Hi Mobafire!

This is my first blog and I thought I would use it as a place to collect my thoughts on an on-hit Lulu build I've been working on. I may eventually turn what I collect here into a guide if I like it enough and it works well. Feel free to criticize, suggest, laugh, and post feedback.

I find there are 3 ways to build Lulu, all of them quite strong.

There is the standard support Lulu build which is also the most common. She was made to be a support so her kit is well suited for it.

There is the full AP Lulu build which is rather strong (especially early game). You do a lot of damage and easily get farmed but the damage seems to drop off late game as you only have 2 spells for damage.

Then there is the AD/AS/On-Hit Lulu build. This works because of her passive, Pix, Faerie Companion which does up to an extra 87 magic damage per attack at level 18 (I thought it was 117 but apparently Riot had the tooltip wrong). This is also the first build I saw pros using on Lulu while streaming in one of the rare moments in which I actually watched a LoL stream (I prefer SC2 streams). It seems to be extremely strong early game and late game, but falls off somewhat mid game. It also requires a lot of farm (which is easy to do with this build).

I found that On-Hit Lulu can either be solo-top or mid, both work well. It seems to function in a similar way to On-Hit Teemo but with more CC and less damage. You have Glitterlance for damage (especially early), farming, and zoning melee champions. Whimsy gives you a good initiate/escape/chase. Help, Pix! is probably your least useful spell here- the shield may save you from Ignite but mostly you will be using it to set up Glitterlance hits. And your ultimate Wild Growth is just great to use during a fight either for the instant tankyness, the AOE knock-up and slow, or the instant massive heal (if cast on a low-health person).

My Build So Far:
Start with Boots and 3 Health Potions, standard

Next you want to build a fast Nashor's Tooth starting with Fiendish Codex. The mana regeneration, AP, and CDR early on really help a lot.
However, if you are against an AP champion (generally mid) you will want to build a Wit's End first for the MR.

After this, you need to finish your boots. I would probably go with Sorcerer's Shoes as most of your damage will be magic damage (whether it is from the on-hit effects of your items or your abilities).

Now build a Malady. This gives a little more AP, some good AS, and a stacking MR debuff along with a bit of damage. Perfect for this build.

If you haven't bought it yet, now is the time to get a Wit's End. The MR will really help as will the AS and 42 extra damage per hit.

Next I think a Frozen Mallet is a good idea. It has a lot of health, making you hard to kill. You also get a perma-slow from your auto-attacks in addition to all your other slows/CCs. I could care less about the 20 damage it gives you.

And finally, to finish your build and do massive damage, make a Madred's Bloodrazor.

Here is what I'm currently trying to figure out with my build:
The Hextech Gunblade seems to have great stats for this build and grants a lot of sustain, what would the best way to fit it into this build be? Which item should it replace? Should I just forget it completely? What is the best way to fit sustain into the build (there is currently no lifsteal/spell vamp in it)?

A Wriggle's Lantern could be useful, it has a bunch of stats that are great for solo-top against the standard melee tanky-dps. Unfortunately I don't think that it is the best item. It doesn't grant AS, or AP, or on-hit effects. Also the lifesteal would be minimal as this build has almost no AD. Could be a useful situational item.

Madred's Bloodrazor grants the largest DPS boost out of all the items, but currently it comes last in my build. I feel that I am unlikely to reach that point in the game very often and having it so late may weaken my mid-game. Where is the best spot for it in the build? Do I build it right after my boots or keep it near the end?

Runes and Masteries. I have yet to really figure out which work best for this build. I think I want 21/9/0 for masteries, but am not sure which would work best. Pure AP offensive masteries or a mix of AD and AP (or AS and AP)? For runes I'm not sure whether to use my AP runes or AD runes or something else entirely. Suggestions would be nice.

Jungling. I have not tried Jungling with Lulu yet but it can probably be done. How would I alter this build if I was to jungle (with the exception of making a fast Wriggle's Lantern). I think it would work well, she should have strong ganks ( Whimsy to run in/initiate and red buff + Glitterlance to slow). Also for jungling, what runes/masteries would be best? I'm currently trying to fill in a new rune page and will be spending all of my IP on new runes so I'd love to hear what will work best.

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for reading my rather long post. I'd love feedback on my build and comments/suggestions/help on the bits that I'm working on. As I said, there is a good chance that this will end up as my 2nd guide once I have it all sorted out. Just tell me what you think.