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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Objectives

10 Oct

Views: 2055 Objectives

Been playing a lot of normals of late, so I expect to have some one sided games, but probably the biggest sigh point as jungler is:

As a laner, before you take a fight or chase consider what objectives are up. If you die right before Dragon is spawning you can pretty much count on not getting that objective.

If your jungler is on the ball they should be pinging out the timer hopefully at least 45 seconds before it spawns so you can have time to get in and secure the area (get and deny vision at the entrance points to the river near Dragon).

Why we no Dragons or Rift Heralds...
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18 Nov
I don't recall exactly where I heard this, but I've used it and it works.

It works for any major objective such as Rift Herald, Dragon, or Baron, but we are specifically going to talk about Baron because high Silver/Low Gold teams often struggle with closing out games especially if the enemy team has decent wave clear and so you need Baron enhanced minions to help with sieging.

Push the enemy team out of the side of the jungle where the Baron resides. Then place a Control Ward in the Baron pit. One in the bush beside Red and one in the bush by Raptors and then sweep the area of...
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27 Sep

-I did decently at thinking about what I wanted to do at least as far as the early game went.
-I had a couple of flubs on this in the Mid game that cost us two Drakes, one of which was an Infernal.
-I need to direct my team if I see them in the wrong place or using too many resources in the wrong place.
-I need to move to the edge of the fountain when buying.
-The gamble I took to secure the first infernal drake was too big of a gamble with the information I had and the resources I had available.
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26 Apr

Views: 881 Objectives

I want to win the game. I need your help.

Protect the jungle entrances at the start of the game.

-Don't AFK while watching. Be ready to drop a ward and retreat if they do invade.

Play around my position on the map.

-If I'm close you can be more aggressive.
-If I'm far, play more passively unless you know where their jungler is and know you can beat them 1v1.

During lane if you can get deep vision into their jungle that helps a lot.

-I will try to get some in there myself
-Be safe about it (check your map to see where their laners are and if they move out of vision...
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02 Apr
Found this jungle coaching gem while checking out PsiGuard's Rek'Psi guide.

It is a video of H4xDefender coaching a D5 jungler (Tahm Kench main) on Rek'sai. The actual jungler is not all that important as most of the concepts discussed were simply about jungling itself, which H4xDefender says is where most people fall down (the macro side, not the mechanics side).


If you use your Flash aggressively it needs to be worth it. E.g. Flashing for first blood even though you end up dying. Worth.

Flashing to get a kill that gets your team an objective even...
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