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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What are some strong lane champions to learn for lower ELO?

Posted in Champions 16,497

  • nightangel_oce

    What are some strong lane champions to learn for lower ELO?

    so I had a terrible start to season 6... im sure im not the only one, but im a support main, and i need to invest some time learning new champions for other lanes. What champion would you recommend learning for which lanes and why?
  • Answers (6)

    DisturbedFox (62) | February 4, 2016 5:55am
    Mid: Annie, Lulu, Lux Top: Lulu, possibly Pantheon

    Easy, safe to play and super effective
    DisturbedFox (62) | February 4, 2016 2:16pm
    disagreed with "tends to push". Graves tends to push, Lulu does, Poppy does. Panth Q doesn't even attract minion aggro. There's a trick to make the lane push towards you lvl 1. And with proper management you can freeze once you're ahead and zone your lane opponent anyway
    Re4XN (59) | February 4, 2016 7:40am
    Can confirm what Falseo said, as a Pantheon main. He requires a very aggressive playstyle early game not everyone can abuse and he will fall off late game if he underperforms. If you know how to play the champion though, it's a different story, he's one of the best champs to climb out of low ELO.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, but Dr. Mundo is easy to learn and is quite strong right now. So if the enemy team does not ban him, you can pick him and you win most lanes.
    FalseoGod (316) | February 4, 2016 6:55am
    Pantheon isn't very safe as a toplaner IMO, simply because he's very aggressive and tends to shove without having a reliable escape. He does have great pressure for a toplaner.

    I think Kennen and Fiora (although she's not uber easy), for example, have various good matchups and still have tools to gtfo or 1v2.
    PsiGuard (1495) | February 4, 2016 12:21pm
    • Shen - Very straightforward mechanics, solid laning phase, manaless and kinda supporty! :)
    • Jax - If you prefer more aggressive laners, Jax has crazy scaling with Guinsoo's Rageblade and he's pretty hard to deal with when he gets going.
    • Malphite - Press R to win team fights. Figure out how to survive lane (use Grasp of the Undying and Corrupting Potion to sustain) and then ult groups of enemies or vulnerable carries. Also a great counterpick into attack-speed reliant top laners like Jax and Irelia.

    • Lux - Super safe and reliable mid with good waveclear. Probably the best pick if you just want to farm safely and help out in team fights.
    • Lulu - Same kinda thing but with higher utility and less burst. If you learn how to bully people in lane she's pretty strong.
    • Lissandra - Amazing team fighter, safe laner, good playmaker. Not the highest burst but you can just get fed off outplaying and then massacre people in team fights.

    • Lucian - Very mobile, aggressive early laner. If you're comfortable with your mechanics, this is one of the best soloqueue carries.
    • Ezreal - Super safe farmer with great scaling and he's almost untouchable in team fights. Get Muramana and Iceborn Gauntlet and kite a lot.
    • Corki - He's a bit weird, mostly because of The Package, but if you don't suicide with it you can probably just crush people with his burst damage.
    • Caitlyn - Really really strong lane phase and simple mechanics. High range allows her to poke freely if the enemy team doesn't make a decisive engage.[/url]
    redhaze_2010 | March 1, 2016 5:17am
    So, in order to anwser that question Iw ould need to know ur lanes. then I could tell you
    flippinyurtables | February 5, 2016 6:06pm
    People could suggest champions all day long, but they won't work for you if they don't suit your playstyle. That's what you've got to figure out first, how do you like to play LoL. Are you aggressive? Then champions like Renekton, Lucian, Nidalee are great for you. Like more passive champs? Nasus, Caitlyn, Soraka are some of the best passive laners. Like mobile champs? Riven, Nidalee, Ahri, and Ezreal are some of the most mobile champs in the game.

