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- GrandmistressD's Draven - Hear That? Death's Knocking
- GrandmistressD's Guide Format
- GrandmistressD's Mid Lane Series - Featuring Zed
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The name of the guide: This build's name is... F*** I forgot.
The champion or subject it is about: Dr. Mundo
Why I want this reviewed: My build got alot of trollvotes from 86% to 79% :(
Who I want to review my guide: GrandmasterD
Guide Link:
The name of the guide: AP Tank Shen - Ninja Gaiden in LoL
The champion the subject is about: Shen
Why I want this reviewed: Cause right now its number 2 in mobafire and i would love to make it to the top!
Who I want to review my guide: Well anyone will do!
Guide Link: Here it is.
The name of the guide: Tristana and her Dark Sides~ (AD)
The champion or subject it is about: AD Tristana
Why I want this reviewed: It's the second highest rated Tristana guide and I'd like to make it to the top.
Who I want to review my guide: Anyone
Guide Link:
Thanks bros !
The name of the guide: Janna, Queen of CC
The champion or subject it is about: Janna
Why I want this reviewed: I just wan't to get some attention on the guide, and I would like to know what I need to work on.
Who I want to review my guide: Wayne3100, if possible.
Guide Link:Janna, Queen of CC
The name of the guide: Nidalee - The Way of the Cougar
The champion or subject it is about: Nidalee (AD :O)
Why I want this reviewed: To help improve the build and genereal critisism, as this is my first build.
Who I want to review my guide: Which ever specialises in Ad carries.
Guide Link:
The name of the guide: Jax - solo top/jungle path to OP
The champion or subject it is about: Jax
Why I want this reviewed: I was doing it for 3 days and I after putting so much effort to make it look somehow I wish to make sure its perfect and people can get most out of it.
Who I want to review my guide: whoever feel more interested in doing so, I wouldn't mind anyone.
Guide Link:
The name of the guide:Kayle- Saving Grace
The champion or subject it is about: Kayle
Why I want this reviewed:I'd like to make it the best guide i can make it.
Who I want to review my guide: Wayne
Guide Link:
The name of the guide: comprehensive guide on how to milk a cow
The champion or subject it is about: support alistar
Why I want this reviewed: Hoping to make it to top three
Who I want to review my guide: wayne (i think he was the guy who specialized in supports)
Guide Link:
thnks guys
The name of the guide: comprehensive guide on how to milk a cow
The champion or subject it is about: support alistar
Why I want this reviewed: Hoping to make it to top three
Who I want to review my guide: wayne (i think he was the guy who specialized in supports)
Guide Link:
thnks guys
The name of the guide: Darius the noxian symbol
The champion or subject it is about: Darius
Why I want this reviewed: I'm updating & checking my guides soon and I would like to have an opinion about it, how could I still improve it.
Who I want to review my guide: Anyone
Guide Link: Click on sig ^^