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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Temzilla

AP Mordekaiser [CDR/MPen]

AP Mordekaiser [CDR/MPen]

Updated on June 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Temzilla Build Guide By Temzilla 6 7 13,232 Views 37 Comments
6 7 13,232 Views 37 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Temzilla Mordekaiser Build Guide By Temzilla Updated on June 16, 2011
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Temzilla (211) | June 16, 2011 1:34pm
jhoijhoi wrote:

Also, I think you should archive this and re-release it with only one build instead of 3. Throughout the comments I've read, you weren't serious about the other two builds anyway.

Definitely archive, and try to have a positive attitude with commenters because lots of people read comments before voting.

Lots of the comments here have a point - you get Force of Nature, but no health to back it up. I'm not saying, "omfg, why no Warmogs!?", but I've seen Morde's with Randuim's and they do well too.

So yeah, copy the guide, archive this one, and hope that people don't hunt you down for downvoting their guides.

Good luck ^^

I did just that, took a much different approach.

Force of Nature isn't for the HP/5, it's for the Magic Resist, but i do sometimes build Randuins with it.

The thing about FoN, is that it won't save you in a fight that you couldn't already win without it's hp/5, and health actually slows down your total regen in terms of "time to full hp".
jhoijhoi (2057) | June 16, 2011 11:00am
Also, I think you should archive this and re-release it with only one build instead of 3. Throughout the comments I've read, you weren't serious about the other two builds anyway.

Definitely archive, and try to have a positive attitude with commenters because lots of people read comments before voting.

Lots of the comments here have a point - you get Force of Nature, but no health to back it up. I'm not saying, "omfg, why no Warmogs!?", but I've seen Morde's with Randuim's and they do well too.

So yeah, copy the guide, archive this one, and hope that people don't hunt you down for downvoting their guides.

Good luck ^^
jhoijhoi (2057) | June 16, 2011 10:53am
Voted +1
I don't know much about Mordekaiser, but the builds I have seen have been similar to yours.

However, many Morde's rush Hextech Gunblade and I'm telling you, they always rape. Getting that early Hextech Revolver makes his Mace of Spades hit like a freaking truck against squishies.

Maybe consider getting Hextech Gunblade first over Will of the Ancients? From what I remember, AoE moves only recieve 30% spell vamp.

Other than that, +1! Doesn't deserve to be downvoted so much ^^
Temzilla (211) | June 16, 2011 12:38am
stiannus wrote:

cause LB is so useless late game
why would she ever need the blue

Yeah, nice deflect.

Mordekaiser doesn't have mana, and can EASILY pick up CDR items.

No reason for Mordekaiser not to give blue to someone else. (Even if you give it to Garen or Katarina)

sorajai wrote:

LOL. There's way better items to get, rather then frozen heart on Mordekaiser.

I'm still bad? Why don't you get a screenshot of 6 Mordekaiser wins in a row. Or, you could play 10 games, win 1 game with Mordekaiser, repeat x6, then photoshop so it looks like you're pro.

Yeah, the second way is probably easier for you.

Name an item combination with over 99 armor and 20% CDR, and make it under 2770g will ya?

I'd honestly LOVE to hear it.

Or suggest an item that even comes close to it.

Also, i don't post my match history with mordekaiser because it means jack ****.

Wins don't mean **** for individual skill, and even if i did have over 50 replays of wins with this build, it wouldn't matter, because you'd find something else to pick at.
stiannus (4) | June 16, 2011 12:06am
cause LB is so useless late game
why would she ever need the blue
sorajai (3) | June 16, 2011 12:05am
LOL. There's way better items to get, rather then frozen heart on Mordekaiser.

I'm still bad? Why don't you get a screenshot of 6 Mordekaiser wins in a row. Or, you could play 10 games, win 1 game with Mordekaiser, repeat x6, then photoshop so it looks like you're pro.

Yeah, the second way is probably easier for you.
Temzilla (211) | June 15, 2011 11:15pm
Herpes wrote:

other than your second build being completely ******ed on morde, your bein really negative on other morde guides and the comments on this one.

I'm sorry that me giving people criticism is coming off as negative.

That, and having to deal with trolls like you.
Herpes (3) | June 15, 2011 11:00pm
Voted -1
other than your second build being completely ******ed on morde, your bein really negative on other morde guides and the comments on this one.
Temzilla (211) | June 15, 2011 10:56pm
stiannus wrote:

why not just grab thornmail and get the blue

Your avatar is LeBlanc right?

Well I've NEVER had a LeBlanc that was like "nah Morde, you take blue, my mana is fine".
stiannus (4) | June 15, 2011 10:51pm
why not just grab thornmail and get the blue
Temzilla (211) | June 15, 2011 10:21pm
sorajai wrote:

Two words:
Frozen heart.

Three Words:

You're still bad.

stiannus wrote:

why are you getting mana items on morde?

Cause An item with 99 armor and 20% CDR is a "mana item".
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