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Ongoing Bar Thread - The Drunken Amumu

Creator: jhoijhoi April 6, 2018 2:14am
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2018 2:14am | Report
Basically just a spot for people to chat and catch up.

What are your plans for the weekend? Patch is going to come home from night shift around 7AM and bring home the local newspaper. The classifieds list the addresses we'll visit that morning as War and I plot a route for Garage Sailing - which is checking out all the stuff people bring out to sell on their lawns. It's fun to find treasures; we bought our second 3DS at a garage sale for $50 :D
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Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2018 6:13pm | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:
The classifieds list the addresses we'll visit that morning as War and I plot a route for Garage Sailing - which is checking out all the stuff people bring out to sell on their lawns. It's fun to find treasures; we bought our second 3DS at a garage sale for $50 :D

Garage sales are always the best also make sure to hit up good wills or random thrift stores you never know what treasures you may find. Last week I was in Washington to visit my at the time girl friend and we stopped at a indoor farmers market/random shops just filled with all kinds of cool junk. I found an old Nintendo promotional VHS tape for a just a single buck, I collect random junk like that.

But that's when the story gets sad, and I don't want to hijack this thread but it's a catch up thread and bar themed so sad sappy woe is me bar story. Also I miss when the off topic section of mobafire was active and talking with everyone was always a good place to blow off steam, you guys are kinda like a distance long lost family to me so I feel the need and desire to open up to you all and just vent for a second about how my life is currently upside down. Over the few days I was up in Washington to visit my girlfriend and it went nowhere, in other words "just no romantic spark" and we just faded back into being friends, it all started going down hill once I arrived, and was just to shy to open up my heart to her, and one of the last days I was there we took a long 7 hour drive to the beach since I have never seen the ocean before then we kissed, but we just faded back into being friends

And for that I am glad she is one of the best friends I have ever had, and I will never want to loose that. However my master plan to date this girl all started back at college years ago when we were at a Wal-mart yeah super romantic, I followed her into the cosmetic section, which if a guy follows a girl into the cosmetic section it can really only mean two things he's gay, or he's into you. We found ourselves looking at hair dye, and that's when I said "you know I have been thinking of dying my hair" defiantly not true I have never once had that thought in my life. She had a best friend glued to her at the hip and I wanted alone time to see if this girl was worth it and well what a better way to get close and alone to a girl then letting them dye your hair, long story short she dyed my hair, we had a very brief thing for about two days and then nothing life just went on.

I then got a new drivers licence with my now freakishly blond hair, and I got a hair cut shortly after. Which made getting ID for everything a massive pain "No its really me in the ID you see a cute girl in college dyed my hair" I would get a few laughs and yeah, just go on with my day, a few years later my Licence expired and I got a new photo which was great because now I wouldn't get questioned about my ID every time I had to use it, but it also sucked because I could no longer till that story... So I confessed to her my feelings over Facebook we dated for about two weeks and called it off to just being friends, a few months later we started dating again, she lived on the other side of the country so I made my pilgrimage over to see her and BAM back to being just friends again... In our own words Jerry and Elaine from Seinfeld they dated but continued to stay best friends awesome, but still ugh..., I would be lying if I said I'm 100% okay with it but alas not the case.

We still talk every day, but I have never told a girl "that I love you" because I am not good in that department, the kiss we shared was awkward we stood out there looking out at the ocean for what seemed like an eternity, "14-ish minutes" she stood their with her feet in the sand waiting for me to make a move, the signs were all their, she inched closer and closer, went in for a side hug and looked up at me, and I just froze trying to work up the courage to emote and kiss her, but I just couldn't do it, and time just sink and dissipated, killing the moment, and nothing, zip, nadda the moment was gone, the air was cold and it was starting to rain and as she started to walk away and head back to the car I made my move, I could tell she was waiting for a Disney moment of a kiss, and I was late the spark was gone our lips just touched and we pulled away, I was on could nine that I conquered my fear of women, but she was, well disappointed...

