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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: waveclear

05 Dec
Count towers, farm, kills, and look at the scoreboard to see which team has the most completed items.

If you are behind play like it.

-Avoid fights where you can
-Let caught out team members die
-Just farm
-Keep as much vision on the map as you safely can
-Buy items that let you wave clear

e.g. Statikk Shiv instead of Phantom Dancer if you don't have a lot of wave clear built into your kit.

Your job when behind is usually to stall and wait until your opponents either make a mistake or until you get get caught up in items and can then take an even fight (though...
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19 Feb

Views: 1170 Waveclear

If you are alone with at turret and healthy enough, move forward of the turret just slightly to tank the incoming mininon wave so the incoming minions will target you and not your minions. Focus on killing the enemy minion wave letting your minions target the turret and die to the turret denying CS to the enemy team. Once the enemy minion wave is dead then you can focus down the turret with your minions.

If your health is somewhat low you have a decision to make. Can you clear out the enemy minion wave fast? If so then nuke the minion wave and leave. This will give your minions...
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