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[MOBAFire Community Spotlight] - GrandmasterD

Creator: The_Nameless_Bard May 25, 2015 3:28pm
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 3:28pm | Report

Hello, friends, and welcome to the MOBAFire Community Spotlight! Last month we talked to Embracing about League of Legends, MOBAFire, and got to know him a bit better. This month I'll be helping you get to know the glorious GrandmasterD. GMD has been an active member of the MOBAFire community for a long time and was one of the first high Elo members to join the site nearly four years ago.

Let's start with the easy questions:

What's your favorite sex position?

Why do/did you want people to believe you're a girl?
Excuse me, but I do not know what you're talking about.

Who is the hottest girl on MOBAFire? Inactive members included.
I am.

For the sake of gender equality, who is the hottest guy on MOBAFire? Inactive members included.
I'd have to go with Slappiz, he is trying so hard; it would be like denying Leonardo Dicaprio an Oscar. Honourable mentions include Wayne, Toshabi, and Khazem.

Time to get into some League of Legends related queries:

What got you into League of Legends?
A couple of friends with whom I attended high school at the time started playing the game and essentially dragged me into it. At the time I was a big Company of Heroes fan – yes, I know the sequel sucks the, albeit metaphorical, D – but the game was pretty much dying off at that point so I was looking for something new; League fit my competitive needs and I overall ended up enjoying the game's overall set-up and play style.

What's the most fun about League of Legends? What about it frustrates you the most?
The competitive aspect and the fact that the game allows for strategy and innovation, although Riot seemingly wants the latter part to disappear. The most frustrating aspect is obviously Solo Queue; it doesn't have to do that much with salt or not being able to climb, but rather the fact that people simply fail to live up to certain expectations; I'm sorry, but in Diamond, I do expect people to ward their own lane just like how I expect children to not yell in grocery stores.

Who is your favorite champion in the game? Which champion do you think has the best design overall?
Oh damn, always coming at me with the hard-hitting questions when I'm turning a blind eye. Anyhow, my favourite champion right now would be Bard, but honestly, that's not really fair nor is it actually all that relevant. Champions I've enjoyed a lot over the years during the moments they were viable or well, at least not ruined by unnecessary reworks – will forever miss you, Xerath, my love – would be Renekton, Malzahar, Fiddlesticks, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Vladimir, Brand, Kassadin, Thresh, and Nocturne. The best in design, in my opinion, would be Lee Sin, with Nocturne and Jarvan IV as honourable mentions. Nocturne and J4 simply have kits that function properly and have a certain flow to them; Lee Sin's complexity has been created by the players; the kit is simply the set-up for all the amazing things this guy has been doing over the years, and that's how this game should work.

Why do you like Bard so much?
Bard's finally something new that doesn't feel too forced. Bard is a support who didn't get it all, in fact, he got none of the standard stuff. Thresh is an example of a champion who was overdone, too forced. I do really enjoy Thresh, but he got pretty much everything you could ever want, and, at the time of his release, tanky supports were definitely a thing. Bard's kit shows us that there's more to being a support than just carrying wards and CC around, or just being a mage with less glory. On top of that, I think his visual & sound design are great. Whereas Bard won't ever be the most practical champion out there; he does something completely new without breaking the game or being forced.

Funniest moment when playing League you remember? Has there ever been a time you've thought about outright quitting League?
When I was playing Ranked 5's; I was split-pushing as Zed top lane, and then they made a quick engage on the rest of my team; taking 4 kills. I went in, laughingly saying “wish me luck on the penta” and actually getting the penta 1v5. Good times! As for the second question, no, I haven't.

Who's your favorite duo queue partner?
Ouch, tough one. I'd say Wayne, Joxuu, and Khazem are all pretty much tied on that one; we're all of similar skill level, especially when it comes to game mechanics and game sense, and they are people I can really grind with, whereas most don't really feel like playing more than maybe one or two games. Although, Oxide and Koksei have been duo parters as well, and thus far, that has always resulted in good times.

