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Predacon - From Coal to Diamond

Creator: Predacon December 27, 2015 10:31pm
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 1:12am | Report
CrevsDaak wrote:
When you face Nasus, charge your Q 2 times (use it to farm so you hide your true intentions), and get close to Nasus, throw Q-AA-W (cancel the Q by moving and the AA with W, the W with E or use E to run away after that) and get away with E. Try having your Q off-cooldown as if he gets you with his W he can hurt you. Also use the fast Q (AA-cancel with Q, cancel Q with move, repeat until Q goes on cooldown) combo to trade and always cancel the animation on W and Ravenous Hydra (same if you pop your ultimate during a fight).

Yeah for the most part I have Riven combos down, I've been using the Q->W->AA->EQ away as my quick trades, works well against Darius and Nasus it seems. I just need to get better at not making my approaches obvious so they can't Q me before I hit them.

Also, try getting Death's Dance as your 1st item on Riven.

I'll try it first some time and see how I like it, I like Hydra above it because of its use in combos and wave clear.

I noticed quite a bit of Riven gameplay. Like, a lot. I'm just curious, since it isn't obvious from the screenshots, what order do you build your items in? Do you go Ravenous Hydra > Black Cleaver, or the other way around?

I'll admit, I haven't played Riven a lot, mostly because I'm not 100% comfortable with the mechanics, but I've been having some good luck with running Intelligence , 5% flat CDR from runes, and rushing Black Cleaver and Ionian Boots of Lucidity.

I play 45% CDR Riven, which is 5% flat from runes and 5% scaling, as well as Intelligence.

Build order is almost always Black Cleaver->Tiamat->Ionia Boots->Hydra->Rest depends on game

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 6:27pm | Report
After some research it seem I need to tweak my build order just a bit, so I hit my power spike earlier.

Which is Caulfield->Tiamat->Black Cleaver

Seems to be most optimal shown by Korean players.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 6:40pm | Report
Seems I need to use Fervor of Battle in certain match ups as well, Malph, Nasus, and Garen, so adjusted to it.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 8:04pm | Report

I couldn't connect to this game early, and had to reset the client a few times, but luckily got back in. Was able to pick up an early kill with a Nunu gank to put me back in the game easy, even though we lost the tower soon after. Made some picks here and there for some kills which gave me a decent lead, and since their only late game was Yi this game was ours to win, as Malphite stomped Riven up in top.

Malphite didn't understand the concept of rotating, he had a severe case of bronze mindset despite being Platinum in season 5. After we took the tower and inhib mid, we were rotating to top, but Malphite wanted us to just stay in the mid for no reason to continue fighting, we just left him to die on his own as we pushed in top. He was quite a toxic fellow, but it was no problem carrying by making smart push plays. Ahri spiltpush bottom at the same time, so it was easy pushing.

Malphite still wanting to dive them ended up getting us all killed, but the minions were able to finish off their nexus on their own, even killing Riven and Lucian as they tried to defend.

I might just make Riven and Vayne my main two only.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 8:41pm | Report

This time was Riven vs Vlad, one of my easiest match ups, I always stomp it pretty hard, and it was no different here.

Was able to kill Vlad twice solo in lane, which easily gave me complete control over the lane, this freed up Udyr to completely focus other lanes and Vlad be a non-issue. Malzahar also killed Zed early solo, and Vayne/Alistar had control over botlane.

My one death this game was from a tower dive on Vlad, where we killed eachother, all the worth for the moral reasons.

The enemy soon surrendered once we took down their mid inhib.

In promos to Gold IV, wish me luck.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 9:40pm | Report

I really wanted to Riven here as well, but we had no tank in Graves jungle and Sona support, so I went Poppy.

This was almost a big mistake as Olaf killed me level 1, and then later wen Graves ganked for me. However I was able to turn the lane around and solo kill Olaf despite him being two kills ahead of me, and then later again, I was really happy with myself, but learned level 1 Olaf extremely dangerous.

Their Shaco wasn't too much of an issue, though their Talon was getting quite a few kills, but was easily focused down later. Graves, Corki, and I were able to sneak a baron and push with it. Malzahar got caught mid while most of us were bottom, but we turned the fight around quickly 4vs5, we ended the game after with me picking up another kill on Shaco.

7/7/7 I hit the jackpot.

One more win in promos.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 10:40pm | Report

This went as expected, did much better against Nasus this time around. Winning lane early against him, but obviously not able to do anything against him after level 9 and up is expected, but because of this he wasn't too strong.

Our Lissandra was very toxic, and wouldn't stop commenting that I took ignite instead of teleport (specific to the match up against Nasus). We simply couldn't teamfight as we had no frontline, and our Janna didn't want to play a tank, and neither did I really so that's ultimately why we lost I think. Chogath was able to easily walk all over us.

We were able to kill Chogath right before he killed the Nexus it was funny, but Nasus tp'd in for the last hit.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2016 11:32pm | Report

Well against another Gnar this time, an annoying match that I still haven't learned don't fully commit on him, he will kite and slow you to death.

Which I made the mistake of engaging into a decent creep wave on him, I died giving him the lead in the lane, I got a gank and killed him, but it still wasn't enough to put me ahead of him. He taunted me in all chat about it, but just tried my best to farm up.

The Ezreal carried this one hard, so I tried to serve my duty as a stun bot for him and corki, which ultimately worked out fine, their burst was insane. It seems their team had some infighting, but I'm just happy to take that victory in Gnar's face.

Even though I feel I didn't deserve it from this game, Gold IV baby.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2016 12:41am | Report

I don't even care that I lost this game, I won a lane against a Poppy, that's a victory for all Rivens.

Tried playing with fervor and hyper aggressive at level 1, I was so focused on that I forgot about the jungler, but I flashed and killed Poppy before Lee Sin killed me.

Sadly the other lanes got stomped really hard, and I wasn't fed enough to 1vs5, but that's just how the lanes crumble sometimes.

Humble Riven Main
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2016 1:25am | Report

Again I need to remember to ward when I'm pressing my advantage, I got really camped by Nocturne this game, luckily though this took pressure off other lanes, Nocturne used about 80% of his ultimates on me.

Master Yi got extremely fed and was able to take out most of their team, around midgame I could take Fiora, QSSing her ultimate. Not the best KDA, but at least I gave reason for Nocturne to camp me.

Fiora otherwise got no solo kills on me, which kept her from snowballing.

For the love of Riven though, I need to ward even at the cost of CS.

Humble Riven Main

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