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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
Status: Offline
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Champion

09 Oct
Working on collecting information on being a better jungler.

Information is interesting. As with many things timing and circumstance matter.

You might get stellar advice, but not be ready to implement it due to needing other pieces of the puzzle to resolve themselves first.

If you watch a masterful martial artist perform a technique on an opponent, what you get at first might be something along the lines of, well he blocked their punch and then clotheslined their opponent and they fell down.

But when you break it down your realize that very little force was actually used, so it...
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12 Aug

Views: 1717 Champion

Saw Virkayu's, who is a jungler and content creator that I respect, jungle tier list.

I looked it over and thought - Good to know, but...

What strikes me about tier lists is that while they tell you what is currently strong they don't tell you why the champion is strong or what it is strong against.

Say Warwick is God Tier (Tier 1+) (Virkayu has him at Tier 2 in his list)

And you see that you are against something like Azir, Jax, Jinx, Pyke, and Ornn.

And OMFSM Warwick is open!!!


Except you play the match out and have a good early...
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League of Legends Champions:

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