Watched a couple of Edge's recent videos, specifically the 7.4 Rengar and 7.4 Kindred vids. Jungle focused, which is what I want.

Edge - YouTube

This is a bit of an amalgamation of things that he said in the videos and other things that relate or tie together from other sources.

As an assassin sometimes you just have to kill whoever is out of position on the edge of a team fight. You don't always have to dive hip deep into a fight (something I can take away for Shyvana). You can also peel for your other carries if that is what is going to take to win a team fight.

If you see ward go down in your jungle and you have a ward, drop it and get out. If you see the vision plant waft in your direction assume you are getting collapsed on. (I get killed or chunked this way more often than practically anything else in the early and Mid game, so this is a big point that I need to highlight for myself). If one person placed that ward and you can't see the rest of their team you need to assume that the rest of their team or at least more than you can handle are trying to take you out. No you can't just stay and finished the objective. You need to back off NOW!

If you see their Top laner or Bot laners leave your jungle and you see that their other side did not leash then you should assumed that your opposited jungle is gone and you need to run over to their side and take that jungle otherwise you are going to waste a lot of time and be very behind.

If you have a ward and are clearing a ward near a wall, ward over the wall.

If you take a tower and have a ward, especially in Mid lane then drop a ward in a place that will give you deep vision of their map movements.

Try not to force objectives such as Baron or Dragon if the enemy team is there in strength even if their jungler is dead. If you are at a champion advantage, just turn and kill the enemy team. (another one were I will somewhat frequently overestimate our ability to force an objective such as Dragon).