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Olaf Build Guide by Vern

Point me to the Ladies! - [In-Depth Bruiser Jungle]

Point me to the Ladies! - [In-Depth Bruiser Jungle]

Updated on October 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vern Build Guide By Vern 688 63 5,385,919 Views 196 Comments
688 63 5,385,919 Views 196 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vern Olaf Build Guide By Vern Updated on October 24, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Olaf
  • LoL Champion: Olaf

I. Introduction

Hello everyone, I'm Vern and this is my guide to Olaf, the Berserker.

Olaf is an extremely potent jungler, which is the way that I most often play him. He has amazing sustainability while in the jungle and has an extremely fast clear time. His ganking capabilities are very unique and he is generally just fun to play.

This is my first guide here on MobaFire and I tried to put as much information as I could think of into this guide. I really hope you enjoy it, please play it before you rate it! Just a note, sorry if my pictures are all broken it happens way too often and I'm not always near a computer to fix it.

Currently under construction:
  • Jungling Route starting at wolves
  • How to out jungle your opponent
  • Laning Section!
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II. Pros/Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Great initiator
+ Deals True Damage
+ Excellent slow through Undertow
+ Extremely fast jungler
+ Scales well with health items
+ "Brolaf"

- Hurts himself with Reckless Swing
- Undertow difficult to land when new to Olaf.
- Makes you think you're invincible
- Crippled by Ignite
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III. Skill Breakdown

Skill Breakdown

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Berserker Rage, Olaf's Passive, increases his attack speed by 1% for every 1% of his own total health missing. This is an excellent passive for jungling since Olaf will take some damage his first few levels. Berserker Rage is truly underestimated, it can change the outcome of a fight if he is at a low percentage of health and nobody focuses him. Don't get too cocky though, because Olaf is not invincible.
space space
Undertow, Olaf's 'Q' Ability, Is a skillshot slow with an adjustable range, meaning you can choose how far the projectile will be thrown. (Roughly the same max range as Lee Sin's Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike) This skill, in my honest opinion, is what separates the good Olafs from the not so good ones. Undertow is Olaf's only form of CC, or Crowd Control. This skillshot will cause Olaf to throw an axe that will cause damage and leave an axe impaled to the ground, granting sight for a brief moment. This axe can be picked up if walked over and it will lower the cooldown of the ability by 4.5 seconds, however if it is left on the ground after 8 seconds Olaf will get it back automatically. This ability can make or break a gank. If an inexperienced Olaf throws his axe at maximum range even though the enemy champion is only half of the range away, you are putting your only way of CC out of combat range. Be careful when throwing using Undertow because you don't know when you'll get a chance to pick it back up.

  • Mana Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 per rank up
  • Attack Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 per rank up (+1 per bonus Attack Damage)
  • Slow(%): 24/28/32/36/40
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds flat
Vicious Strikes, Olaf's 'W' Ability, is an activation that instantly grants him Attack Damage, Lifesteal, and Spell Vamp. The Lifesteal and Spell Vamp are only based on rank, but the Attack Damage scales off of Olaf's maximum health count. 1% of Olaf's health will convert to Attack Damage, similar to Atma's Impaler. Tough It Out is what makes jungling easy. Not only does the lifesteal keep you up but Smite scales off Spell Vamp, so if you activate this ability then use Smite, it will heal you.

  • Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 per rank
  • Attack Damage: 7/14/21/28/35 per rank (+1% of Olaf's total health)
  • Lifesteal(%): 9/12/15/18/21 per rank
  • Spell Vamp(%): 9/12/15/18/21 per rank
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds flat
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Reckless Swing, Olaf's 'E' Ability, is a target nuke with similar range to Rammus' Puncturing Taunt. This ability causes true damage, meaning it ignores all resistances. This ability does excellent early game damage, which is why I max is first. Unfortunately, this ability also does excellent damage to yourself. Reckless Swing will hit both you and your target with true damage. The damage you do to yourself is significantly lower, but you need to be careful when using this at lower health, for you may get yourself killed.

