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Viola Orpheus's avatar

Viola Orpheus

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Rep: Notable (13)
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Viola Orpheus's Mobafire Blog

13 Mar

I'm so happy right now. It would have been deathless had I not been so cocky against Kennen >.> I forgot he rushed Will of the Ancients, so I got overconfident and died.

Laning phase was pretty bad. The threat of Shaco made me play a bit too scared and could hardly farm, but thankfully Caitlyn kept pushing so I got a few creeps every now and then. I was really behind in terms of farming, at least until later on. I started to come back around early-mid game, as Nocturne...
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31 Jan
So today, I just went through the Mr. Alma Mater auditions for our prom since I was nominated for it due to my grades and there was completely no way to back out.

Being the fact that this was only the second time I had been in a competition like this in real life, I was nervous as all hell. The first time I was in one of these was several months back. And in that, we had to memorize and present a specific piece in front of the judges and then go through a Q&A portion to become the Young Jose Rizal contestant. And that went disastrous for me, for it being my first competition. I ended...
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06 Jan
All I can say is, holy hell. Going from 350 ping to 40 ping feels amazing. I've been hitting skillshots more reliably, got out of sticky situations more, and I can say I've gotten better playing in lane and in teamfights somewhat.

I'm reeeaaalllyyy sad that I'm gonna have to go back to 350 ping in a week. I'm gonna miss rarely missing my skillshots ( Crescendo and Mystic Shot in particular) ._.
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05 Dec
Since the Season 3 patch had just been released, I decided to archive my Sona guide for the moment. Reason being is so that I can freely adapt to the new changes without fear of the need to meet a deadline anytime soon. Should be unarchived when I finally feel comfortable with the changes.

On a different note, Season 3 is scary D: I'm dunno what to build on her anymore.
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27 Oct
Within the past 6 normal games that I did, we lost because of people either going AFK, or nobody was focusing the problem. Even when I was telling them to focus the problem down, they'd still let the problem go ahead and kill them while they're busy killing the non-threats. I'm still very salty about a lot of these.

Game 1: Elise (10/9/3)


TOP: Elise and Darius | Elise
MID: LeBlanc | Katarina...
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