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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: frustration

02 Apr

Views: 1634 frustration

Was watching the fam play Smash Brothers last night. They got quite a few games in and eventually I noticed some gripes and antagonistic behavior moving from the game to real body reality.

And I had the thought that this reminds me of my league games. People can only take so many punches or failures or letdowns.

It just gets to you after a while.

You expected your ADC to all-in but he got cold feet since he didn't know where the enemy jungler was though you knew the jungler was Top side.

The champion with hard single target CC didn't go first to set up the gank so you missed...
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22 Sep

Views: 2024 Frustration

I don't think Riot really thought about the impact of missions in Onslaught.

The other modes are fine.

But having the missions be asynchronous with respect with the community was a horrible design choice.

To explain. You work your way up to earning five augments, each of which modifies a basic ability in some way. For instance Ziggs can get an augment called Hex Healing that makes his Hexplosive Minefield heal his allies.

Honestly pretty neat. You get the augments through playing (actually I think there is a pack in the store that allows you to buy them all without...
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