  • Health Cost: 40/64/88/112/136 per rank
  • True Damage: 100/160/220/280/340 per rank
  • Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4 seconds per rank
Ragnarok, Olaf's Ultimate Ability, gives him a passive increase to armor penetration. Along with that, when activated, he clears all CC (like Cleanse) and is immune to all disables (Silence, Slow, Blind, etc.) for 6 seconds. This ability also grants Olaf bonus Armor and Magic Resistance on activation to make him an unstoppable force.

  • Mana Cost: 100/75/50 per rank
  • Armor Penetration: 10/20/30 passively per rank
  • Armor: 30/45/60 per rank
  • Magic Resist: 30/45/60 per rank
  • Cooldown: 100 seconds flat

    This is why I LOVE Olaf's ultimate!
    Notice that I burn Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze with my own ultimate, saving my life.
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IV. Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Olaf Does a truck load of damage with Reckless Swing early game, which is why I max it first. It makes ganking easier when synergized with Undertow. Since usually I rush a Phage, Undertow doesn't need to be maxed until it has to be.
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V. Summoner Spells


Summoner Spells

space Smite, in my opinion is required by junglers. Obviously some champions can jungle without it but it can make a clutch baron or dragon steal possible. Therefore, I use Smite every game with Olaf
space Ghost, is fantastic on Olaf. It can secure a gank if you accidentally miss Undertow, and in combination with Ragnarok you can escape almost every situation you find yourself in. I honestly prefer this to any other spell.

Other Viable Options

space Are you doing some counter-jungling and find yourself in a 1v1 with a Nocturne who has the advantage? This ability can turn the tides of any engagement with another Attack Damage based champion, making it a viable option.
space Oh no, if i was on the other side of this wall I could pick up my pentakill! Flash, win. 'nuff said. Jokes aside, I think this is an alright spell on Olaf. In my opinion, Exhaust and Ghost are better options.
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VI. Runes


Greater Mark of Desolation Greater Quintessence of Desolation

Greater Mark of Desolation: Armor Penetration Marks are extremely useful if someone on the enemy team tries to build Armor, it will allow you to do more damage.

Greater Seal of Armor: Armor seals will make you harder to kill not only in the jungle but also by enemy champions during ganking or tanking.

Greater Glyph of Attack Speed: Attack Speed glyphs increase your jungling speed. They also allow you to lifesteal faster.

Greater Quintessence of Desolation: Just like your marks these quints will shred your opponents armor with the passive boost from your ultimate.

Other Viable Options

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: In case the enemy team has more AP than you like. Grab these to slightly lower your jungle speed but make you more of a tank.

Greater Quintessence of Health: Health Quints will make you beefy early game, making you even harder to kill. Also it gives you a little more health to waste on Reckless Swing (:
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VII. Masteries


I run a 21/9/0 Mastery set, mostly based on jungle speed. I run offense mostly for the ability to contribute to a teamfight or a gank. Defensive masteries are viable I just prefer mine because I can do damage where as if you run defensive masteries you are just an easily ignored tank essentially.
Tier 1: Summoner's Wrath For improved ghost, 35% faster really helps. 3/3 Brute Force , Olaf scales off AD so it is a better choice to AP. 2/2 in Butcher will decrease jungle time by a little bit.

Tier 2: 4/4 in Alacrity because attack speed is very good on Olaf and it leads into Weapon Expertise .

Tier 3: Grab Weapon Expertise because it is more armor penetration to add to your runes and passive boost from Ragnarok. 3/3 in Havoc because extra damage is always nice.

Tier 4: 3/3 in Vampirism to give you a total of 13% lifesteal right at the beginning because it stacks with your Vampiric Scepter.

Tier 5: 3/3 in Sunder because I love armor penetration, same explanation as Weapon Expertise .

Tier 6: 1/1 Executioner just because 6% damage is a very significant increase.

Tier 1: 3/3 in Hardiness since I mostly concentrate on Magic Resistance through items it is a better choice. Also, I grab 2/2 in Tough Skin because it makes jungling safer and leads into Bladed Armor .

Tier 2: 3/4 in Durability because Olaf scales off of health extremely well.

Tier 3: Grab a point in Bladed Armor because it reflects minion damage. Think of it as a mini- Thornmail to minions!