    Another thing I want to say is a lot of these commenters are throwing out champs that are often banned a lot. Mundo, Jax, Udyr, Malphite, etc. are being banned quite often now because they're becoming strong again. You don't want to try and main what's OP, because it's going to be banned. What you want to do is find the things that are still strong, but people aren't banning them. I for instance find Hecarim and Nidalee to be very strong junglers that aren't being banned yet, so I play them quite often and do fairly well with them.
    Ekki (86) | February 4, 2016 5:47am
    Pants are Dragon often makes "tier lists" for some roles every patch. If you read the pros and cons he shows you'll probably always find one pro that is "easy to play/master".
    Link to all the tier lists (we're on patch 6.2, close to 6.3):

    Also, given that the new dynamic queue makes you choose 2 roles, you'll probably have a better chance of climbing by adding only one other role. As a support main you might want to try either ADC (because as a support you should already know some stuff about ADCs) or jungle (because it's the only other role where you're not thrown into a 1v1 scenario, which sometimes is a pain point of support mains).
    SvenskaZyda (4) | February 4, 2016 1:41am
    Well I'm going to assume you have at least played the game since season 5. I know the struggle of being a support main but it's great to know that you understand just because you main a role doesn't mean you should play it all the time.

    In ranked play, you should be adaptive, something that Bronze V to around Gold IV lacks. In higher elo matches, people get to play the role they prefer more often because they are familiar with each other and since it's a small pool in comparison to the lower elo's, you might know what others play and their strengths. But in lower elo, or maybe even the more morbid name, elo-hell, it is difficult to get by.

    I admit I did not struggle in this because I never got in it as I always did well in provisionals and climbed faster because of the placement. I thought it was because I played hundreds of games over the years, in the thousands right now. Blind pick is where I train, Ranked is where it's time to shine. I followed a specific plan for ranked champion selection:

    Before entering ranked, I must be familiar with these types of champions for each role:

    Top Lane:
    Fighter AD (at least 1)
    Tank (at least 2)

    Jungle: (at least one of each)

    Mid: (at least one of each)

    Marksman: (at least one)
    Caitlyn (recommended)
    and one more...

    Support: (at least one of each)
    Semi [both]


    The champions I am most familiar with:

    Fighter AD - Riven, Renekton (tank as well)
    Tank - Malphite, Garen, Shen

    AD - Lee Sin
    AP - Nidalee
    Tank - Vi, Amumu, Shen

    AD - Zed, Talon, Varus
    AP - LeBlanc, Fizz, Lux, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Azir


    Bruiser - Thresh, Alistar
    Utility - Janna
    Semi - Sona


    Of course you don't have to follow me, practically what I did was cover all my bases by practicing each type each lane to prepare for ranked. And I'm set to be the more adaptive players out there, being able to play all lanes with great familiarity.

    But to truly answer your question, as for the recommendation. All champions are different, they're all diverse. It's more to what you are familiar with and what you can play, some people just can't play some champions, for instance, I could never play the old Graves or Evelynn.

    Nonetheless, I will recommend you some champions, one for each lane:

    Top. Vladimir.
    Why? Because he is scaly. And what do I mean? 140% of AP goes to bonus health, 2.5% of health goes to AP. You can tank and do a lot of damage while sustaining very well. And he has great evasiveness with his pool, able to avoid a lot of ganks and sticky situations, and there is a tp trick for him that you can check out.

    Jungle: Amumu.
    All round strong jungler that provides so much crowd control while being extremely tanky with his passive.

    Mid AP: Twisted Fate.
    Twisted Fate is a very easy to learn and very good a champion. One cc but enough to lock one person down and execute them. And I believe if you learn how to play TF very well, other champions will come easier to you as it trains your accuracy, targeting, map awareness, reaction time and concentration.

    Mid AD: Talon.
    I would usually say Zed but he is too mechanically complex to learn quick. Talon is simpler and just as strong if you get him going because his mid game potential is where he shines best. He has great mobility and allows you to target one enemy and eliminate them. And a good amount of cc.

    Marksman: Caitlyn.
    She's Caitlyn, safe with her range and very strong in this meta and since her semi-rework. You can farm easily at a distance, place several traps for your enemies to get caught in, maybe to synergize in an engage. And a long range ult to get the guy who thought he got away, or to steal of course. And good mobility given her range and her 90. Caliber Net.

    Support: You are a support main I heard?


    well I hope I helped you out. I'm sure there will be others that will provide better (and shorter) answers to your question, but thank you if you took the time to read my answer.

    I wish you the best on the Rift.
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