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Hyogetaki Hisame's stand!

Creator: Hyogetaki Hisame August 26, 2012 7:47am
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 26, 2012 7:47am | Report
Hello community,

I've been playing league for roughtly 6 months so far ( average gaming time being 6 hours per day), and tought that is certainly not an important amount of time for a player, I'm actually kind of confident on my knowledge of the game mechanics.

Last week, I managed to fall to the 900 Elo category due to a mixture of bad luck and bad in-game decisions, but, just as my favourite champion Anivia, I shall be reborn anew and reach greater heights than those I used to dwell on.

Here, I will be sharing with you some of my games for the remainining of the season.

Current ELO : 952.

First ranked game of the day

We're playing as purple team. I'm first pick, my team mates ask me to ban Galio, Yorick and Shen, Enemy team bans Morgana, Kassadin and Darius

I'm facing Cho'Gath mid as Twisted Fate, laning phase is pretty even as none of us loses in either farm nor kills, lane is always in the center, My first teleport gank ends with my death as the bot lane decides that running from a mid life stunned Sivir and Nidalee is a wise option. The first team fights are a huge mess, our Jax decided that killing Nidalee is the best option in team fights and follows her trough the map while the others are destroying us... What could possibly go wrong?

We managed to win somehow by securing baron twice and some good poking from both me and Ezreal before team fights, as the three or four last team fights always began with us full life against their mid life team.

MVP : Ezreal who managed to get the job done against all odds as mid game was really in blue teams favor.

Funny note : Warwick obviously hated me since he would follow me through the whole map as I kite him while my team was destroying their own team.

Second ranked game of the day

We're playing as blue team. I'm last pick, the bans for our team are Malphite, Morgana and Shen, Enemy team bans Amumu, Kassadin and Darius

I'm playing as Akali in top lane against Olaf, we steal first enemy blue without any resistance, Lee Sin ganks top, helping me secure first blood, from there onward, all our lanes will simply destroy all their counter parts, purple team surrenders after a last stand at their inhibitor turret.

MVP : Matchmaking, as the difference in skills was just way too important.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 26, 2012 5:14pm | Report
nice enemies you got there game 2, ap taric, olaf with avarice blade, malz rushing banshee's; free wins ftw :P

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 2:26pm | Report

nice enemies you got there game 2, ap taric, olaf with avarice blade, malz rushing banshee's; free wins ftw :P

Free wins feel good, but free losses feel so bad, talking of wich :'(

First ranked of the day

We are playing as purple team, I'm 4th pick, picking Jax in the jungle. fifth pick is a troll pick taking Katarina bot lane with a Nunu & Willump support, team is without an ad carry.

As you can see, all lanes fed pretty hard, tried my best to show my presence everywhere and increase the team's moral, got some good ganks and fights in the jungle too, sadly, game was pretty much lost at the 16 minute mark, we surrender after a last three men defense at top turret as Katarina refused to use her ultimate.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 2:43pm | Report
I'd probably instadodge if that happened in champ select lol

Good luck on climbing the elo ladder ^^

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 3:54pm | Report
Definitely dodge teams like that. There's no reason for you to suffer for 20+ minutes with an already sub-par composition. Keep on keeping on!
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by arrizen ♡
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 27, 2012 5:41pm | Report
Thanks for the support everyone, I will keep on going, but for now, I bring you a really laughable lost game.

Second ranked game of the day of trolls

We are playing as purple team, bans for our team are Yorick, Shen and Malphite, bans for enemy team are Kassadin, Diana and Morgana

As you can see, I am playing AP support Lux in certainly the most original game I've seen in ages. First obvious fail in our team is Rengar Ad carry, I actually wanted to dodge queue but some kind of bug prevented me from clicking X ( I was clicking but nothing happened). Enemy team rolls with Corki mid lane who got fed by overextending master Mordekaiser, Bot lane is me and Rengar vs Teemo AP and Dr. Mundo Tank.