BUT VERN! Why don't you have the increased neutral buff duration through Runic Affinity !?!?

Well, dear reader, I do not grab this mastery because Olaf only needs blue buff ONCE. After you grab it first, give it to your AP mid lane! it is much more beneficial to them! Red buff is replaced by Phage, so give it to your top lane if they want it.
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VIII. Items

I love building Olaf as an extremely tanky bruiser. Often, dps Olaf is focused extremely easy and will not be able to contribute. With my build, it is pretty much impossible to focus him.
S Wriggle's Lantern is just a basic jungling item with a free ward installed. It grants 12% lifesteal, which is awesome. Not only that, it has a 20% chance on hit to instantly deal 425 magic damage to a minion or neutral monster. This will increase your speed in killing Dragon or Baron. Please, don't forget about the ward it has.
S Mercury's Treads are my favorite boots to run on Olaf. The magic resist and tenacity help him stay alive as well as assist when ganking. (Reducing the duration of disables if Ragnarok is on cooldown) I get these second to Wriggle's Lantern.
S Warmog's Armor is my favorite item on Olaf. This gives you the tankiness not only to keep you alive, but to make your Tough It Out even stronger. Make sure you get this early so it can scale into late game.
What to do with your Phage
While I prefer Frozen Mallet, it is your choice!

+ Every auto-attack slows
+ 700 Health
+ Scales better with Atma's Impaler
+ Cheap compared to Trinity Force


+ Hit with your AD after ability activation
+ Increased movement speed
+ Increase to mana to use more abilities
- Not as much health as Frozen Mallet
space Ok, so in my build sequence I have both Chain Vest and Hexdrinker bought right after another. What I was going for is buy one to counter the enemy teams highest source of damage.
S If the hostile team has mostly AD and you purchased the Chain Vest. Build it into an Atma's Impaler. This item, synergized with the health from Warmog's Armor, will make a giant increase in your attack damage.
S If the the hostile team has mostly AP and you purchased the Hexdrinker. Build it into a Maw of Malmortius. This an item that was recently introduced to League of Legends. It is absolutely perfect for Olaf. When your health gets lower, you gain more attack damage. This fits extremely well with Berserker Rage. This item will give you enough Magic Resistance to survive a full combo from most AP nukers. (Still watch out for Veigar and LeBlanc) This item also gives a shield similar to Morgana's Black Shield when near death to attempt to survive some of these deadly combos.
S Note: I RARELY get this far into my build. Sometimes I want to cry because I'm getting focused by someone with Madred's Bloodrazors. Just grab this item and if people are dumb they'll forget about you after they kill you the first time. It also gives some heavy resistances.

Alternate Items

S Frozen Heart gives enough armor for anyone to be a happy Olaf. It also gives an amazing aura to slow all enemy attack speed by 20%. This can really screw over an enemy AD carry if they are trying to focus you. Also, it gives bonus mana. Which is always helpful considering you won't be having blue buff more than once.
S If you do not like the new item, Maw of Malmortius, go ahead and grab this item for magic resistance, it gives health regeneration that when synergized with Tough It Out makes you very difficult to kill in combat.
S If the team is heavy on AD again, build a Heart of Gold early to establish a high gold intake all game. The active, which I highly recommend you don't forget about, is extremely good. This item also slows movement and attack speeds, which is very potent against AD carries.
S Banshee's Veil is a great item that can really screw over someones spell combo just by having the active on. Try not to have it waste on something dumb like Soraka's Starcall. Maybe something like Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze.

Other Viable Boots

S The choice I make every game, Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads? While I usually pick Mercury's Treads sometimes the enemy team does not have very much CC or are AD heavy. If that is the case pick up these boots instead.
S Is your passive attack speed along with the rune setup not enough for you? By all means, pick up these boots. It will make you hit more often which sometimes can be awesome.
S Is Olaf not fast enough for you? Does Ghost not do the job? These boots can solve these problems! Keep in mind these boots are a one trick pony and have no other benefits.
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IX. Jungling


Note:Trying a new route that starts at wolves
Props to Gattok or ACamp3152 for leashing (:

Start by grabbing a Vampiric Scepter and going to blue buff.

