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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Winning

18 Nov

Views: 2677 Winning

I don't recall exactly where I heard this, but I've used it and it works.

It works for any major objective such as Rift Herald, Dragon, or Baron, but we are specifically going to talk about Baron because high Silver/Low Gold teams often struggle with closing out games especially if the enemy team has decent wave clear and so you need Baron enhanced minions to help with sieging.

Push the enemy team out of the side of the jungle where the Baron resides. Then place a Control Ward in the Baron pit. One in the bush beside Red and one in the bush by Raptors and then sweep the area of...
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17 Jul

Views: 1176 Winning

If you lose a game it means that you did not find a way to carry hard enough.

Figure out how to carry harder.

Some games that is going to mean stomping your lane opponent and drawing pressure to you.

Some games that is going to mean stomping your lane opponent and then transferring you lead to the rest of the map.

Some games that is going to mean neutralizing at least one player on the enemy team even if you don't make splashy plays.

Some games that is going to mean playing in a way that allows you to absorb jungle pressure without dying.

Some games that is going to mean...
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30 Mar
"Winning is a byproduct of the things that you do before that. Focus on doing the things that enable you to win, not wins themselves." paraphrase of Danyon Toiga

Case in point - If the enemy is sieging your mid base turret and your Mid laner has to go back to the fountain to heal up from being poked down and your Support is trying to set up a Banner of Command minion in Top lane then you can't engage even if your ADC gets caught. You conceed the tower and inhibitor and wait for your ADC to respawn.

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