We steamrolled the bot lane easily, all Alistar ganks in our lane getting denied by quick reaction from both of us, top lane was kind of even and mid lane was a one sided win by Corki, mid game went well with us gaining the upper hand, that's when the team told me to switch my build for AP as Mordekaiser was doing no damage, still did the support role tought as the shield scales kinda well and I kept warding and dewarding. I even had to grab a WOTA so he can benefit from the effect as he was late in his build, but as late game came; Rengar began falling instantly to the enemy focus and we lost after a one-sided baron fight.

MVP : Corki, no doubt about that.

Funny fact : I managed to get the drake steal two times in a row with Lux's Ultimate, failed it on baron tought :/

Third ranked game of the day

We are playing as purple team, I'm fourth pick as jungle Amumu. Bans for our team are Darius, Kassadin and Malphite, bans for enemy team are Shen, Morgana and Yorick

We finally got a really nice team right at the picks, with people discussing picks and counters, and synergy in team fights, I was kind of worried about the lack of a pure, reliable large AOE CC, that's why I got Amumu, no real action before I finished my first jungle round as I ganked top lane, gank resulted in both summoners lost by Master Yi who will play extremely cautious during the rest of the game. My ganks in our lanes allowed them to snowball really easily, mostly swain who will end up legendary with absolutely no deaths. I managed to counter jungle Olaf, making his ganks less worrisome, tought he did get some good ganks too. Game ends after the third team fight where Swain managed to get a delayed pentakill in a 1 v 5 situation ( we were all dead or at the base by the time he got there).

MVP : Swain

Funny note : My ganks disturbed the enemy team so much that during team fights, they all focused me out of pure spite, was kinda funny to see them falling to my team's attack as I was tanking all their damage with Alistar

4th ranked game of the day

We are playing as purple team, I'm third pick as mid lane Katarina. Bans for our team are Jax, Morgana and Kassadin, bans for enemy team are Darius, Diana and Shen

Picks and bans are made in a peaceful manner, as third pick of the purple team I found out that their team lacked in terms of stuns, and thus, decided to go with Katarina while hoping not to get counter picked, I ended up against Gragas mid, I help Xin Zhao with wolves and somehow end up tanking their damage, forcing me to play passive early in lane, Gragas will end up taking a level advantage as I'm forced to recall after a well timed body slam, he will then dominate the lane and get a kill on me after he got lv 6 ( i was lv 5 and mid way to 6), luckily, Malphite forced the farm fest against Riven in top lane and won in terms of farm while some Xin Zhao ganks will allow him to get a kill.

Post lv 6, Gragas uses his ult on me as I lure him to do so, Xin Zhao ganks him immediately and we get the kill, giving me some breathing time, Gragas will then try to gank bot with Olaf but we manage to counter gank and grab two kills out of the exchange. Some team fights will occure afterwards about the drake as we end up taking one and conceding another one, finally, the appearance of Malphite on the team fights will seal the deal as our team was more team fight oriented with the well timed Crescendo's of Sona comming in after luring the Gragas ult, Malphite will then knockthem with Unstoppable Force while I was placing a full ultimate on their team, Draven and Xin Zhao will then do the clean up.

Blue team surrenders after a Drake fight witch led them to be aced.

MVP : Sona, she did some really great warding and had a lot of importance during team fights with her Crescendo ( The picture doesn't represent the warding as she had just finished a warding turn and thus, was outta wards)

Funny note : I just found out that Sona was building AP, that explains why her Power Chord and Crescendo were dealing an important damage.

Summary of the day

A "neutral" day as far as ELO is concerned, tough losses were due to trollers and my victories were actually well earned, makes me feel kinda good about my own skills.

Note to self : I should seriously learn how to counter Gragas as the lanning phase in last game was literal torture for me and decreased my effectiveness in team fights.
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2012 9:52am | Report

Day 3 : First ranked game of the day

I'm first pick on the blue team, bans for my team are Shen, Kassadin and Akali, only ban I remember for enemy team is Morgana

To avoid being counter picked, I take Amumu in the jungle, enemy team try to invade blue but we are waiting for them, Ziggs get a triple; our bot lane will feed excessively as Leona was some kind of diver that would go in alone against 2 enemies under turret and hope for some imaginary back up as Sivir was at her own turret, Diana will dominate our Ziggs in lane, tough he knew what he was doing as he managed to get back in game by roaming and was a key component of our victory with Malphite, we would usually go in a 4 v 5 with my ult, followed by Ziggs's one and Malphite, Sivir will then help in the clean up.