Check my positioning, I can hit every creep with Undertow, this position only works without a leash. I highly recommend having mid lane leash blue for you. Smite the big golem at 445 health. Kill the mini lizards and rank up Tough It Out and go to Wolf camp.

Once you reach wolf camp clear them using Tough It Out and Undertow. Note my positioning, I can hit every wolf with my Undertow and pick up the axe without moving. This will increase speed since it is more efficient.

After clearing wolves head to wraiths. It is very difficult to line up Undertow to hit all of the wraiths, so I hit the mini 3 with it while auto-attacking the big wraith. Try to line up the wraiths like I have here, then run through them to hit the big one.

Alright, now a couple things before I get into red buff, normally, I am not this low health, also Smite is not usually up. I was going a lot slower trying to get screenshots. Notice positioning again, try to mimic it. After clearing red go to double golems.

Now you are at the last camp in the first jungle route. Line up the golems like I did and activate Tough It Out then Smite the larger golem that yields the healing. The spell vamp will heal you along with the golem heal.

Are all of your laners pushing too hard for you to gank? Just recall and grab some wards or Boots If not, gank a lane!
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X. Ganking Top Tips/Lecture

Ganking Tips (Top)

Note: I picked champions that I commonly see top, if I missed one sorry!
Note: I listed disables in case you are ganking pre-level 6!
These are things to watch out for when ganking top lane!
Before I get into champions, these are summoner spells you should watch out for!!
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Flash can be a significant distance to allow someone to get to their turret right when you arrive.
Ghost will make the champion run significantly faster, meaning you might not be able to catch them.
Exhaust will not only slow you but also lower your damage by a ton.
Teleport can allow ANY LANE to stop by and say hello, make sure to check the enemy team for teleports.

