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May Sales Schedule

Creator: PsiGuard April 17, 2018 3:00pm
<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2018 3:00pm | Report

By Riot Evaelin

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this May! Like previous sales schedules, we're not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they'll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we're publishing these in advance, we won't offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:
Champion Sale Price (RP) Skin Sale Price (RP)
Ahri 440 Academy Ahri 375
Akali 395 Arcade Corki 675
Anivia 395 Atlantean Fizz 260
Aurelion Sol 487 Battle Regalia Poppy 260
Braum 487 Blood Moon Thresh 487
Caitlyn 440 Cottontail Teemo 487
Ekko 487 Debonair Jayce 487
Ezreal 440 Demon Vi 675
Fiora 440 Dino Gnar 487
Galio 395 Dragonblade Talon 487
Gangplank 395 Hillbilly Gragas 260
Gnar 487 Iron Inquisitor Kayle 375
Gragas 395 Lunar Goddess Diana 487
Illaoi 487 Mafia Graves 487
Ivern 487 Muay Thai Lee Sin 487
Jayce 440 Myrmidon Pantheon 260
Jhin 487 Nightblade Irelia 260
Karthus 395 Pharaoh Nidalee 260
Kassadin 395 Phoenix Quinn 487
Katarina 395 Pool Party Draven 487
Kha'Zix 440 Prehistoric Cho'Gath 375
Kindred 487 Program Camille 675
LeBlanc 395 PROJECT: Fiora 675
Lux 395 PROJECT: Katarina 675
Nocturne 440 Pug'Maw 487
Orianna 440 Queen of Diamonds Syndra 375
Rek'Sai 487 Reaper Hecarim 487
Riven 440 Redeemed Riven 487
Sejuani 440 River Spirit Nami 487
Shyvana 395 Samurai Yi 260
Tahm Kench 487 Sandscourge Skarner 487
Taliyah 487 Siren Cassiopeia 260
Thresh 487 Super Kennen 375
Twitch 395 Undertaker Yorick 260
Vi 487 Warden Jax 375
Yorick 440 Wildfire Zyra 487

Early Sales:
Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank 1350 975
Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank 1350 975
Cyber Pop Zoe 1350 975
PROJECT: Vi 1350 975
PROJECT: Jhin 1350 975
PROJECT: Vayne 1820 1350
Thanks to Janitsu for the sig!
KajiKumihoAkukei's Forum Avatar
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Nov 10th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2018 10:41am | Report
I see a PROJECT: Vayne skin coming in my near future! ^^

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