously because I haven't played Gragas in a while and Elise does have hard CC in the form of Cocoon and chase potential in the form of Rappel.

Her harass hurts because of the %current health damage on Neurotoxin and the %missing health damage on Venomous Bite, but so...
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