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My Ideas for small buffs I think champs need.

Creator: throatslasher September 17, 2012 12:54pm
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RaNuD's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:01pm | Report

[Lots of true, yet INCREDIBLY annoying, unpleasant whathever stuff to read, insulting a member]

Wow Jet, is that you?
In a thread about his own ban,
gabpin wrote:
stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?

In a thread about toxic players,
Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. Find and abuse the ignore button. No sense stinking up this forum with your crying.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:20pm | Report
Mastarwe wrote:

and... all the respect that I may have had for you is now gone. Not only do you start raging just because someone tells you his opinion (you even ask for it in the OP), you also assume that you have to play ranked to be any good at the game.

Most persons on the forums have played for quite some time and thus have quite a lot of knowledge on what changes have been made to the game. This especially applies to vets, since they've been around for a long time on this site alone (nobody would go to these forums unless they play/have played lol).

If you can't tolerate criticism then please just leave the forums right now. We don't want people like that around here.

Syndra is still new, give people some time to figure her out.

Lux is already extremely good (that is, if you know how to play her). Most people don't though and are content on spamming moves every time they are off cd (same reasoning goes for ziggs).

When it comes to tristana her pushing power is generally considered a bad thing. However considering teams in tournaments are more often going for a laneswitch this may be a good thing. Giving her freefarm in a 2v1 lane while pushing the tower down asap is something she's quite good at as long as she gets protection.
Protection is also what she needs in a normal lane, which means she needs to have some way of staying secure while farming.

I don't agree with how Slasher presented his argument, or necessarily the validity of it's content BUT, the idea that ELO SHOULD be taken into consideration is something I agree with.

I'm not a platinum player, I'm not even gold (anymore), so take this with a grain of salt. Having actual ranked experience is something that needs to be considered, not necessarily on making statements or sharing opinions, (I frequently tell people to **** off if I think their idea is bad), but more so with providing some sort of evidence as to why you think x,y,z. (Hope that made sense). So Slasher was out of line, Lugi made a valid observation, Slasher "exploded". That wasn't what I was commenting on, truly it was a side bar of sorts more or less commenting on the way some people think around here on mobafire.

IMO: Lane swapping is just a gimmick right now, it is a HUGE gambit that (if it backfires) completely cripples any chance of winning the game, what I mean is if your 1v2 lane gets dominated then you have a fed enemy ADC and an underfed/under farmed top laner who is SUPPOSED to actually do something mid/late game..
It (lane swapping) won't last much longer, additionally if for some freak of nature reason it becomes "the new thing" it's a strategy solely employed in arranged 5s. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see people doing it in solo queue, streamed or otherwise. Which means, unless everyone and their mother starts hosting vent rooms for people to join when they solo queue it's something that would be incredibly challenging to play properly even at higher levels of the game.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:28pm | Report
This guy, OP, is so mad at my opinion.

Secondly, does it matter that I'm 17? It shouldn't. I have valid opinions too ya know.
Does it matter that I don't do ranked? Sure I may not be professional 2200 ELO like you over there Mr. Bigshot but what I know is still relevant to my ELO. You know, where the majority of people are?

Ganked implies no escape spells. Last I checked, Tristana has one of the better escape spells at her disposal. 2 past 6, and 3 with flash.
Still on the topic of ganking, what about counter-ganks? What about if the enemy jungler is to low to attempt anything? What about if they're somewhere else?

You can't just say "pushing is bad because you get ganked," and call it there. You have to take any and all possible factors into account.

"Why should Tristana's W be classified as a dash when it's triple the range of Graves' dash?"

I don't know. Ask LeBlanc what she thinks of distort being a dash and not a blink. It's painful not being to go over that wall because it was simply 5-10 units too thick. Same with Corki. Should that be a blink too? You're clearly flying and not dashing.
Ask Riven who's "dashes" can't even go over small cliffs because they're classified as "basic movement" but with an added effect on top.

Also, excuse me if I don't play ADC. I have other people to do that for me while I play my better roles of top, mid and jungle. Or even, *gasp* support!

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:31pm | Report
Increase the range on e and q for stronger laning phase, but tone down the sustain on his ult. Kinda silly you can get a RoA and be unkillable when 5 people are focusing you.

Honestly, I think he's fine as he is right now. Longer range on Q means easier W's which means easier kills. More range on E is nice, makes him trade a lot easier or even just harass without taking damage back, which sounds kinda messy. As for tanking, eh. Happened, but I was overfed those times and people don't know what exhaust or ignite do. I don't think he needs to have that sustain toned down (nor does he need WOtA unless you really wanna give spellvamp to another mage on your team)

Delete this champion. Nobody likes her.[/quote

She's fun to play. Kit fights itself, she needs a more responsive W, an E that shows both cone and ball trajectory (seriously, call it high skill cap but that move can be ******edly unreliable at times) and slightly increased range on ulti..

