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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Pathing

09 Oct
Working on collecting information on being a better jungler.

Information is interesting. As with many things timing and circumstance matter.

You might get stellar advice, but not be ready to implement it due to needing other pieces of the puzzle to resolve themselves first.

If you watch a masterful martial artist perform a technique on an opponent, what you get at first might be something along the lines of, well he blocked their punch and then clotheslined their opponent and they fell down.

But when you break it down your realize that very little force was actually used, so it...
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03 Oct

Views: 2105 Pathing

Adapted from a post I originally made on my all that is ranked thread.

This may all be a no brainer for higher level junglers, but for people that are just getting into jungle or have hit a wall at their current ELO this might be of help if you aren't already doing it.

The idea is to have a plan about how you are going to path in the early game to increase your likelihood of impacting the map early in a positive way and hence increase your chances of going into the Mid game with a lead.

If you are like me for the longest time you had no plan other than to clear your camps and...
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27 Sep

-I did decently at thinking about what I wanted to do at least as far as the early game went.
-I had a couple of flubs on this in the Mid game that cost us two Drakes, one of which was an Infernal.
-I need to direct my team if I see them in the wrong place or using too many resources in the wrong place.
-I need to move to the edge of the fountain when buying.
-The gamble I took to secure the first infernal drake was too big of a gamble with the information I had and the resources I had available.
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02 Apr
Found this jungle coaching gem while checking out PsiGuard's Rek'Psi guide.

It is a video of H4xDefender coaching a D5 jungler (Tahm Kench main) on Rek'sai. The actual jungler is not all that important as most of the concepts discussed were simply about jungling itself, which H4xDefender says is where most people fall down (the macro side, not the mechanics side).


If you use your Flash aggressively it needs to be worth it. E.g. Flashing for first blood even though you end up dying. Worth.

Flashing to get a kill that gets your team an objective even...
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14 Mar
Watched a couple of Edge's recent videos, specifically the 7.4 Rengar and 7.4 Kindred vids. Jungle focused, which is what I want.

Edge - YouTube

This is a bit of an amalgamation of things that he said in the videos and other things that relate or tie together from other sources.

As an assassin sometimes you just have to kill whoever is out of position on the edge of a team fight. You don't always have to dive hip deep into a fight (something I can take away for Shyvana). You can also peel for your...
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