Later the next day we called it off and now she is traveling to the other side of the country to pursue her dream job, and I exist, still sending messages to her like friends do and getting updates as to where she is now, and just like I put myself in the friend zone... All because from day one I didn't man up and own the fact that I was dating the smartest, most wonderful and beautiful girl in the world, I made bad puns and jokes the whole trip trying to impress her even though it was clear she liked me, but I couldn't see it then I was a coward and that's not what she was looking for, she wanted a man with confidence not a wimp, and a girl of her caliber deserves that, Now the sad thing is that I have the confidence, to stand up in front a large group of people and present a speech/presentation/sermon sometimes being completely unprepared, I have the confidence to light Nunchaku's on fire and spin them around at high speeds, I have the confidence to do a lot of things even post this sad story here. However when it comes to dating I'm a zero, but since we are still in that friend zone, and that glimmer remains in the words of Zero from MegaMan x 4 "It's not over yet!" and even if it the end still I will make another move once the time is right, I know what I need to work on in my own personal life in order to make that happen and I am more determined then ever to make things right.

Anyway that's whats been going on with good old Ninja Trigger, the Ninja of Mobafire who never truly left but seldom makes an appearance anymore, also when the hell can I just become a vet already?
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2018 11:56am | Report
I feel you man. Stay in a positive flow.

Also I miss when the off topic section of mobafire was active and talking with everyone was always a good place to blow off steam
Same here, it's like everything's about this weird video game these days :^)

also when the hell can I just become a vet already?
Rumor has it one has to get through a majority vote at the veteran council, and the best way to approach it is to send raunchy pictures to every single one of them. Oddly enough it hasn't worked out for me so far.

For me, as an old friend kindly pointed out a few days ago, I'm currently living a boring life studying mathematics (switch from CS) and doing not much else. I quit being a scout leader some time ago (time constraints, stress) and did not expect the huge pile of drama emerging from that decision which, about half a year later, has broken at least one awkward crush and three friendships (not all mine, thank god).

The crusade of untilting my mind(*) and hopefully getting along normally with one of the people involved is finally getting somewhere, which is good because she's also part of my scouting age group which we are trying to form (although she's hardly shown up since the in retrospect bombshell of me quitting leading). So good news all around.

(*): untilting as in, when everything about someone makes you angry even though it shouldn't and you're just being a whiny *****. Make sure you never get there because it's a real pain. You're just having a normal conversation and suddenly you get incredibly annoyed by whatever. It's a shame because all the good memories we have definitely outweigh the bad. The back of my mind just doesn't fully agree yet.

So, any happy thoughts for this bar or does the sign read "The Drunken Amumu"? :^)

With the scouting group we're forming we're thinking of wild camping in Norway. Just the thought is exciting already. We've never done wild camping before though, as it's illegal in most of Europe. Does anyone have any tips or tricks?

Plans for the rest of the weekend: finish homework. I hate calculus.

Did you find anything nice during the Garage Sailing Jhoijhoi? Sounds like fun, we don't have something like that over here (we do have markets, but not people selling at their own homes).
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2018 2:35pm | Report
Vicious Skittle
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Dec 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2018 3:46pm | Report
Vapora Dork is back BABY
Signatures made by: The_Nameless_Bard and Hopper
Perfection? I got that.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2018 4:15pm | Report
@ Ninja Trigger I love OP-shopping too. Even though everything is slightly off-fashion, it's fun trying on clothes and seeing if you can make them work (you can't - I bought a one-suit that did not at all suit me and hung in my rack of clothes for months before I finally donated it back, lol!).

I think it's really easy to fall in love with someone online and then find your real-life personalities don't match. Or to fall in love with someone for a brief amount of time and then drift apart. It doesn't mean you're a failure. I would also say my first kiss in a relationship was not what I was expecting; we both had our eyes open and our lips touched and pressed and it was soft, but not really a spark, like you said. We joked about why our eyes were open (whyyyyy???). It happened in the final year of high school and it was at lunchtime and I think I was anxious of being caught by friends or teachers. Anyway, my point is, maybe the spark wasn't there for that one, but could be for future ones. Also, it's not your job to make all the moves! But her being willing to drive 7 hours somewhere you wanted to see, means a whole lot too. Not sure what I'm saying, maybe there's still a chance, it seems like the two of you have broken up and come back together in the past.

@ latest legend The Drunken Amumu is an awesome bar name xD But I hope this thread won't be the bearer of too much bad news, though all news is welcome. We don't really have scouts here in Australia. We grow up with American TV though, so I know all about girl scout cookies and scout badges and camps, and I used to read Goosebumps which had a lot of scout-esque stories. But I imagine what I know isn't close to what it's really like to be part of a team. Camping in Norway sounds thrilling - surely there are some places where camping is legal? Or is wild camping different to regular camping?