About Tristana, what I hate is that her W's trajectory always counts as a "land" trajectory instead of being a blink; I've been grabbed by Volibear, Singed, stunned and snared by a gazilion of champs, knocked back by Lee's ulti, etc. It's too ****ing unreliable at times.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:32pm | Report
OMG NOT SUPPORT HOW DARE YOU...That's usually the job I get forced to play.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:36pm | Report
Delete this champion. Nobody likes her."

lol so agree

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:38pm | Report
Man I wish there was a way for Riot to like, fix champs that need a buff or a nerf. Sadly that kind of thing doesn't exist here, on planet Earth..../sarcasm
Mastarwe's Forum Avatar
Dec 22nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:42pm | Report

I don't agree with how Slasher presented his argument, or necessarily the validity of it's content BUT, the idea that ELO SHOULD be taken into consideration is something I agree with.

I'm not a platinum player, I'm not even gold (anymore), so take this with a grain of salt. Having actual ranked experience is something that needs to be considered, not necessarily on making statements or sharing opinions, (I frequently tell people to **** off if I think their idea is bad), but more so with providing some sort of evidence as to why you think x,y,z. (Hope that made sense). So Slasher was out of line, Lugi made a valid observation, Slasher "exploded". That wasn't what I was commenting on, truly it was a side bar of sorts more or less commenting on the way some people think around here on mobafire.

IMO: Lane swapping is just a gimmick right now, it is a HUGE gambit that (if it backfires) completely cripples any chance of winning the game, what I mean is if your 1v2 lane gets dominated then you have a fed enemy ADC and an underfed/under farmed top laner who is SUPPOSED to actually do something mid/late game..
It (lane swapping) won't last much longer, additionally if for some freak of nature reason it becomes "the new thing" it's a strategy solely employed in arranged 5s. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see people doing it in solo queue, streamed or otherwise. Which means, unless everyone and their mother starts hosting vent rooms for people to join when they solo queue it's something that would be incredibly challenging to play properly even at higher levels of the game.

Laneswapping is indeed a risk, but I guess it mostly depends on how much you trust your solo(top)laner. I do indeed think about arranged 5's here, since the trust will be severely lacking in soloqueue. Still think though that if this is something that gets more useful trist might actually see more play, considering that her mainproblem would be less of a disaster.

I'm not saying that experience isn't something one should look at. However I would love it if people actually think about the fact that not everybody likes ranked. There is also a rating for normals (even though it's hidden), so saying that "I've got plat, so I'm automatically better then you" is something that is actually quite stupid.

For example: I've played this game since march 2010. Do you really think that my knowledge of the game is worse then a gold ranked player that started playing 5 months ago. I don't have any rating that can be seen, but does it really matter?

When talking about rating one should at the same time take a look at the arranged 5's vs soloqueue. How much value should one put in a rank in soloqueue? Even though they might now how to play with people (on a level where communication is often lacking), there's nothing that says they have a lot of knowledge about most of the differences between an actual team (going up against another real team) and just some randoms matched together.
I'm back!
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 3:58pm | Report
Do I think your knowledge is worse? That's a bit of a loaded question.

I'll refrain from answering it directly. I've been playing this game for a long time too, so I do believe that my experience is more robust. HOWEVER I do believe that players capable of reaching gold/plat/diamond do deserve a bit more weight with their arguments when it comes to technical aspects "He/she needed to do x so y would happen" as an example. That doesn't mean I can't conflict with them, it simply means that my credibility falls to whatever evidence I can provide. ELO is most likely the easiest way to accomplish that.

IF there was a way to stabilize the "Lane Swap" Gambit then I would agree. But the nature of gambits being so...Well rsiky, means that you have a higher chance of success by maintaining the current duo bot lane ADC/Support meta. IMO.
SirAeros's Forum Avatar
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Aug 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 4:03pm | Report

I don't know what you mean about yi, but I agree with you about talon. I'm not sure what he needs, but I don't think his kit is overwhelming ATM. He's definitely not a viable top, and his rake doesn't outrange OR outtrade a lot of common mage picks for mid. If i'm against talon, I'll pick up my armor mage page, or I'll just get a fast cloth armor and leave it there (boots 3, into cloth armor and 2x dorans rings)

I feel that katarain is just the better version of talon ATM. His rake harass is extremely good, but kat has better all-in potential with a much better passive. (blink in and kill, blink out or continue slaying)

I'm not sure if I said it, I just hate the fact that talon is a win or lose champion. Once you start getting abused in lane, there is no coming back.

Never Faced an AP Yi on Lane? you know the kind that always hit you by luck regen his health to full every minute and makes you want to commit suicide for not picking a champ without CC... make that better and we will have an viable Yi or at least make the whinig part quit the game which would be nice

and second about Talon Im not gonna lie he is a win or lose champ by design him if I remenber well riot said that on his Sneak Preview or W/e is called and if you think well Akali, Diana(whithout a team that can make use of her E well of course) and even Ad Carries on general(think well why do AD Carries started having a support?) are all win or lose champs and they are not on the list or maybe they are I don't know I tend to be blind sometimes

but still hes one of the best damn carries of the Game IMO if he gets an advantage never saw a Talon Game where if he has a Bloodthirster or an IE(basicaly you say "AW my face" every Q crit) before 20 minutes the enemy hasn't Surrendered imeadeatly

Ps:About you playing him are sure you weren't overtrading too much? Talon isn't a natural trader like Pantheon( who has his shield passive) he should only trade if the enemy misses or you dodge a spell so he can easily burst the enemy down at 6
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