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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 20, 2016 4:05pm | Report

One in the win column. Yay! Our Twisted Fate died to Yasuo once and then just started whining his *** off about how OP Yasuo is. Then incessant pinging to try and get me to come help him. I walked over and murdered Yasuo without his help at all. XD He did have a good Destiny gank to help out Bot lane, so despite the whining he was still useful. Teemo did work that game. Solo killed his laner and then came and helped the team when we needed it. +1 Teamwork for him. Karma also did a good job of shielding the team and helping us move about when we needed it. +1 Teamwork for her. Jinx was a little traumatized for some reason. I tried to give her Red buff before we went for Baron but she said she wasn’t sure she should have it since she was dying a lot. Turns out we didn’t need Baron as we were able to catch out Diana and then stomp their whole team leaving only Malphite up to defend and he pretty much just gave up.

I had a stupid death that was costly in term of getting the rest of my team killed. We were fighting at their Mid base turret and I went onto Jhin. I killed him but the rest of my team was getting shat on behind me. So from then on I pretty much sat in the middle of them once the fighting began in earnest to peel and dish out as much damage as possible while keeping my carries alive. That worked much better as even though Yasuo was somewhat strong he was still very squishy, which meant I could nom him for most of his health bar.

I think my new jungle picks are Udyr, Shyvana, and Volibear. They are all pretty tanky while still dishing out a lot of damage which suits my style of play. Doesn’t hurt that they are all topping the win rate charts at the moment so they are benefitting nicely from masteries and itemization of the moment.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 7:26pm | Report

Check out that Gragas build and his number of deaths. Check out that Mejai's Soulstealer on the 2-9-3 Heimerdinger who said he was going to make Teemo cry in champion select. Teemo triple kill. Heimer “Uh, the Teemo is actually good.” Ya think?

This is why I can’t have nice things. :(

In case you are wondering none of my deaths were in laning phase. I played this one as well as a I could under the circumstances of losing 3/4 of my heath to one Teemo blind or shroom until I built Maw of Malmortius. One of his freaking shrooms alone would pop the shield on it by that point though.

Edit - no. I need to look at the score board. When Teemo got that triple I had no idea he was that fed otherwise I would have ran the other way ever time I spied his dangerous furry ***.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 22, 2016 10:05pm | Report

Match History

Pretty much a stomp post Mid game on. Had a couple of kills/assists slip away with only tiny bits of heath left. Zed was having trouble with Katarina Mid, but Teemo was stomping their Yasuo so Yas and Kat decided to switch lanes. That meant their lead went against our lead and Teemo was able to get the best of it most of the time. I made one error that cost my team somewhat as I pinged out their Top inner tower which we had minions approaching, but only I ended up rotating to it while my team stayed to duke it out at somewhat low health which got some of them killed, fortunately we were so far ahead that it didn’t have a lasting impact.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2016 7:54pm | Report

Match History

Not the best match-up for me, but fortunately the Lux wasn’t that good and I got some mostly good help from Ekko. he got me an assist on Lux then died to the belated Rumble countergank, then later tower dove Lux and died to her because he couldn’t get his ult off. Stunned perhaps and unfortunately I had just used my Dark Binding right before he popped into lane so I didn’t have a good way to help besides some Tormented Soil damage as he was far enough ahead of me that I couldn’t even get a Black Shield on him. But we got handily ahead and then Vayne started toying with them by trying to 1v5 them rather than make the win simple and rotate and take another turret or Baron. At that point I just decided to babysit Vayne so we didn’t throw the game completely. Shields and stuns to keep her alive until we eventually pounded down their base. One in the win column but annoying as I don’t like playing with people that way. If you’ve got a clear way to victory ram it home, don’t screw around and risk throwing.

Things to improve on…

1. Look at the tab screen
2. Remember when I take Teleport and look for opportunities to make plays with it or get back to lane with an item advantage.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 23, 2016 8:51pm | Report

The links to get the match history seem to be broken for me a the moment. Maybe a Mac/Safari thing.

Leona beats Garen who knew? I watched that lane and it was pretty close really. It looked like Leona was just a bit of a better player. One early gank Top to force Garen off and give Leona some room to breath. Farmed up. Bot had pinked the river bush and the minion wave was in a good location so I hid in the bush and then jumped on Illaoi when they pushed up past it. We got Illaoi and did some damage to Jhin. Later had a fun little gank where we hid behind the wall near their base tower in mid lane. Blitzcrank grabbed Warwick from over the wall. We pounced on him then ran Ezreal to ground. Pretty much a stomp across the board. Did pick up Rift Herald and the first dragon though I wasn't there for the later due to having tried to get it earlier and getting rudely interrupted by Warwick when not enough members of my team were around to help me. I bugged out rather than risk other enemies showing up and having my Smite taken off the map during my death timer. Turned out my back timer was the issue in that case.