Gank the lane when the enemies are in the orange or red zone!
spaceCredit to JhoiJhoi's Nihilistic Nasus for the picture.
S Yorick, The Gravedigger, is often seen at the solo top lane. His Omen of War gives him a sharp speed boost on auto-attack. This can give him a large space between you in him if synergized with Omen of Pestilence, which gives him a slow if he lands it right. When diving, you may pick up the kill. There is one problem though, Omen of Death, Yorick's ultimate. This will revive him after he dies so he can go on a killing spree. Make sure you can get significant distance between you and him.
S Tryndamere, The Barbarian King, goes top lane if he isn't jungling. If you've played LoL you hate Tryndamere. His Spinning Slash can be a large enough move to get out of range of Undertow. I'm going to say this once and hope it is enough. DO NOT TURRET DIVE HIM. His ultimate, Undying Rage will stop his HP at 1 for 5 seconds. At low health, Tryndamere looks like a tasty treat. Just leave him alone unless you know for SURE his ultimate is on cooldown.
S Renekton, The Butcher of the Sands, can be really annoying top lane. His Slice and Dice Gives him a dash that he can use twice if he goes through an enemy with the first one. This, often, will give him enough distance to get away from a gank. If that isn't enough, his ultimate, Dominus, behaves just as Nasus' Fury of the Sands. He gets a lot more health, a lot more damage, and a lot more badass lookin'. Don't pick a fight with him under a turret because there is a good chance he will win. Note: Cull the Meek heals Renekton.
S Rumble, The Mechanized Menace, is a tide-turning champion. Do not underestimate his damage. First, watch his level of heat. If it is in the "yellow zone" he does a lot more damage. When it turns red he is silenced for a long while and his auto-attacks do a significant amount of damage. He has a speed boost and a damage absorbing shield in his Scrap Shield. His Electro-Harpoon is a skillshot slow that can be applied twice if landed. This is very good at setting up The Equalizer, Rumble's ultimate. This ability does a ton of damage if you just stand in it. Don't stand in the fire!
S Garen, The Might of Demacia, only has a few things to watch out for. His Decisive Strike gives a speed boost and a silence on his next auto-attack. He also has a shield in his Courage that reduces damage taken. Garen's ultimate, Demacian Justice is a huge damage execution that can discourage any low health champion from playing the game ever again. Don't be one of those guys.
S Nasus, The Curator of the Sands, is an extremely passive champion if you don't piss him off. Most of the game he'll be farming his Siphoning Strike, so he won't be too big of a deal early game. Although, his Wither is a very long slow that make not only lowers your movement speed but also your attack speed. This slow also gets worse over time, so near the end of the duration you are hardly moving. Nasus' ultimate, Fury of the Sands is freakin' ridiculous. (Just like Renekton's Dominus.) He gets a lot bigger and scarier. This ability can save him from a lot of nasty situations. Try not to dive him unless you know you'll be able to take him down fast.
S Okay so if you've been reading this guide at all you should know how to kill Olaf, but I'll go over it anyway. Undertow is a skillshot slow that does damage and stuff. Try to get him away from his axe. If he is low health he has a good chance at killing you still thanks to his passive Berserker Rage. Ragnarok makes Olaf a huge badass that can't be stopped by mere disables.
S Irelia, The Will of the Blades, regains health on each hit thanks to Hiten Style. It also deals true damage on auto-attack, so kiss your resistances goodbye! Irelia's Equilibrium Strike either slows or stuns based on her health comparatively to your own health. If she has lower health than you it does a hard stun that can be disposed of by Ragnarok. Watch out for Transcendent Blades if there are minions nearby. Those can give her some much needed health in a risky situation.
S Nidalee, The Bestial Huntress, is usually running an AD set if they go top. She has a significant heal through Primal Surge / Swipe. This also gives her attack speed. For escape, she can use her ultimate Aspect Of The Cougar combined with Bushwack / Pounce to get away really quickly. If Nidalee touches a bush she gains movement speed thanks to her passive, Prowl. Watch out when you go into bushes yourself though, while in her human form Bushwack / Pounce lays down a trap that grants vision for a very long time. These can ruin ganks instantly.
