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That's not a terrible build M4urice but I question Wriggle's and GA in your build. GA is generally a waste of money if you're not winning already (which implies good team mates) and I would rather have something that sticks to my target or lets me get to my target, sth like warmogs or FoN.
Also Aedori I highly suggest picking up hp/lvl seals and the defensive mastery because it will give you a free Giant's Belt and Eve really needs that help :P
Wriggle's Lantern brings to Eve welcome armor and lifesteal, as well as more jungle control and a free ward. I build this item on lots of junglers and offtanks, just because of the wonderful stats it offers.
Guardian Angel is more debatable; I like buying it because Eve needs some defense in late game to avoid being 1-shot when going in a fight, and Guardian Angel provides good defensive stats. The revive effect is less useful, but proves to be very annoying at any stage of the game. For a defensive combo, I would either go for Banshee's Veil + Guardian Angel for equilibrated defensive stats or Warmog's Armor + [situational item, depending on the heaviest damage dealer on the opposite team].
I stopped reading here...
Trinity Force has a cooldown, and you'll benefit more from pure DPS in a fight, than an extra Ravage or 2.
Unlike Sheen, Trinity Force does not have a cooldown; and this is what makes it such a mandatory item for Evelynn, worth to be rushed as quickly as possible! Wit's End also provides extreme DPS improvements for a fairly low price, so it may prove to be quite interesting to build it indeed.
Hi! I've been thinking a little, and I would like to emphasize how important is CDR to Evelynn. A Trinity Force build (which achieves truly insane DPS) relies on the use of Hate Spike to proc a 150% damage increase. To achieve the highest possible damage, you need to keep your casting speed as close as possible to your attack speed, so that each trigger of Hate Spike results in a Trinity Force proc.
I stopped reading here...
Trinity Force has a cooldown, and you'll benefit more from pure DPS in a fight, than an extra Ravage or 2.
Personally, the best build is :-
Also Aedori I highly suggest picking up hp/lvl seals and the defensive mastery because it will give you a free Giant's Belt and Eve really needs that help :P
When you use Agony's Embrace (ie. whenever you start a fight ;) ), your AS reaches crazy high values, very often above 2.0. The minimum casting time for Hate Spike, ie. with 40% CDR, is 0.48 s, which gives 2.08 trigger events per second. Knowing that, the conclusion is simple: to get the most out of Trinity Force with Evelynn, you need to near the CDR cap.
The problem is that you have other items to build than pure CDR. This is why I build Youmuu's Ghostblade and I always try to get the blue buff (which is also a very good mana fuel, so much needed on this mana-hungry assassin). Therefore, my "Optimal Trinity Force Jungle Evelynn Item Sequence" would be:
This works great and gives an unbeatable DPS. You can 1v1 nearly anyone (even Amumu!) with your ult activated. Of course, things may have you build "nonoptimal" items, well-suited to counter specific items or champions, but I must admit I have trouble choosing what can be replaced :)
if your not a total noob you wouldn't need a long *** explanation.
This even has more then Elementz or SV guide trolololol.
Probably just an angry revengevoter who's mad because his guide was probably bad and I downvoted it...
Short and does not explain the viability of jungle evelyn at all
if your not a total noob you wouldn't need a long *** explanation.
This even has more then Elementz or SV guide trolololol.