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MOBAFire Ironman 2023!

Creator: Hades4u January 30, 2023 12:31am
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<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 12:31am | Report

Welcome everyone to the second iteration of our MOBAFire Ironman, our most challenging community event! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

For the month of February all League players will have the chance to test their gaming endurance and skills to compete for a prestigious award and the chance to win $1,000 USD cash! Don't feel intimidated and check out the details below!

Wait! Can Anyone Win The $1,000 USD Cash Prize?
That's right. Anyone that successfully completes the Ironman can be randomly drawn to win $1,000 USD! In addition, everyone will receive a prestigious award to display on their MOBAFire profiles and in our Hall of Fame. Show off your achievement to the world, you've earned it! ๐Ÿ†

Cool! How Will The Ironman Work?
The Ironman will begin on the 6th of February and will end on the 5th of March.

Participants will have to win 1 match every weekday (Monday - Friday), meaning a total of 20 matches.

The weekends (Saturday - Sunday) can be used to recover up to 2 matches that were missed during their corresponding week.

The eligible game modes are Summoner's Rift (Blind, Draft, Ranked Solo/Duo and Flex, Clash) and ARAM. Only matchmaking games against players will count, meaning no bots or customs.

Every week will have a different objective that participants must fulfill:

  • Week 1 (6th - 12th Feb) - Win as a different Ionian champion every day (list)

  • Week 2 (13th - 19th Feb) - Win as a different champion with a stun every day and get at least 5 kills or 10 assists in every match (list)

  • Week 3 (20th - 26th Feb) - Win as a different melee champion every day without getting killed more than 2 times (list)

  • Week 4 (27th Feb - 5th March) - Win as a different champion every day and have a KDA of 4.0+ in every match

Sounds Good! How Will The Matches Be Tracked?
Participants will have to track the matches on their own. We will recommend different methods to do so, but everyone is free to track their matches in their own way, as long as it's easy for us to verify the matches every week.

Suggested methods of tracking your matches:

No matter what method you choose, you must reply to this thread with a link (in case of using Google Spreadsheets or other external websites) or with the matches directly (in case of using the BBCode template or forum tracking).

It's important to keep track of your matches correctly and make sure that we can easily verify every match with their corresponding day. We recommend filling in the screenshot links as soon as the match is over to easily keep track and make sure that no day is missed.

The matches will be checked every two weekdays by the admins to make sure there are no mistakes and to inform participants if any changes must be made. To make both our lives and your experience better, please make sure that the 5 weekly matches will be ready to be verified every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

Everyone's progress will be publicly tracked by the admins in this spreadsheet. In case any mistakes are made by the participants, a comment will be added to their row in the spreadsheet and they'll also be contacted via Discord.

โ“โ— Remember โ—โ“
Admins will always be available both on the forums and on Discord to help. Please don't hesitate to ask questions whenever anything is unclear, we know there's a lot to process and we want to make sure everyone has the chance to participate and enjoy the event!

Awesome! How To Handle Screenshots?
The screenshots of every match must include the Scoreboard found in your Match History (Profile > Match History > Click on the match). The following information must be visible in the screenshots:

  • Summoner name and level (top right & scoreboard)
  • Match date and game mode
  • The relevant stats for every challenge (e.g. champion picked, kills, assists, etc.)

The screenshots must be uploaded to imgur. Using other image hosting websites will not count. Here are some methods to create screenshots:

  • Use the "Print Screen" button from the top right side of your keyboard and "Paste" in Paint
  • Use Snipping Tool (available by default on Windows)
  • Use GeForce Experience, Lightshot, OBS or other tools to take screenshots easily

Here's an example of the perfect screenshot to make your lives easier!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I play on my smurf account or in party with smurfs?
A: No. You and the players in your party must use your main accounts for the matches to be eligible. We reserve the right to disqualify any participants that we suspect of smurfing.

Q: Can I change accounts while participating?
A: No. All matches must be played on the same account. If you lose your account or it gets banned, sadly you can no longer participate.

Q: Can I participate multiple times in the Ironman?
A: No. Everyone is allowed to have only one MOBAFire account, meaning they can only participate once.

Q: Do matches where the enemies surrender count?
A: Yes. Good job on the stomp! Remakes won't count though.