S Lee Sin, The Blind Monk, is a very mobile champion. His Safeguard / Iron Will Gives him a shield and allows him to dash to a nearby ally or ward. If he has wards on him this can make him extremely difficult to gank. His Tempest / Cripple is a short range slow that shouldn't be too big of a deal when ganking but I figured I should mention it. Watch out for Dragon's Rage, this ability will kick you in whichever direction and it will push you far away. He isn't afraid to use it.
S Singed, The Mad Chemist, is probably the biggest troll in the entire League of Legends. Please don't chase Singed. His Poison Trail will kill you. His ultimate Insanity Potion gives Singed a huge buff that increases pretty much everything. This lasts a long time and makes him a big rock in lane. His Mega Adhesive Is a very significant slow that he puts on the ground, try to not walk through it.
S Riven, The Exile, is also an extremely mobile champion. Her Broken Wings and Valor make her move around the battlefield very quickly. Valor also gives Riven a shield. Key Burst is a short range stun that doesn't last very long. Blade of the Exile, her ultimate, gives her a ton more AD and an activate called Wind Slash. Which behaves similar to Garen's Demacian Justice.
S Jarvan IV is a difficult gank, no lie. His Demacian Standard brings a standard onto the ground, granting vision. He can use this in combination with his Dragon Strike he can pull himself to the standard knocking up enemies in the path. Cataclysm will trap you in a small arena. He can use this ability then use the above combo to pull himself out of it leaving you in the arena alone and sad.
S Jax has some pretty cool tricks up his sleeve. If he has Wriggle's Lantern he can plant the ward and use his Leap Strike to jump to it, getting him away from you. He also can dodge all auto-attacks for 2 seconds with his Counter Strike. After the dodging he stuns you.
S Gangplank has an ability that behaves just as Cleanse in his Remove Scurvy. This is better than cleanse because it heals him too. His Raise Morale is an aura ability that when activated gives him increased movement speed. Also, his Cannon Barrage is a big circle he puts on the ground that slows you a ton. If he is building crit-plank watch out because he might kill you instantly, no joke.
S So I've seen Teemo go top lane a couple times and the thing you really have to watch out for the most are his mushrooms. These are wards that he generates every 30 seconds and when you run into one you are slowed and he knows exactly where you are. Watch out for his Blinding Dart because you can't do damage while blinded. Also, he has huge movement speed increases in his Move Quick.
S Malphite is a pretty slow champion. The problem is he can slow you and speed himself up if he hits you with his rolly disc, or Seismic Shard. If he needs to get away he can use his Unstoppable Force to charge away or knock you up. Not too much else honestly.
S Cho'Gath has nice knock up through Rupture. It has a large delay and shows rumbles on the ground where it will pop up so it is pretty simple to dodge. If you do get hit though it is really easy for him to set up his Feral Scream. This silences you. You want to gank him often because it would be excellent to keep his Feast stacks at a minimal.
S Dr. Mundo.. There is a good shot that this dude is the hardest guy to gank. Mostly because he just won't die. He has a reduced crowd control duration when he activates his Heart Zapper. Also, Maximum Dosage gives him a ton of movement speed and unreal health regeneration. If you can successfully gank Dr. Mundo all the time you are awesome. P.S. he is countered HARD by Ignite.
S Wukong can be pretty frustrating to kill. His Warrior Trickster leaves a copy of himself in place of him while he walks around invisible. If this isn't enough he can knock you up with his ultimate while doing "tons of damage." -Phreak
S Warwick is a rock in top lane. He has ridiculous passive lifesteal in Eternal Thirst. Hungering Strike heals him for a ton and has a low cooldown. This can change the tides of a fight. Infinite Duress can seriously screw you over because it suppresses you for the same length as Malzahar's Nether Grasp. Luckily this will make him stand still so your partner top can nuke him.
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XI. Ganking Mid Tips/Lecture

