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Which champion should I buy? Should I get XXX...

Creator: DEWO April 8, 2011 5:18am
Yamasoul's Forum Avatar
Apr 12th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 4:24pm | Report
Thankyou for the suggestions @utopus and @Inxtellor I shall look into them, I actually play a lot of thresh or used to, don't play him as much now because I lost interest in how people do not follow hooks. But I might look into playing him again, when I get back into the swing of things I might "git gud" again.

In regards to having map awareness and Lissandra being strong at those ganks, would you say Gnar/Shen be good choices to look into?? Much appreciated. :3
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 8:34pm | Report
Uhm... Is Kayle good as jungler? I tried Kayle as SP, Top & Mid and she is pretty good but I kinda scare to try her as jungler because she is weak early game until she get the core items. Dx
Yes. She's indeed weak early but it's the price for the brutal late game she gets with Devourer+Guinsoo's.

Anyway, I like support champion like Kayle and Blitzcrank which can do damage to the enemy & can be tanky. I tried Braum and i like him but Champion like Sona & Soraka is a nightmare to me because if i take damage i pretty much will die & Leona cannot do much damage. What support champion should I buy next?
Probably Nautilus, asides from Poppy who was already suggested.

Sarkhamy wrote:
Hello, new here. I've recently found that I love Lulu as a champion. Mid, Top, but mostly support. Are there any other Mid/Top laners like her? I love the utility and un-killableness that she brings to the table! Had a friend recommend Orianna, but let's just say my mechanics are lacking.
Sounds like Kayle/ Lissandra, as said above.

Yamasoul wrote:
Warning. Wall of text incoming. If you survive, I love you. :)
love me
If you're wanting to "branch out" of the support role I suggest you play either ADC or jungle. ADC because it's your duo role, so you should know a bit more about matchups and could get some theoretical experience out of watching your adc every game. It's IMO the easiest role to farm, on average, during laning phase, which is a common pain point for support mains.

Jungle because you aren't forced into the 1v1 scenarios from mid/top lane, which are somewhat extraneous to support mains, especially as you have to balance that with farming. In that regard, you're also not needed to farm during the mid/early game, which can be good or bad depending on if you want to practice that.

Roles aside, it's often easier to try champions from your role with similar build patterns in other lanes ( Morgana mid is a bad example, as her build/level pattern is too different; Nautilus top/jungle is good, as long as you build him tanky).

My recommendations are Nautilus/ Poppy/ Trundle (if you don't play them as supports you can try them there too) for top/jungle; and Jinx/ Miss Fortune/ Ezreal if you want to try adc.
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2016 2:15am | Report
This isn't so much a "which champion should I buy" post as it is a "which champion should I play" post, but here it goes.

Basically, my roster of champions I've played somewhat recently consists of:

Top: Lulu
Jungle: Lee Sin, Elise
Mid: Annie, Yasuo
ADC: Lucian, Caitlyn
Support: Thresh, Braum

I'm looking for suggestions for one more (backup) Jungle/Mid/ADC/Support champion and two top laners, preferably high tier champions who aren't banned 90% of the time and offer something my current roster lacks. I'm leaning towards Nami for support (have had a few really good games on her recently), but other roles I'm not so sure about (apart from Nidalee not being an option for jungle, doesn't interest me).

Thoughts? :)

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2016 2:34am | Report
Well if you like playing Annie and Yasuo why not play Talon as well, he is also total cancer,

Oh, and Bard for support

Basically MOBAFire.
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2016 3:16am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:
This isn't so much a "which champion should I buy" post as it is a "which champion should I play" post, but here it goes.

Basically, my roster of champions I've played somewhat recently consists of:

Top: Lulu
Jungle: Lee Sin, Elise
Mid: Annie, Yasuo
ADC: Lucian, Caitlyn
Support: Thresh, Braum

I'm looking for suggestions for one more (backup) Jungle/Mid/ADC/Support champion and two top laners, preferably high tier champions who aren't banned 90% of the time and offer something my current roster lacks. I'm leaning towards Nami for support (have had a few really good games on her recently), but other roles I'm not so sure about (apart from Nidalee not being an option for jungle, doesn't interest me).

Thoughts? :)

top: ire seems quite strong again, grag
jgl: grag
mid: tf
ADC: kalista, sivir
support: ZILEAN °_>°

didnt ask for top but ye....

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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2016 5:04am | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:
This isn't so much a "which champion should I buy" post as it is a "which champion should I play" post, but here it goes.

