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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2017 9:38pm | Report

Autofilled Support. Didn't really want to grab Maokai and give him a free initiation into a Jhin Deadly Flourish, but Jhin was also kind of hard to hit because he gets a speed boost from Whisper and Draven ate every 4th shot in the early laning phase which meant he was constantly low. Fortunately our Ryze and Tryndamere were Beast moding it, so we had tons of pressure in Top and Mid and Ryze came down to help us out several times to keep us in the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 9, 2017 6:03pm | Report

And Twisted Fate does what TF does, which is get his other lanes fed. We had a few decent fights but had trouble getting onto/focusing the Vayne so she was able to output quite a bit of damage. Generally when I tried to stay on her, the rest of my team didn't have enough peel to keep our carries alive, however staying with our carries was a recipe for getting CCd by Galio which made the decision making around what to be doing hard.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2017 9:48pm | Report

Our Fiora got wrecked in lane for being overly aggressive. Jax kept turning it against her and killing her and she didn't exhibit a lot of sense later in the game though she kept it together enough to be useful. Caitlyn popped off late game, with the help from the rest of us to keep Jax and Rek'Sai off of her. Lux was working us over from the back line so in the last team fight at their Mid base gate when Rek'Sai and Leona left an opening I nailed them all with my ult and dove onto Lux. We managed to take everyone out except Jax in that fight and with two inhibitors down they saw the writing on the wall and surrendered.

Getting the hang of Sejuani after trying her shortly after the rework and not liking her. Learning to clear buffs using E to start made a big difference in the health of my clear. Wiffed too many ults this game though, so definitely some things to work on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2017 11:00pm | Report

Teamed up with Camille to kill Gnar early. Then teamed up with Ekko to kill Orianna though that turned out to be not worth because we both ended dying in the process, me due to a 2nd tower shot (big model sometimes not worth). But their Orianna strolled down to Bot lane three times often through wards and our Bot laned died to their combined efforts three times. Then we had a chance at an early Baron but Camille took off after someone and ended up dying trying to get the kill so we didn't pick up the baron. They set up around our Mid lane/Bot lane jungle and I freaking accidentally ulted into nothing, which made the following fight go more in their favor than it should have (though having Baron probably would have helped). The team started griefing in chat about the missed Baron so I suggested that everyone relax and that we had it and we just managed to play the team fights better than their team coming out ahead in everyone that followed though I'm not exactly sure how given that they had a fed Gnar and Orianna. Fortunately my team was aware enough that we kept interruping Miss Fortune's ult so she never really got to channel the full duration.

Would have liked to have kept my farm up up I was having trouble actually getting any between Jinx and Ekko so I mostly settled for staying close enough to get XP so I wouldn't get terribly far behind.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2017 11:42pm | Report

Thought we were doomed after Jinx picked up a triple kill early in the game, but Yasuo put on his carry pants after being 4-4, starting off with a quadra kill. We ended up in a 1-3-1 but Yasuo was having none of the just don't get caught as 3. We just kept diving them under their Mid turret and would rinse and repeat after we all died or had to run away. Fortunately since we were pushed in all three lanes they really couldn't get much after they repulsed our siege. Maybe it is just the games, but I feel like I'm having some trouble getting involved in the fights going on around the map as Sejuani. Will keep an eye on it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 13, 2017 9:18pm | Report

I believe this is my first S on reworked Maokai. I have had a bunch of S- games.

I like Maokai vs Vayne as she can't dance arround vs Twisted Advance unless maybe she can stop it by input buffering Condemn, but that doesn't seem to be a thing at my level of play.

Orianna kept pushing up hard vs. Aurelion Sol so I ganked her repeatedly for kills each time.

Had an early death where we almost killed Singed. He ended up very low on health and with no mana, but he suckered me by running me into Evelynn. I guess don't chased Singed applies even when he shouldn't be able to get away. Muted the Garen over that to avoid tilitng.

Also went too ham on a tower dive where we probably could have gotten the tower, but I jumped on Thresh and Tristana took the bait which eventually got us both killed.

Things to clean up in order to improve.

Used my ult and let it get going for a bit before running in. That seemed to work more reliably than firing it from way out and gettting out too far ahead of it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 13, 2017 10:33pm | Report

My laners got massacered and I didn't pick up the slack. Actually failing on two dragon Smites. :(

We might have been able to pull it back in with late game team fighting, but the team didn't want to give it a go, so we surrendered.

