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About AP champs

Creator: Max Carter October 22, 2011 6:38pm
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Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 1:23pm | Report
Beeswarm17 wrote:

And are we talking Kennen or Kassadin? Kennen needs to get in the middle of fights and pop his ult. Kassadin needs to run around and pick off targets.

now we aren't talking about them at all

I want a ranged AP, that stays behind and cast, if I want to go in the battle I can play my "LoL Champions Availables" page, except for free Tristana and Master Yi, they're all tanky = tanker or off tanker '-' now I don't have any caster to use, sad, that's why I don't want to make **** buying one, as I did with Jarvan IV recently...

Cassiopeia -> Is it hard to use E? It don't have a long range, am i right? Cass don't have what I want: Hard CC on low cooldown, but the idea off casting a spell every 0.5 second is so OP... at least it seems

Anivia -> Stun, if you miss, it's a slow (soft CC)... But she can reborn, and a lot of anivias I saw deals "tons of damage" (as Phreak would say) with Frostbite... it deals 350 +50% AP when the enemy is chilled?

Malzahar -> 3 Seconds silence, 2.5 suppress, % of max health at W... Natural tanky killer and casters disrupter?

Morgana -> 3 seconds snare, that shield... and slow/stun ult (or snare, don't remember)... IDK if his soil is strong compared to other abilities, but if someone don't stay on it, it's weak, so the damage she deals is very suitable to change?

I think i'll have to try everyone of them, when they get free...

Masteries 9/0/21... standard casters
Runes: MRPen marks, Flat armor or mana regen per level seals? (I think it's mana regen), I only have magic resist per level glyphs, lol, but would be flat CDR right? Flat HP quints (I have AS and ArmP... dont work on them xD), but would be good what? AP? Flat or per level? or stay with health?
Items: Sorcerers shoes, early ROA, Rabadon, Void Staff or Hourglass, what I didn't bought before, Survability maybe?

Those champs aren't good casters to Archangel's right? And when I get void staff, should I get CDR boots or stay with Magic Pen?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Calibern's Forum Avatar
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Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 3:03pm | Report
Frostbite deals double damage when target is chilled. So say it did 175+.5 AP, If the target is chilled it deals 350 + 1 AP. Cass harass is basically spam q at enemy. Her e has a decent range, lower than her other skills, but not as low has her auto attack range, so she should be safe from ranged ad, and gap closers for the most part. Malzahar basically silence enemies, drop his w, use his e, and commence ultimate. He's basically good for killing the enemy carry very quickly. Morgana biggest role in a team fight is from her ultimate. She's like Fid in the fact she doesn't do much damage out side of her ultimate. Her snare is great for catching enemies off guard, and drop tormented soil in a team fight, and people probably will stand on it without noticing.

PS. Jarvan is a good champion just takes some getting use too. If your just starting off Annie is a good choice. Annie is the most basic mage and only costs 450. You should buy her if you want to get a feel for mages (she's free this weak). All you really need is Mpen marks, and flat AP quints, rest is up to your personal preference. I personally like taking some defensive runes, but you might like taking offensive runes. On most casters I build sorc shoes, RoA, and Death cap. After those 3 I build AA on Anivia, Rylais for most other casters, and build void staff, and Zhonyas. If you get void staff you should sell them late game for merc treads they make a difference.
Xin Guide
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Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.

Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 3:44pm | Report
Don't like Annie... '-'

Wow, Frostbite is strong...

I want to melt someone... Like, team says: focus nasus, kill him first (nasus, bad example, but ok) and I want to have enough damage to take him down, at least bring 1 and half of other's life before I die... Cassio, Morg, Malza and Anivia are like this? the problem is: they ban morgana a lot :/

And what about their ranges? I'm lazy and don't want to search it right now, LoL [: I'll take shower

What about CDR on them? Should I build CDR on them or only if they have high CD and bla bla?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Calibern's Forum Avatar
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Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 4:16pm | Report
Keep in mind to deal the double damage you need to land her q which travels very slow, or her ultimate which you don't get till level 6, so its not guaranteed. Without the double damage it barely makes a dent. Malz is better for bursting down one champion. Both Cassio, and Anivia can burst down one champion fast and move on too the next. Just today I got 2 kills when their jungler and mid tried to kill me. Taking one out with q+e combo, and the other when warwick tried to dive me while I used my ult and e to burst him down. Cassio has longest/accurate skill. I believe her q is 900 range. Cdr should used for morg, but none of the other mages there need it. Blue is always a given though.
Xin Guide
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.

Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 4:31pm | Report
ooh true, forgot anivia's Q is very slow... isn't it hard to hit? and yes, i remember you need to chill before :D but it's easy to cast ult on an enemy, at least i think so...

hm, morgana have high cd's? don't want morg anymore lol

Cassiopeia, Anivia and Malzahar... I think I'll have to wait them get free and test... now, entering on opinions: Which is the stronger? Which is the most likely to have on your team? (On those 3 guys)

Starting itens: Doran's Ring?
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Beeswarm17's Forum Avatar
Jun 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 9:57pm | Report
Anivia's Q is fairly slow, but it has a long range and you can explode it on command. Doran's is not a bad starting item for her. She's a good choice.

Morgana's cooldowns aren't that high (I don't know how this gets spread around), but I get CDR boots anyway. CDR boots + RoA wins me the game, more often than not. Her soil reduces MR, so I can get away with not buying sorc shoes. She's probably the strongest mid lane champ atm. High burst, sustained damage, shield, and passive spell vamp. I cannot talk up the spell vamp enough; it is fantastic.

Cass starts with either doran's or meki pendant. I spam like a boss, and since her passive reduces the cost of each subsequent spell, I can keep my mana high without ever slowing my spell casts. It also builds straight into Tear. Doran's isn't bad if you plan to spam a bit less.

I can't really say too much regarding Malz. I start with Doran's on him, but I don't play him that much. Therefore, I don't consider myself as knowledgeable as others would be.

Also, never ignore the possibility of starting with boots. If you are worried about a lot of skill shot harass (a Caitlyn, for instance), then boots may be the way to go. Less damage overall, but you'll live. Often, that's all you need to do.
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 24, 2011 1:16am | Report
Anivia's Q isn't that hard to land if you can predict where they're moving. VERY strong burst with E, and her ult is just annoying as ****.
She has mana problems with her R though, which is why you generally want a tear after RoA.

Cass has massive sustained burst throughout teamfights. She can consistently deal bursts while other champs become useless after using their burst, which is why she's strong.

Malz is really not that strong anymore compared to other ap casters. His damage sorta falls off late game (besides his pool). He's easily countered with QSS, and after that he becomes pretty weak.

Morgana's really strong at mid, because she counters ap champions. High sustain and awesome shield + snare. Gotta learn to aim snares though. Similar to anivia. Her Q is a massive nuke with the W's mag res reduction and 1:1 AP ratio.

And Orianna is still a really strong pick for AP casters.
xLiqur's Forum Avatar
Dec 17th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 24, 2011 1:18am | Report

The battleroom is ready. Liqur's hands are steady. The enemy is deadly.
Pozsich's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 24, 2011 1:51am | Report
It all comes down to trying them all and finding your preference really. I for one like Anivia even though Annie has an easier stun .
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Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 24, 2011 2:21am | Report
Anivia's Q isn't easy to hit because of the speed but there are some factors that can make it easier to land, unit collision (when your enemy is standing inbetween his/her minions) being one of them. Blocking your enemy by using Crystallize in front of them also helps.
If you aren't able to land Q's then simply focus on farming pre-lvl 6, once you have your ultimate it becomes so much easier to deal double damage.

I think my biggest problem with Anivia was/is pre-lvl 6 farming. Her auto-attack is not very strong and again quite slow, so it takes some practice. The first few games I didnt have any trouble lasthitting with her actually (to my surprise), but I've played a few games versus types such as Morgana recently and they can push you back so hard that you're always gonna be behind on farm.

Overall very, very nice champion though, very strong too.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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