Basically, my roster of champions I've played somewhat recently consists of:

Top: Lulu
Jungle: Lee Sin, Elise
Mid: Annie, Yasuo
ADC: Lucian, Caitlyn
Support: Thresh, Braum

I'm looking for suggestions for one more (backup) Jungle/Mid/ADC/Support champion and two top laners, preferably high tier champions who aren't banned 90% of the time and offer something my current roster lacks. I'm leaning towards Nami for support (have had a few really good games on her recently), but other roles I'm not so sure about (apart from Nidalee not being an option for jungle, doesn't interest me).

Thoughts? :)

Top: Gragas/ Fizz/ Poppy mby Maokai if not permabanned// Fiora if you want to heavily invest into a champ
Jungle: Graves/ Gragas/ Kindred - pick 1 for frelo, also Kha'Zix/ Nocturne/ Rek'Sai
Mid: Ryze/ Fizz/ Ahri/ Lissandra/ Corki/ Vel'Koz - all are beast// again Orianna if u want to heavily invest
ADC: Corki/ Tristana/ Ezreal
Support: Bard/ Janna/ Alistar

all are a tier below the permabanned champions imo
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2016 11:05am | Report
I'm not really sure where she stands right now but as I've seen Ekki (I think) mention Lux somewhere I played her on a whim yesterday and it was fun. You could use a real backliner in your mid roster I think.

I've also been thinking of Nami lately but I don't think she's optimal right now. Seconding Bard, he's nuts imo.

Jungle Master Yi perhaps? It works.

I like playing with Jinx, I think she's pretty strong, but Kog'Maw is way more disgusting in my opinion. Also didn't you play Vayne? You're missing a real late game carry at least ( Caitlyn is alright though).

Most broken and unbanned champion of all is of course Blitzcrank.
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Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2016 8:51am | Report
Okay, my turn.

I like mechanically engaging champions like Lee Sin for the challenge and focus on improvement, but right now I'm looking for something else. It's a bit hard to put a finger on, but I suppose champions where the core of gameplay revolves around baiting and/or tricking, cheesy plays, stuff like that. I also like it if they can take some sort of a hit. LeBlanc is just too squishy for me.

Of course Blitzcrank fits that bill, and so does Thresh in a way. I'm taking another chance with Singed and I'm trying out Fiora. I'm looking for some more, however.

Suggestions would be most appreciated.

EDIT: Levas suggested Trundle and I'll check him out. More suggestions still welcome.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
RickyOkay's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 2:38pm | Report
Hey guys, just started playing LoL a couple weeks ago after being introduced to it by some friends. Have experience with RTS games but not MOBAs, so still a bit lost as far as strategies and terminology goes. My apologies in advance for not being descriptive enough or using the wrong words.

Anyway, been really digging Ashe since I love how high her DPS can be with the right build, and I've noticed I really love characters with range to them since it feels like a safety net for me to have a better chance at escape, or to pick off enemies on low health; since I really enjoyed playing characters like Jinx and Caitlyn as well, but it feels too "safe" for me and that I've hit my wall as far as kill potential goes? And I don't feel too viable with having only ADC champions. Also, it appears I'm annoyingly last-kill dependent when it comes to farming and it usually bugs my teammates - but I usually stay in the bottom lane with ADC characters.

Is there any champion similar to Ashe in that they're not a drag for their build and are pretty decent early game and aren't too complex or require precise timing and combos? I've been playing Kayle recently but I haven't played her enough to know how to feel about her yet.

I've been attempting support characters like Janna and Morgana but they're just so.. boring and a thankless job usually. Plus it doesn't feel like they have much control over the flow of the game
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 5:26pm | Report
"a thankless job usually. Plus it doesn't feel like they have much control over the flow of the game"

It doesn't feel like that, but good supports carry games, by either peeling their teammates like oranges or by landing critical skills at the right time, which in conjunction with their teammates' skills wipes the enemy team clean (think something like Braum's Ultimate and Miss Fortune's Bullet Time).

Anyway, what do you mean by "they're not a drag for their build"? If you want simple ADCs, you can try out Miss Fortune, she's easy to grasp and can be devastating in team fights. Sivir is also not too hard. You can also try Jhin, but he has a rather... unique kit, so it will take some games to learn the baby steps. He does have a tremendous impact on the game, however.

If you want to try something other than ADC... you can try out a few mid laners. Most of them are ranged, but are also dependent on their abilities. If you want to try TOP, you have Gnar and Vladimir as ranged champions. Vlad is easy to learn too.

As far as supports go, I find Blitzcrank to be very fun to play and has a very direct, "in your face" impact on the game with his Rocket Grab. Braum is another fun support and has a game changing ultimate. These 2 are easy to learn as well. You also have others, with a larger impact, like Thresh, but the skill gap is obvious.

Anyway hope I helped, even if only a bit.

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