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OP/UP champs and who are they?

Creator: Lugignaf August 31, 2011 8:20am
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JakofAllSpaydes's Forum Avatar
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Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 10:40pm | Report
Which is why i hate teamfights as akali :P
Thx to Jhoi, nyoike, xiao, Jeffy40Hands, AlexPT, Wafflewarrior, Wrath and myself for the sigs <33333
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 10:46pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

Good Akali beats Good Singed in lane every time, and she does it before he gets MR.

Problem with this logic is you assume the Singed won't take measures to keep from losing the lane.
I've found Regrowth Pendant works very well, undos a lot of Akali's harass in seconds.

AND, you assume the enemy jungler won't do anything.
The one time I personally played as Singed vs Akali, I specially requested my jungle hard-pressure the Akali. This lead to me being able to more freely farm, akali farmed well too, but she couldn't stop me even though she was very good at timing her skills and avoiding death when my jungler came by.

Team game. It's not 1v1.
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 10:47pm | Report
You'll blow everything up instantly in teamfights because Singed won't be denying your farm at all.
Josh Creed
Josh Creed's Forum Avatar
Sep 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2011 1:57pm | Report
scissors:-"please Nerf rock, paper is fine though"

happiness is only real when shared.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2011 2:42pm | Report
In regards to Sivir, end game Sivir has potential to out damage all carries.

That can never be bad.
Metalsonic's Forum Avatar
Aug 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 4:59am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

I hate people like you.

Soraka? Yeah, she got HUGE BUFFS, she's always been a "heal and make that dude really tanky for 8 seconds" and now her armor buff is way better.

Sona has always been an aura bot, and they made her heal aura way better.

Taric has always just been the stun, and he is getting a new ultimate soon.

Those sustain champions were only "over" played because they had the heals as well as the utility.

A straight up heal bot, with no other utility wouldn't really get played.

Edit: About singed, Akali is a pretty hard counter, since she can survive his harass, and also she can just chase him down when he ults because of her extremely low cooldown on her dash ulti.

Why would I pick akali vs singed if I can just pick vlad and defeat singed with so much ease ?

Yeah , a support needs to have utility , but being uber bad at early game isn't the way to go because if your carry takes significant damage by a champion like Caitlyn you get behind in farm with about 35 minion kills or so. What is wrong with heals ? A support haves to heal or bring some kind of utility . Alistar is now currently super OP because of the low mana cost and cooldown on his healing ability , giving alistar the strongest heals at early game . Also alistar haves much better CC then any other support , can roam incredibly well , and haves an ultimate which makes him nearly invulnerable and gets him out of CC .

Soraka + Taric are just fail to play , unless you get taric + caitlyn , there is no reason not to pick janna / Alistar instead of taric because Alistar + Janna perform their role better then taric. Same goes really for Soraka currently. They just screwed those champions like they did with nidalee.

Nobody said supports were overpowered, only that maybe the borring support + AD carry bot meta was a bit OP vs all the other bot champions and that it might need a chance in general . This is just Riot acting weird once again .

I mean look at Vladimir , he got 12 minor nerfs , then his base damage on his Q got nerfed once again and the cooldown from 3 seconds to 4 ...... this made Vladimir a bad pick compared to other AP carrys because also of the low range of his Q skill. If they buffed the AP ratio from 0.7 to 1.1 to compensate for this huge nerf then he would actually still be pretty good.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 5:48am | Report
Taric + cailtyn is almost a autowin lane for anyone by the way , tip of the day :D
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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 10:04am | Report
Metalsonic wrote:

Why would I pick akali vs singed if I can just pick vlad and defeat singed with so much ease ?

Yeah , a support needs to have utility , but being uber bad at early game isn't the way to go because if your carry takes significant damage by a champion like Caitlyn you get behind in farm with about 35 minion kills or so. What is wrong with heals ? A support haves to heal or bring some kind of utility . Alistar is now currently super OP because of the low mana cost and cooldown on his healing ability , giving alistar the strongest heals at early game . Also alistar haves much better CC then any other support , can roam incredibly well , and haves an ultimate which makes him nearly invulnerable and gets him out of CC .

Soraka + Taric are just fail to play , unless you get taric + caitlyn , there is no reason not to pick janna / Alistar instead of taric because Alistar + Janna perform their role better then taric. Same goes really for Soraka currently. They just screwed those champions like they did with nidalee.

Nobody said supports were overpowered, only that maybe the borring support + AD carry bot meta was a bit OP vs all the other bot champions and that it might need a chance in general . This is just Riot acting weird once again .

I mean look at Vladimir , he got 12 minor nerfs , then his base damage on his Q got nerfed once again and the cooldown from 3 seconds to 4 ...... this made Vladimir a bad pick compared to other AP carrys because also of the low range of his Q skill. If they buffed the AP ratio from 0.7 to 1.1 to compensate for this huge nerf then he would actually still be pretty good.

Actually what they did by re-working other supports is put them on an almost equal level with each other by giving them dynamic strengths and weaknesses for comps. Alistar's heal has been nerfed hard...Low mana cost with a medium CD. Reduced if minions or friendlies affected by the heal die, they also nerfed his ulti so he doesn't get 75% Damage reduction at all ranks of the spell...Get your facts straight, or don't ****ing POST.
Soraka is fine, her playstyle has changed a bit though, same can be said for Sona fine, actually better IMO with the armor buff that she can share. You're just a bad player or inexperienced if you think any support currently available is messed up or unviable. Not every champ should have a strong early/mid/late/ultra-late game. If they did this game would be a lot less exciting and take A LOT longer to play.

Vlad gets played at high elo....What Riot did was make him not so easy to play anymore. No more scrubs carrying with Vlad, YOU actually need to be good at this game to succeed...And 1.1 ratio on his Q would be completely over powered. It's already a late game low CD NO COST heal...Why would giving it a ratio that rivals most champion's ultimates be a good option.

Please just stop posting these trash ideas, READ/THINK/THINK SOME MORE, before you post. Less you wish to confuse the people new to this website/game.
Yougan's Forum Avatar
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Jul 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 5:50pm | Report
My "OP" list is short:

Singed - Can't die and still do awesome damage in teamfights.

Garen - ..................... I play Teemo that's why.

Tryndamere - My msot haed champ, unable to kill with no cc, and still hard.

Gangplank - His damage is too great, and his freakin' heal/CC escaper is wrong.

Karthus - His damage is too powerful, tho his skills are ok. I hate luckers and I love to see someone being abe to finish them off but this is...

Jax - Some of you might disagree but come on... SOmetimes Jax can solo a whole ****ing team.

Thanks to jhoijhoi, Brynolf, Jeffy40hands, Samoh, MissMaw, Vavena, Koksei and The-Nameless-Bard for my signs
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 8:59pm | Report
Akali shuts down Singed BEFORE he snowballs and gets sustain and Mr.

She's strong during his only weak point.

That's why.
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