Ganking Tips (Mid)

Note: I picked champions that I commonly see mid, if I missed one sorry again!
Note: I listed disables in case you are ganking pre-level 6!
These are things to watch out for when ganking mid lane!
Credit to JhoiJhoi's Malevolent Morgana guide for the picture.
This is why diving mid can be extremely dangerous.
S Kennen, The Heart of the Tempest, is probably one of the more difficult champions to gank. Kennen has many stuns up his sleeve if he gets enough marks of the storm on you. He also has increased magic resistance, armor, and movement speed when he uses his Lightning Rush.
S Karthus, The Deathsinger, is easier to gank than others, the only way for him to get away is through his Wall of Pain. This will lower your movement speed and it really is the only thing you have to watch for until you kill him. When Karthus dies he can still fight from the grave thanks to his passive.
S Ahri, The Nine-Tails Fox, is extremely difficult to get to and kill. She can use her Charm to slow you down and render you useless. If she gets in a bad spot, her ultimate gives her 3 dashes with similar range to Flash for her to dump whenever she feels like it.
S Cassiopeia, The Serpent's Embrace, has many ways to make you a sad panda. Her Noxious Blast will give her a major speed boost if she hits a champion. Her Miasma will slow you, and her ultimate will stun you if you are facing her. Be careful if you are diving because she might kill you before you can think.
S If you didn't ban her you're doin' it wrong. If she is in the game though, watch out for her Dark Binding it is a snare with a ridiculous duration that will instantly ruin a well set up gank.
S Annie, The Dark Child, is in my opinion probably the easiest to gank despite her massive burst damage. She does not have any abilities that will slow you down or speed her up. The only thing you have to pay attention to is the amount of stacks on Pyromania (symbolized by a hand holding fire) Check if she is at 4 stacks or if the ability is colored in. If she has enough stacks her next ability will stun you. Wait for her to burn the stun.
S Mordekaiser, The Master of Metal. Ahh, another easy gank. Mordekaiser has no CC. Meaning he can't stun, slow, or anything like that. Just walk up, burn his metal and beat his face in. Just don't let him kill you with his ultimate because having an Olaf ghost could really screw over your mid lane.
S Orianna, The Lady of Clockwork can be a very difficult champion to gank. Make sure you pay attention to where her ball is. She has a good speed boost and slow combo called Command: Dissoanance It will shoot out a circle around the ball that will speed her up and slow you down. She has a small shield through Command: Protect, and her ultimate, Command: Shockwave will toss you around the ball which can either help or hurt you. (Sometimes they toss you closer to her.)
S So the only thing Malzahar can really do if you are ganking him pre-6 is his silence you which isn't that big of a deal, but once he is level 6 he can use his Nether Grasp to suppress you for 2.5 seconds. Luckily, this will stop him in his tracks and your mid can nuke him all they like. Also, watch out for his combo because he isn't afraid to turn around.
S Brand, The Burning Vengeance doesn't really have much to do if you can anticipate his Sear. He will use some sort of ability to set up a stun with Sear. The ability will not stun if he doesn't hit you with another ability before it.
S Our best little friend Veigar doesn't really have a good way to get away with anything than his ridiculous nuke capabilities and a huge stun cage in Event Horizon. So if you have some magic resist and you see him use his cage that has a fairly long cooldown he should be pretty easy to gank. By the way, gank Veigar often because his Baleful Strike scales similarly to Nasus' Siphoning Strike and if he gets enough AP he can carry hard.
S Galio, The Sentinel's Sorrow can be extremely annoying to both you and your mid lane. He has a huge speed boost through his Righteous Gust and a high resistance giving shield through Bulwark. The biggest thing though is his ultimate, Idol of Durand. I wouldn't risk diving him just in case he has this off cooldown because it can really screw you over. Basically, it taunts you and he takes massively reduced damage.
S I hate ganking Vladimir, just going to get that off of my chest now. If he has a Hextech Revolver you might as well not even try really. He heals extremely well through his Transfusion. Also, his Sanguine Pool will make you hate everything forever. He will turn into a blood pool that is untargetable for 2 seconds. Which is plenty of time for him to get back to his turret.
S I haven't had very much experience in ganking Ziggs as he is relatively new. The only thing that I really know that can help him escape is his Satchel Charge that will knock him back. He should be relatively easy to gank honestly.
(This is what the top Ziggs guide writer had to say :D)
" Ziggs is not horrible to gank if you do it right. If you don't know how, then it is literally hopeless ganking him. First off, you must make sure his Flash is down, otherwise the gank will not yield a kill. If it is down you must stun/slow him IMMEDIATLY otherwise he will drop his slow, satchel charge away, and be home free. I suggest using Exhaust on him if you carry it. Ziggs will most likely burn his charge, drop minefield and run away. When he does this use your Undertow when he is mid jump (the axe will slow him mid flight) and burst him down. He is very squish, so you can eat him alive. Never gank him when you have less than 50% half, as he can easily burst you down at that HP."
S Swain is extremely annoying. He has a targeted slow with Decrepify. This can set up Nevermove extremely easy which is a great snare. If you even get to him his ultimate will turn him into a huge creepy raven thing. This raven form will cause him to spell vamp a ton if anyone is near. He is a lot harder to kill with minions around.
S LeBlanc can be an extremely dangerous and difficult gank. You might stroll in at about three-fourths health and she decides to kill you because well, she can. Also, she can jump very far away with Distortion and if it isn't far enough she can use her ultimate Mimic to do it again and get even farther away. Also, when she gets low health she makes a copy of herself through her passive.
S Fizz The Tidal Trickster is also a very annoying hero to kill. He has a significant distance crosser with Playful / Trickster that can make him go through small walls. He is untargetable during this ability. His Chum the Waters will knock you up. Other than that he should be pretty easy.
S Ryze is pretty frustrating mostly because of his nuking capabilities. He'll use his Rune Prison to stop you in place. If he feels like it he'll start blowing you to pieces to all of his abilities. If he gets close to dead his ultiamte, when activated, gives him spell vamp and all of his abilities AoE so he heals quite a bit.
S Oh Akali.. She makes me sad when you run up and all she does is use her Twilight Shroud and she is just sitting in it invisible. Then, after sitting there waiting for it to go away it goes away and she is just gone. WHERE DID YOU GO AKALI? Other than that it is all she has.
S So Katarina can be really easy to gank honestly. The only mode of transportation she has is her Shunpo that will poof her to an enemy or ally. So if she doesn't have anything to jump to then you can kill her pretty easy.
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XII. Warding


Note: Please ward; you'll make me cry if you don't

Red: Baron and Dragon are the highest priority. Place a Vision Ward so you can break their wards!
Orange: Hostile buffs and top lane, above-average priority. Sight Wards are just fine for these and lower priorities.
Yellow: Mid lane and enemy jungle, average priority.
Green: Bottom lane and allied jungle, lowest priority.