Need to remember that it is rather tricky to time your E proc with you Smite because you have to wait for the auto attack to get the bonus damage. Also make sure to have vision behind the dragon pit. The last Dragon got stolen by a Gnar boomerang.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 13, 2017 10:38pm | Report

Riven was struggling verses Tryndamere. She let him push all the way to to our inhibitor turret and then take the inhibitor. I tried to help her out with an early gank, but accidentally targeted a minion with Twisted Advance, so no joy there. The rest of my team was so disgusted with the Riven's performance that they redoubled their efforts at taking apart the enemy team and we managed to punch them in the mouth repeatedly and stymie Tryndamere from doing too much damage.

Gold 3!

-Need to see if I can figure out how to bind Target Champions Only to a button that I can actually hit with my fingers. I believe it is Tilde by default and my pinky won't reach it without a really awakward reach.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 14, 2017 8:15am | Report
Current champion pool as of 14-July-2017

And it feels like ever time I decide to do one of these posts I shortly start deviating from it, so I'm going to start calling it my current champion pool.

Jungle - Having a lot of success with tanks out of the jungle. I feel like they've been strong for a while but have been running under the radar because people generally want to play carries, and the changes to Enchantment: Cinderhulk that increase their clear speed have sent some of them over the top.

Zac - is beastly, but he is still banned a lot. Hopefully, that will change now that he has received some nerfs and his general winrate has dropped (assuming the nerfs don't hurt him too much). I wasn't really relying on the stretching strikes second cast range very much, so I don't think it will hurt my playstyle. My current strategy is to ban him out unless I'm first pick as he is seriously irritating for any team to deal at any stage of the game. His ban rate has led me to developing a selection of other tanks to use.

Sejuani - when I first tried her after the mini-rework I struggled with staying healthy in the early jungle clears and I still need to figure out how to clear with her by starting with the raptors, but after learning how to properly clear a Buff start with an E start, I feel like I finally have a handle on her and have had a very successful run of games with her. And I'm still figuring out some of her nuances so hopefully that my positive winrate with her will continue. I think the thing that makes her so strong is her team fight prowess, which can allow for her and her team to come back even after getting somewhat behind in the early game.

Maokai - if you need to guarantee lockdown on a priority target, Maokai is your tree. I really like him against Vayne. If my team lacks good engage, I'll simply buy Turbo Chemtank to make sure I can get in and start causing havoc. Twisted Advanceing onto a priority target and then casting your ult to lock down or zone of the rest of their team means that priority target is going to get extremely chunked or dead and spread the team fight out making it easier to pick the remaining targets off individually.

Vi - If we have enough tanks and their team is highly mobile Vi is my girl for locking down pain in the butt champions like Fizz. You have to show some patience and wait for them to use their mobility spells, but once those are down you can pin down just about anyone and often kill them by yourself, though you do have to be careful and make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew when your team is not around.

Kha'Zix - If my team doesn't have a dedicated assassin, I find myself leaning toward Kha'Zix. Enchantment: Warrior is a huge power spike that well let him put a huge dent in just about any champion, if not outright end them. I still have a lot to learn about the deadly bug, but I find myself enjoying figuring out his ins and outs.

Top - sticking with Nasus for the time being. I like that he has a certain amount of inevitability and E maxing gives me some flexibility that the stacking route alone doesn't provide. This basically means that as long as my team doesn't feed I feel like I'm able to tilt the game in our favor with him. If Top were my primary role, I'd probably want to invest some time into a champion that can more consistently 1v5 to have a chance of winning those games where the rest of my team doesn't do so well.

Support - The inevitable autofill means that I need an option for this role unless I want to dodge the games where I get autofilled as support.

Blitzcrank - Blitz is a little RNG, but the thing that I like about him is that I don't have to have the most amazing laning phase to be a force in the later part of the game assuming that I manage to hit an occasional hook on a key target. + their is the lots of laughs factor when you are on point with your hooks and you pretty much single handedly serve the game to your team on a platter.

Role Champion
Autofill Support
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 14, 2017 7:08pm | Report

Games like this are why I feel like Nunu & Willump is poo in low ELO.

Ashe: Nunu can you solo dragon?

Nunu: Of course, but you have to generate some pressure.

Ashe: Okay!

Enemy Double Kill!

Nunu: ... that is not the kind of pressure I was looking for.

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