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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: reset

02 Apr

Views: 1652 reset

Was watching the fam play Smash Brothers last night. They got quite a few games in and eventually I noticed some gripes and antagonistic behavior moving from the game to real body reality.

And I had the thought that this reminds me of my league games. People can only take so many punches or failures or letdowns.

It just gets to you after a while.

You expected your ADC to all-in but he got cold feet since he didn't know where the enemy jungler was though you knew the jungler was Top side.

The champion with hard single target CC didn't go first to set up the gank so you missed...
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10 Mar

Views: 1400 Reset

Some interesting points about playing ADC, but the main point of interest to me was pointing out instances when the person being coached should have reset to take advantage of an item spike or simply be safe and efficient while pushing.

A couple of the key points are discussed starting at 12:27, however if you only watch that you want to back up to when the person being coached and their support start their push in Top lane.

I particularly like the point about hey you only have 3 ranged minions which will only allow...
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