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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: patience

26 Sep

Views: 1660 Patience

I don't see everyone on a team get S's too often.

My route:

Leash at Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gromp (the last two camps done together)

Kayn's route:

Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Gank and get a kill on Teemo Top

I didn't try to contest Top scuttle since my Top laner was dead so I headed to Bot scuttle and pinged where Kayn was and started to go to Bot scuttle but thought better of it and went back to wait in the Bot side river bush at Mid lane....
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07 May
This and this are why I don't main jungle any longer.

I helped my team earn kills in all three lanes and it didn't amount to ****. And in this game my team rotated rather nicely on a couple of invades by the enemy team allowing us to pick up some kills, so it wasn't like we didn't have at least some synergy with respect to what needed to be done.

I was of the opinion that Phase Rush was simply better in pretty much all cases on Darius, but yeah, Darius with Conqueror is kinda ******ed....
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05 Dec
Count towers, farm, kills, and look at the scoreboard to see which team has the most completed items.

If you are behind play like it.

-Avoid fights where you can
-Let caught out team members die
-Just farm
-Keep as much vision on the map as you safely can
-Buy items that let you wave clear

e.g. Statikk Shiv instead of Phantom Dancer if you don't have a lot of wave clear built into your kit.

Your job when behind is usually to stall and wait until your opponents either make a mistake or until you get get caught up in items and can then take an even fight (though...
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