Q: Can I pick a champion that I've previously won with?
A: No. Every day you must win with a different champion. (20 wins, 20 different champions)

Q: Can I update my matches every week or submit them all in the final day?
A: Yes. However, admins won't be able to check your matches as effectively and inform you of mistakes in a timely manner.

Q: Can players from any region participate?
A: Yes. All you have to do is properly track your matches following the instructions above.

Q: Can we submit matches from rotating game modes?
A: Unfortunately not. All the eligible game modes are listed above.

Q: How is the cash prize winner picked?
A: When the Ironman is finally over, we will be performing a final check to make sure we've correctly verified everyone's matches. All the participants that managed to successfully play and win all the 20 matches will be added to our upcoming Hall of Fame, together with all the champions they've played throughout the Ironman. A Discord bot will be used to fairly draw a random number in order to pick the cash winner out of all the eligible Ironmen.

Q: How is the prize delivered?
A: The cash prize will be paid by bank or PayPal. You can also claim it as RP Codes or Amazon Gift Cards.

Q: Am I out of the Ironman if I miss a match without recovering it?
A: Yes, unfortunately. You can miss two matches during the week and recover them in the weekend.

Q: Do I have to complete all the 20 days to become an Ironman?
A: Yes. You have to win 20 matches in 20 different days and meet all of our requirements to be eligible to win $1,000 USD and be part of our upcoming Hall of Fame.

Q: Can I recover missed matches in the weekend of another week?
A: No. You can only recover the missed matches in that week's corresponding weekend (e.g. you can recover missed matches from week 1 only on the 11th and 12th of Feb).

Q: What happens if I start the match before midnight and it ends on the next day?
A: The match will count for the next day (e.g. you start on the 5th at 11:50 PM and the match ends at 00:10 AM, the match counts for the 6th).

Q: Can I recover the two matches in the weekend on the same day?
A: Yes. You can recover both matches either on Saturday or Sunday, or one match each day. It's up to you!

Q: Do I really have to join the Discord server?
A: It's not mandatory but it makes everyone's lives easier. We can contact you quickly in case there's something wrong with your matches, and you can also ask us questions at any time and receive answers faster.

Q: Does time zone matter?
A: No. Your League client displays your local time zone and everyone should play in their local time zone whenever they have the time and mood.

Thank you everyone for taking part in our Ironman event and we're excited to hear your thoughts! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 4:29am | Report
Good luck to everyone! :)
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Tolis slayer
Tolis slayer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 10th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 5:08am | Report
That is pretty interesting.even tho it sounds tricky im gonna try my best to win
Just a regular yi main who is bad at the game because he is a yi main
Amberdragon's Forum Avatar
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Jun 1st, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 6:02am | Report
Can I play with a friend (who will not participate in the challenge) or would that count as a "custom" game?
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 7:17am | Report
Hey @ Amberdragon!

You can play in a party, yes! Playing with friends will increase your odds of completing the challenges. Make sure to also invite your friends to participate, who knows who will win the grand prize! ๐Ÿ˜

Have fun!
Tauricus2017's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2023 10:14am | Report
I, unfortunately, won't be participating this year around :D
The last Ironman challenge was so damn difficult it is still giving me PTSD.
There ain't no way I am going through that again XD

With that said I wish everyone the best of luck <3 You will need it.

Thanks to jhoi for the sig
Nico_Player's Forum Avatar
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Jan 1st, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2023 6:10pm | Report
Sorry but where I have to send my screenshots?
Hola, Soy Nico Player y Juego lol desde hace un par de aรƒยฑos e hice esta cuenta en Mobafire para hablar sobre champs y guias. Mi cuenta de LoL es: Nico El Guerrero en LAS.

Hello, Iร‚ยดm Nico Player and I have been playing lol for some years and I made this account in Mobafire for talk about champs and guides. Mi LoL account is: Nico El Guerrero in the server LAS.
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2023 11:52pm | Report
Hey @ Nico_Player!

You have to add your screenshots to the BBCode forum template or a Google Spreadsheets document, depending on your preference. Afterwards, submit the forum template or the spreadsheet link to this thread as a comment. Please make sure to carefully read the instructions, everything is explained there. ๐Ÿ˜
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2023 1:18am | Report
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Thresh Plays
Thresh Plays's Forum Avatar
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Jan 20th, 2023
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2023 2:49am | Report
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