Managed to Tab out and look at the ?leader board? what do they call that thing? once. Baby steps.

The change to Shyvana’s Q didn't feel like much of a change, though really it is an ability you get third and max last in most cases unless you are Valkrin, so it isn’t going to change your clear speed much. I suppose it hurts you a bit in early duels, but I don’t get invaded much as Shyvana and even if I do I almost always run Exhaust unless maybe they have Jarvan IV.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 25, 2016 9:17am | Report
Champion Pool for Season 6

Updated champion pool tinkering. Switch from ADC to Mid as my secondary role to make it more likely that I get jungle. Also my ADCing feels subpar (I don't seem to manage to win my lane often enough) and in Mid I don't have to coordinate with a support I'm not familiar with in the early laning phase.

Role Champion


Shyvana will be my go to bruiser, Volibear my tank pick and the pick I generally will go to if Shyvana is banned. Fizz is for when my team needs an assassin. I've only played the little murderous bastard in normals so far (aside from one unpleasant game vs a Swain in Mid), but I really love the double gap closer and the fact that he brings enough damage early that you don't always have to rely on your laner to pick up a kill.

Mid: just trying to pick some simple champions that I can fall back to and still hold my own when I do get Mid which so far seems to be about 20% of the time when I go Jungle primary and Mid secondary.

Morgana I'm pretty comfortable on in either the Mid or support role. Vel'koz has a good win rate at the moment and has the potential to be a bit more of a lane bully than Morgana and I'm comfortable on him from playing him quite a bit in the support role. I'll have to brush up on solo laning with him though. Fizz is my flex pick. Early lane can be rough, but has a really high potential for a kill at 6th and on.

I'm going to put in about 25 games and then will revisit this list to see if I need to make any tweaks.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 25, 2016 8:24pm | Report

Match History

This one felt fairly tough. We couldn’t keep enough people alive after fights to do much and we were having trouble dealing with their split pushing. We were down two inhibitors at one point and i pushed out Bot lane and then had to run all the way to Top lane to get to Rengar and Zed who were murderizing our last outer base tower. They got the tower but with some help from Riven we ended up killing them both. Then I pushed out Bot again and then told the team to run to Baron which was spawning shortly. The enemy team had some wards in the area so I didn’t trust our team to both fight Baron and turn on the enemy team at the proper time so I told them to bait. We all hid in the river bush and Bard or Zed showed themselves and we almost went on him, but then Rengar ulted and then jumped on our whole team. Not smart kitty. We cleaned up everyone except Jinx and went and shoved down their Nexus.

Reasonably pleased with this one. Most damage dealt, most damage taken, fewest deaths (though it was a close call a couple of times), and most towers destroyed. I think I can reasonably say I contributed greatly to carrying this one.

Oh funny anecdote. Their Graves was kicking our Riven’s tail and was generally just being a pain in the arse due to his split pushing. I ran over and stomped on him. Challenging Smite and some early armor helped make that a breeze. Afterwards one of the peeps on my team told me I was awesome. XD

Oh I bought the Zz'Rot portal because my team was struggling to keep pressure up across the map. My dropping it in Bot lane did help us pick up their Inner Bot tower at one point in the game, so happy with that decision even though something like a Randuin's Omen or Sunfire Aegis would also have been nice with their team composition.
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 25, 2016 8:31pm | Report
Vexroth has seen the light, and joined the dragon race full time.

Now that people think she is nerfed, she should get banned a ton less.

Humble Riven Main
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 25, 2016 9:11pm | Report
Predacon wrote:
Vexroth has seen the light, and joined the dragon race full time.

Now that people think she is nerfed, she should get banned a ton less.

She is pretty bad tail. And yeah hopping that she stays off the list of must bans so I can continue my ravaging of the leagues with her. :)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 9:27am | Report

Match History

Tristana Top. Okay, but they caused a decent amount of havoc and helped the team. Just got ahead and crushed it. Helped that they had a bunch of get in close champs so my Burnout would just melt them. Surprised Fizz early when we was feeling his oats after killing Lux and came and messed with me at my Raptors. He didn't appreciate getting Exhausted.

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