MVP : Malphite who was simply astonishing in late game.

Funny note : Here again, everyone in the enemy team was focusing me hard, good luck killing an Amumu while his team mates are eating you.

Day 3 : Second ranked game of the day

I'm third pick on the blue team, bans for my team are Darius, Morgana and Blitzcranck], ennemy bans [[Diana, Kassadin and [[Jax]

I take Sona as support, early game is in enemy teams favor as all lanes lost due to some really well played Malphite ganks, Amumu will finally try to make something happen post 6 but it's too late, mid game begins with two first victories of our team in team fights, we will then fail a baron fight which will cause us to turtle in base, we will defend for roughly 20 minutes before finally going down under the super minions pressure.

MVP : Malphite, this champs is certainly really powerful these days.

Funny note : Nothing funny, everyone tried to play at the best of their ability with nice focus, kinda reminded me of the 1300 ELO games if we don't consider Soraka building AP.

Day 3 : Third ranked game of the day

I'm second pick of the blue team, I'm playing as Anivia

Sadly, I forgot to take a pick of the game results, not that it would have had any importance, as we had a Riven who went afk for the 5 first minutes, came back to feed, then went afk again, and Shaco who refused to give me blue because he was under leveled and "needed" the xp. I managed to protect my lane but we had to give the game up at the 20 minutes mark.

Summary of the day

Bad day in-game, i'm back to where I was in the first day, and the fact it is mostly due to afkers makes me feel kind of disgusted, guess I will stop playing ranked for today and get some real fun in another game.
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 4:08pm | Report

As you might have found out, I stopped including my games to this thread 6 days ago, due to the fact that I'm always travelling, and thus, barely having the time to play, and even when I do, I'm so tired later on that I usually don't get to the forum. I will, however, provide a summary of what happened during this past days.

Summary of the past 6th days

I actually had some really bad luck, either being matched up with bad team mates or simply against people that are better than me, making me fall down all the way to 835 ELO before climbing to 865.

Today, I managed to make up for those bad games by claiming 5 consecutive victories in ranked, by playing the champs I feel comfortable with : Taric : my best champion with 100% win percentage , Kayle My go to when I have a hard lane against me : 100% win rate too, Katarina, a good champion with whom I have 66% win percentage, Morgana because of her strong game-changing presence, and finally Garen who's way more reliable after he's buff.

Now I'm back to 932 ELO.

Day 9 : 5th ranked game of the day

I'm playing as Garen in the blue team, our support Alistar and our Vayne having asked for a lane swap, I am up against Graves and Taric in bot lane while they are fighting Irelia in top lane, mid lane is Fiddlesticks vs Cassiopeia, junglers are Amumu for us, and Rengar for enemy team.

Early levels are pretty hard for me, barely avoiding being killed under my turret by a lv 4 dive. However, enemy Irelia goes Afk and Alistar decides to come help me in bot lane, letting Vayne free farming in top lane for the 5 minutes Irelia was Afk. This will help us secure two kills on graves and Taric while I also died twice. Fiddlesticks was struggling in mid lane against Cassiopeia, but Amumu helped him get back in game, the mummy will also provide lots of ganks everywhere in the map, allowing us to finally get an edge as I managed to stay at 2/3 of Graves farm, while largely out farming Irelia. Enemy team surrenders at the 20 minutes mark.

MVP : both Amumu and Alistar should receive this role, the former for his excellent ganks and good presence, the later for having a sound judgement and making decisive actions, allowing to turn the swap in our favor and to come out victorious.
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 4:19pm | Report
a late pick Amumu jungle is usually a game winning pick. =)
I am now more carefulll about picking him, but usually goes well..

As requested to GMD himself.
Hyogetaki Hisame
Hyogetaki Hisame's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 3, 2012 5:50pm | Report
Indeed Amumu is certainly a great jungler ^^. too bad he can easily be countered if he loses his blue tough.

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