If you could replace IronStylus, what 3 skins would you definitely create, how much RP would they cost, and would you fire the artists behind the most recent Cassiopeia and Vayne splash arts?
Armour of the Fifth Age Darius, Fabulous Karthus, and Japanese Schoolgirl Vel'Koz and they would cost 975, 1820, and 1350 respectively. Also, I'd get a few artist together, fire the rest, and recreate all artworks because I feel like League should have one style, and not eighteen individual ones; it's distracting.

What's your favorite skin?
There's quite a few good ones, but I think Demonblade Tryndamere is probably the skin I like the most. A few others I really enjoy are: Galactic Renekton, Dreadknight Nasus, Blood Lord Vladimir, Championship Thresh, Ironscale Shyvana, Brolaf, and Steve from Accounting.

Why have you spent so much on league?
Overall I think it's a good game, and, especially in the beginning, I do think Riot is trying to innovate and push the boundaries of certain mechanics and ideas. As of late, I haven't really spent much money anymore on League, mostly because I think all the skins released lately are just bland and not interesting, nor do I feel Riot really deserves it right now. In the end, I'm just willing to pay for a good product.

On a more personal note...

Do you play any other games besides LoL?
My other competitive game is Yu-Gi-Oh!; playing both on-line and in real life. When it comes to other video games, then no, not all that much; League and Yu-Gi-Oh! take up most of my time, but there's times when I tend to jump into another Skyrim adventure or take a small break with games such as the Metroid Trilogy or the old Doom games.

Which kind of music genres do you listen to? Do you listen to music while playing League?
My favourite music would be 80's Pop & Rock along with Metal; I'm quite the pretentious **** when it comes to music and I, more often than not, stick with music from a while ago. Although, once in a while, something new comes along that I do end up liking; Riot's Pentakill being a good example. To answer the other question: I sometimes do, but not always.

What invention do you suppose will change future life completely? Are you afraid of living in a world full of technology and digital observations?
Artificial Intelligence. No, unless it upsets my cows.

Can you share with us a crowning achievement in your life that you are really proud of?
I'm a 23-year old who is currently living with their parents, so I suppose that time when I killed a 17-year old and scattered the remains successfully around the forest near my house without getting caught, yeah, that was a good evening.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years, ideally?
A mirror.

You get 2 months of vacation paid from your job/school. You get to take Bae with. Where would you go, and what would you do? Would you take those two months and tour a continent, or would you choose to instead immerse yourself in 1-2 cultures?
Two options. Either take a trip around the world that does not involve plane travel; I'm willing to walk long distances, but planes do ruin a lot of the travel aspect. Also, it's just God awful. Or take a long hiking trip through the wilderness of a country like Canada.

So what about MOBAFire?

How has your MOBAFire experience been since joining?
Frankly, I find that an odd question; kind of like “With what one word would you sum up all of your life experiences?” There's no real answer to this as there have been good and bad moments. Overall it's still a positive aspect of my life otherwise I wouldn't still be visiting this place, but looking at the past few months, I do get the feeling MOBAFire is getting less enjoyable for me; it changed since I joined, and, in my opinion, not for the better.

Which events on the site have you enjoyed the most so far?
There haven't been a whole lot of events. I personally played in a few of the MOBAFire Tournaments and, while enjoyable, I can't say they are that amazing – I do understand the irony considering I'm running them. Everything feels like it's meeting people half-way, and I feel there's a lot of potential that's currently not even being recognised.

Who are your top 5 influential mobafire members and why?
Wayne3100, for showing me that you can be boring and fun at the same time. Toshabi, for showing me that loving MLP doesn't have to be weird, but that you have to be weird in order to do so, unless you're a little girl. Khazem, for showing that true perseverance, strength, and willpower can overcome even the greatest of obstacles, such as being half-French. Vapora, for showing that the love between a man and his fictional character can be just as real as any kind. Jhoijhoi, she'd just be upset if she did not make this list

Who has been the funniest member on this site throughout your time here?
That would be me.