As for the garage sailing, I found a pair of gold earrings for $3! Pretty stoked. I also bought some random fabric to give a go to upholstering some chairs we've had since forever - they're literally falling apart at the seams. No experience at all with recovering chairs, but how hard can it be? xD

@ vapora dark Impressive form.

To the frequenters of the Drunken Amumu, a quick update. It's actually Patch's birthday today (27!), so we'll be going out for dinner to celebrate. He's got his eye locked on burgers from Grill'd, so that'll be nice. My birthday is in October, and I'm thinking Indian! What's your favourite dine-in food?
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♡ sig by me ♡
Lady Amelyne
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Mar 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2018 4:27pm | Report
Vapora Dork is back BABY

Oh, but it never left.
Credits go to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2018 10:03am | Report
I feel you man. Stay in a positive flow.

Thanks mate :) I will try to stay positive about everything

jhoijhoi wrote:
@ Ninja Trigger I love OP-shopping too. Even though everything is slightly off-fashion, it's fun trying on clothes and seeing if you can make them work (you can't - I bought a one-suit that did not at all suit me and hung in my rack of clothes for months before I finally donated it back, lol!).

I think it's really easy to fall in love with someone online and then find your real-life personalities don't match. Or to fall in love with someone for a brief amount of time and then drift apart. It doesn't mean you're a failure. I would also say my first kiss in a relationship was not what I was expecting; we both had our eyes open and our lips touched and pressed and it was soft, but not really a spark, like you said. We joked about why our eyes were open (whyyyyy???). It happened in the final year of high school and it was at lunchtime and I think I was anxious of being caught by friends or teachers. Anyway, my point is, maybe the spark wasn't there for that one, but could be for future ones. Also, it's not your job to make all the moves! But her being willing to drive 7 hours somewhere you wanted to see, means a whole lot too. Not sure what I'm saying, maybe there's still a chance, it seems like the two of you have broken up and come back together in the past.

Thanks for sharing your first kiss story, it makes me a feel a little better, and she had been planing on taking me to the ocean before I even got their we drove all over the place and it was a blast but once the kiss happened we both knew it was over.

The drive back was quicker because we parked the car onto a fairy and cut out about 3-4 hours of driving overall it was a still very long day but still a good one :)

jhoijhoi wrote:
To the frequenters of the Drunken Amumu, a quick update. It's actually Patch's birthday today (27!), so we'll be going out for dinner to celebrate. He's got his eye locked on burgers from Grill'd, so that'll be nice. My birthday is in October, and I'm thinking Indian! What's your favourite dine-in food?

My favorite is seafood XD
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2018 4:48pm | Report
Hey there, long time no see! I might be back to the forums soon, so I was thinking of doing a life update blog post.

The short version would be that I started my grad thesis last year, I got a girlfriend and I won a grant for a PhD in bioinformatics, which forced me to get my degree before April this year.

So I was in the midst of a new gf and having to write a bunch of stuff to fill up my CV for the grant, and I had to sacrifice a lot of things for it. I went through a terrible couple of months, but I came out on top of it with my degree on the very last day possible. That was the 28th of March, and I've been seeing all the friends/family I hadn't seen in months since that day. Right now I'm in my parents' house for a week so I probably won't be too active either, but I figured it was a good time to post something in here.

It's good to still see most of the same familiar faces :) I'll see if I get back to LoL and/or being active in the forums again, but I guess I will at least leave a blog post some time this week with all the things that happened.

Now the sad thing is that I have the confidence, to stand up in front a large group of people and present a speech/presentation/sermon sometimes being completely unprepared, I have the confidence to light Nunchaku's on fire and spin them around at high speeds, I have the confidence to do a lot of things even post this sad story here. However when it comes to dating I'm a zero
I always felt that the problem with dating -and relationships in general- is that they're way too overrated and/or idealised. You probably won't land in a healthy relationship if you think of your partner as being "on a different league" or stuff like that. Most people get nervous because they think they'll never have another shot at someone so wonderful again, but that's not true. By what you said, you can even say that you still have a shot at that very same wonderful girl. And even if that fails, you'll still find a lot of wonderful people if you're looking for it.

Personally, I got my only comfortable first date after deciding that I was OK with myself. There is nothing wrong with not being in a couple, and I feel that people should understand that before deciding whether or not they want to form one.
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Jan 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2018 6:35pm | Report
You guys know who I miss? WrathofVULK. I miss that dude, was always a cool presence to be around. What happened to dat boi?
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the awesome PsiGuard-loving sig!
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