Props to Broken Sloth for the Warding picture!
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XIII. Match History

Note: Since my guide is new I'll be trying to get more of these soon
First game after publishing this guide! We made them surrender 20 minutes in.
So, even though we lost this game I did really well. It was a 4v5, (Our Shyvana died 10 times then left). Although, I think it shows that my build can have some success.
Thanks to my friend Kris for these ones, I think he did pretty well (:
Thanks to a MOBAFIRE user, Divulge, for this page, he is way better than I'll ever be!
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XIV. Conclusion

Hopefully that wasn't too much, but anyways that is how I play Olaf. I sincerely hope I do not waste your time reading this. Good luck smashing people's faces in with a bruiser Olaf!

Side note: If you didn't see the second build lookie! It's also a good one!

I would love to thank JhoiJhoi for their amazing guide on making guides. This is the entire reason my build is out there. Their template was extremely helpful and if you are considering making a guide I highly suggest you look into it!

Thanks again to JhoiJhoi for reviewing my guide through their review resource Get your guide reviewed by the best!

Thanks to Broken Sloth who gave me ideas and helped with revision. He'll help anyone out for free just PM him and he'll give you great ideas.

Thank you to Saboo726 for being the first person I've seen in game who confirmed using my guide! (Yes, that was me!)

Anyways, feel free to rate it and comment it. Good luck again! (:

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XV. Patches/Updates Concerning Olaf

Patch ( Lulu Patch)
  • "Updated Ragnarok's buff tooltip to reflect it now grants Armor and Magic Resist instead of flat damage reduction." -No big deal just a little fix, won't effect gameplay.
  • "New Item: Maw of Malmortius." This item sounds awesome on Olaf because it will work perfectly with his passive, I will highly consider replacing Force of Nature with it. I'll play with it to find out. Highly consider this item!
  • "Vampiric Scepter Life Steal reduced to 10% from 12%"
  • "Wriggle's Lantern Life Steal reduced to 12% from 15%"
    I think the 2 lifesteal nerfs will not hurt Olaf at all because if he takes more damage it actually increases his speed, also 2% lifesteal at the beginning is honestly no big deal at all.
Patch ( Hecarim Patch)
  • " Atma's Impaler health to damage conversion lowered from 2% to 1.5%" -Well, that's unfortunate but I don't think it will be too big of a deal since Tough It Out makes up for it.
  • "Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3." -Now if those pesky mages are landing combos left and right you have a better shot of survival.
  • "Added animated text for all damage done." -I think this is kind of neat. Now your Reckless Swing will do white numbers!
Patch ( Varus Patch)
  • "Reckless Swing cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 8/7/6/5/4 seconds" -Well this is rather unfortunate. Now we won't be able to deck people with awesome true damage quite as much as we used to early game. No big deal just a small cooldown nerf.
  • " Atma's Impaler, Manamune, Archangel's Staff, Randuin's Omen, Force of Nature, and Deathfire Grasp tooltips now update dynamically." -I'm pretty sure this means that it will show how much bonus AD you are getting from Atma's Impaler, which is convenient! (if I am incorrect please tell me so in the comments!)
Patch ( Darius Patch)
  • Honestly in this patch there is nothing that will change gameplay with Olaf. The only thing I can think of is the cool little sound you get when you are taking turret fire.
Patch ( Draven Patch)
  • It seems that at this point Riot thinks Olaf is pretty balanced so they haven't been changing him much in these recent patches. This, I am okay with.
Patch ( Jayce Patch)
  • No changes (:
Patch ( Zyra Patch)
  • No changes (:
Patch ( Diana Patch)
  • No changes (:
Patch ( Rengar Patch)
  • No changes (:
Patch ([Syndra] Patch)
  • No changes (:
Patch ([Kha'Zix Patch)
  • No changes (:
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