Whom are you closest to on the forum?
The people I'm closest to would be The_Nameless_Bard – I do, indeed, hate those underscores – and Wayne3100 – still with the numbers, buddy? Wayne was one of the people who introduced League of Legends to me, and he's one of the people who seems to share my level of competitiveness. Honourable mentions go to Khazem – most adorable Belgian around, MissMaw – no, not because she's a grill; I've got one in the backyard and I don't need more than that – and Luther3000 because he got me Fish 'n Chips.

What sort of kinky League of Legends cosplay would you want to see <your choice member of MOBAFire here> in and what sort of scenario would you have with them?
The_Nameless_Bard. Ahri. My bedroom. Cliché, yes, I know, but I don't care. Honourable mention: Toshabi. Jarvan IV. His apartment.

I've heard you have met up with other MOBAFire members. Do you have any crazy/fun stories to tell us about that?
There's no real crazy stories to share, but I've been on a road trip with BarbarianJ, spent time in PsiGuard's basement – no, not a euphemism – got into a car crash with Khazem, and had an enlightening hiking trip with Luther3000. Well, that last one was like a forty-minute walk but Mattie made it sound like the Exodus.

Have you got any tips for guide authors who want to make unique/interesting coding clusters?
Read a book on the subject, whether it's a virtual one or not. Or well, visit well-made websites for layout ideas, preferably those with a similar subject or goal.

Who is the best guide suthor on the site, in your opinion?
Wayne3100, his work is so brilliant that he does not even publish it. Joking aside, I think there's quite a few good writers out there, but right now I'd say that Joxuu holds a few of the best guides on the site. Side note: I miss H4x' guides.

What is the best guide on the site, in your opinion?
Last time I checked, Joxuu released a good Rek'Sai guide, and I haven't really checked since, so I will have to go with that.

And last, but certainly not least, the truly hard-hitting questions everyone is dying to know the answers to:

If you had a wardrobe filled with whatever you wanted and you had an hour alone with Kim Jong Un that you could erase from his memory afterwards, what would you do?
Reenact several scenes from The Interview in which Kim Jong Un plays any character but himself.

What's your opinion on nipple transplants and what role do you feel like nipple wizards will fulfill in the future?
They're great for the firemen around who prefer to wear a mesh shirt instead of that silly uniform. I feel that the nipple wizards will get a greater role in our society as is, but because of this, I firmly stand they should not be allowed to study at Hogwarts.

Thank you for reading this edition of the MOBAFire Community Spotlight! Be sure to check out next month's spotlight or catch up on any you may have missed below.

Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 3:56pm | Report
Vapora, for showing that the love between a man and his fictional character can be just as real as any kind.

I was mentioned!

GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 3:58pm | Report

I was mentioned!

Well, you're a true inspiration to us all. Like me, and that guy who is in love with his giraffe plush.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:01pm | Report

Well, you're a true inspiration to us all

Oh baby keep going, I'm almost done...

In all seriousness, nice interview, I think this one's probably my new favourite. Barring mine of course.
<Altruistic Artist>
IPodPulse's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:07pm | Report
This is great, 10/10
If you found me helpful give me some +Rep :)
Signature Shop!|Tryndamere Guide|Rengar Guide

Huge thanks too Magiciene for this amazing signature, check out his shop here
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:08pm | Report
personally this part perhaps made me laugh the most when I was going through the answers, you know, when I thought it was a joke:
The_Nameless_Bard. Ahri. My bedroom. Cliché, yes, I know, but I don't care.
and then I asked if he was serious or not and could only respond with "really? Ahri? but she's such a ****"
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:11pm | Report

Oh baby keep going, I'm almost done...

In all seriousness, nice interview, I think this one's probably my new favourite. Barring mine of course.

I get the feeling we having sex would just end up in me giving a speech about how great you are, followed by you giving a speech about how great I am, without any physical contact whatsoever.

No, that's not gay, it's transcendence.
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:17pm | Report
me giving a speech about how great you are
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 4:19pm | Report

oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 6:26pm | Report

jokes aside a nice interview and an enjoyable read,well done.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
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