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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Tips

14 Mar

Views: 628 Tips

Watched a couple of Edge's recent videos, specifically the 7.4 Rengar and 7.4 Kindred vids. Jungle focused, which is what I want.

Edge - YouTube

This is a bit of an amalgamation of things that he said in the videos and other things that relate or tie together from other sources.

As an assassin sometimes you just have to kill whoever is out of position on the edge of a team fight. You don't always have to dive hip deep into a fight (something I can take away for Shyvana). You can also peel for your...
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25 Oct

Views: 750 Tips

This probably will not be that informative for seasoned Elise players, but I happen to be trying to improve my play with her, so I'm using this space to write down things I've discovered/learned/re-learned.

Re-learned? Yeah. I played Elise a decent amount before her most recent "re-work" and some things about her have changed. Not in huge ways pre se, but changes in skill ordering, item builds, and combo rotations are worth debugging in a custom game even on your favorite champs. Go find a good guide or video on them and see if you are doing things in a way that makes...
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09 Jul

Views: 1840 Tips

The Rift Scuttler is worth 50 gold or 65 gold if the killer has Hunter's Machete. You are screwing your team out of 15 gold if and your jungler are tag teaming it and you take the last hit.

Junglers, the Rift Scuttler is is worth a Siege Minion + a Caster Minion in gold to you. On top of that if you are under-leveled it gives you bonus XP which can help you with catching up. Make sure you are taking those things for the gold, XP, an the vision granting speed shrine.

The ease of taking the Rift Scuttler depends on the champion you are using. If you have...
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08 Jun

Views: 1512 Tips


Is an AP mage that can serve as a top or mid laner. He has good catch potential with Decrepify and Nevermove and he can tank and deal a lot of damage between Torment and Ravenous Flock. He does take a while to ramp up in lane, but once he is online he has the potential to take over a game.

FalseoGod has a really good guide to get you started with Swain so go take a look at that for an in-depth overview of the Master Tactician.

Quas is a god on Swain so look up some videos of his Swain play if you want to see it done right.

You can tailor your runes...
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