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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Communication

27 Sep

-I did decently at thinking about what I wanted to do at least as far as the early game went.
-I had a couple of flubs on this in the Mid game that cost us two Drakes, one of which was an Infernal.
-I need to direct my team if I see them in the wrong place or using too many resources in the wrong place.
-I need to move to the edge of the fountain when buying.
-The gamble I took to secure the first infernal drake was too big of a gamble with the information I had and the resources I had available.
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07 May
This and this are why I don't main jungle any longer.

I helped my team earn kills in all three lanes and it didn't amount to ****. And in this game my team rotated rather nicely on a couple of invades by the enemy team allowing us to pick up some kills, so it wasn't like we didn't have at least some synergy with respect to what needed to be done.

I was of the opinion that Phase Rush was simply better in pretty much all cases on Darius, but yeah, Darius with Conqueror is kinda ******ed....
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20 Aug
Is not just for laning phase.

Let's say both teams are setting up for a fight in mid.

1) Is everyone on your team present?
2) Is everyone on the enemy team present?
3) Do we have wards out so we are less likely to get flanked?
4) What are the minion waves doing?

I had the situation last night where the enemy team had flocked mid to try and take down mid turret. My team responded by showing up in Mid leaving us at something of a stand-off.

Our Yorick moved into position to try and flank their team, however he must have exposed himself or walked into an area that...
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