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Something about Mord.

Creator: bsurma October 25, 2012 8:41am
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bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 8:41am | Report
Mordekaiser is one of the first champions I've bought.
He's been roflnerfed to the ground (to such extent that people started mocking those that picked him, "always die never shield huehue" and so on), but then buffed again.
At this moment, seeing that he has no escapes and DFG is getting nerfed, I'd like to have him changed a bit, especially because of the whole Shadow Isles vibe. It would be nice to see some changes.
I'm afraid that with the upcoming changes he will turn from a popular champion back in season 1 to a completely forgotten champion and fall into obscurity. As of now, he's already at 5-6% popularity at ranked (lolking) and things are not exactly looking up for him.
Any thoughts? I'd like him to turn into a complete resource-less mage, so that his early gets a little better and also, maybe his ult should deal damage instantly.
Or maybe a W rework? Something like Riot did when changing Killer Instincts into sinister steel. Creeping Death doesn't really change anything and only has an impact (somewhat) in the later stages of the game, when it turns into a considerable amount of damage when put onto an initiator of some sort.
Your opinions, please.

/end rant
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throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 8:46am | Report
Trust me, I know that feel, and I know they're going to keep him where he is for a long time. Think about all the other way older champs that haven't been touched in YEARS: poppy, nasus, etc. A tiny buff here and there for the old champs doesn't make them viable, they need reworks. I think the only way to make morde competent would give him back his dominant laning phase, which they won't do. Also, the dfg nerf is going to completely ruin whatever power was left on morde. Also, I still run into the occasional morde at high elo. He's niche and ****ty, but if you play him well, you can still have a big impact on the game.

Ult vayne, she dies, you get a quadra. np.
bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 9:47am | Report

[...] Also, the dfg nerf is going to completely ruin whatever power was left on morde. Also, I still run into the occasional morde at high elo. He's niche and ****ty, but if you play him well, you can still have a big impact on the game.

Ult vayne, she dies, you get a quadra. np.

Yeah, Riot doesn't realize that Evelynn isn't the only champion that has DFG in her core. This will hurt a lot of champions, but Mordekaiser is going to be hurt by this big time. The existence of Quicksilver Sash (hue no ghost for you mate) only adds insult to injury.

I really hope that they get to work in Season 3. I'd like to see a viable Sejuani that doesn't suck early, a viable Nasus that destroys things late-game and a viable push-happy Heimerdinger. Basically, a game which doesn't have the whole "this champion is bad, don't pick him" thing.

Even though I'm quite satisfied with Mord, it's sad to see that a single change might cost him his life.
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The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 9:52am | Report
Mord doesnt need to be touched. Period. Right now his only drawback is that he has no escapes (certainly not a unique issue among champs). He is a niche pick and kind of requires a high push concentrated team (or at least good ward coverage) but if you build him the right way he is an unstoppable force.

1) Creeping Death 30 extra armor AND mres PLUS (assuming ONLY 625 ap) 200 magic damage PER SECOND to anyone within range of the cloud is certainly NOT weak, and works perfectly with his passive, Iron Man. Early game it isn't incredibly powerful but can easily make the difference between living and dying when someone decides to go balls to the wall with you.
2) Children of the Grave DOES do instant damage, PLUS a DOT, AND it has built in spellvamp that only gets stronger if you have a Will of the Ancients, which every decent mord should to offset the fact that his spells cost life.
3) Doran's Shield early game or even a Regrowth Pendant (not recommended by me) fixes the early health dependance due to your spells. Rushing a Hextech Revolver fixes that issue completely. Or you could troll and do 13 health pot mord, which is viable, and good for a laugh.

If he does have a weakness, its the fact that he is one of the best pushers in the game. He will clear a creep wave in about 4 seconds and take every single creep. This puts him in constant threat of being ganked. Thus why I say, he needs good ward coverage or a push comp team so that the enemy jungler will feel pressured to ignore him in favor of higher threat lanes.

People are going to trash me for this, and tell me i'm a 'nube'. But trust me on this, and just try it.

start Doran's Shield
first back, get Boots and as much of Hextech Revolver as you can.
second trip, finish Hextech Revolver and build Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
Third trip, finish Will of the Ancients out of revolver, then choose based on whether lanephase is ended already or not, and who you are likely to be in contact with to fight. Grab either Frozen Heart or Abyssal Mask.
After you grab one of these two items, get Rylai's Crystal Scepter then grab the other of the two items you haven't built earlier.
Finish the build off with Rabadon's Deathcap.

The purpose of this build is to maximize the effectiveness of Iron Man with maximum CDR as well as good mres and armor. He is an uuber tank as well as an effective AP AOE damage dealer.

The Runes and Masteries used with this theory are important as well. The mastery page is 10/9/11, hitting Arcane Knowledge , Vigor , and Transmutation . The rune page is 9 greater marks of insight, 3 greater quint of potency, 9 greater glyph of potency, and 9 greater seals of resilience. This is if you want to play mord top or in 3s (old 3s), where ad is more popular. This can be changed up a bit if you want to go mid, grabbing mres/lvl glyphs instead of the ap glyphs.

Get past the early game, get to lvl 6, and have good ward coverage after your first trip back and be careful before you get wards, and FARM FARM FARM FARM ALL GAME LONG. TAKE ALL THE CREEPS. TAKE ALL THE JUNGLE. CONSUME ALL. I regularly end games (in 3s) with as much CS as the entire enemy team combined, and i can 1v3 their entire team and walk out with half health and a triple kill at 30 minutes.

Good luck, and I hope you find better luck and more favor with Mordekaiser.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 9:59am | Report
In before a throat is slashed
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 10:28am | Report

Mord doesnt need to be touched. Period. Right now his only drawback is that he has no escapes (certainly not a unique issue among champs). He is a niche pick and kind of requires a high push concentrated team (or at least good ward coverage) but if you build him the right way he is an unstoppable force.

1) Creeping Death 30 extra armor AND mres PLUS (assuming ONLY 625 ap) 200 magic damage PER SECOND to anyone within range of the cloud is certainly NOT weak, and works perfectly with his passive, Iron Man. Early game it isn't incredibly powerful but can easily make the difference between living and dying when someone decides to go balls to the wall with you.
2) Children of the Grave DOES do instant damage, PLUS a DOT, AND it has built in spellvamp that only gets stronger if you have a Will of the Ancients, which every decent mord should to offset the fact that his spells cost life.
3) Doran's Shield early game or even a Regrowth Pendant (not recommended by me) fixes the early health dependance due to your spells. Rushing a Hextech Revolver fixes that issue completely. Or you could troll and do 13 health pot mord, which is viable, and good for a laugh.

If he does have a weakness, its the fact that he is one of the best pushers in the game. He will clear a creep wave in about 4 seconds and take every single creep. This puts him in constant threat of being ganked. Thus why I say, he needs good ward coverage or a push comp team so that the enemy jungler will feel pressured to ignore him in favor of higher threat lanes.

People are going to trash me for this, and tell me i'm a 'nube'. But trust me on this, and just try it.

start Doran's Shield
first back, get Boots and as much of Hextech Revolver as you can.
second trip, finish Hextech Revolver and build Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
Third trip, finish Will of the Ancients out of revolver, then choose based on whether lanephase is ended already or not, and who you are likely to be in contact with to fight. Grab either Frozen Heart or Abyssal Mask.
After you grab one of these two items, get Rylai's Crystal Scepter then grab the other of the two items you haven't built earlier.
Finish the build off with Rabadon's Deathcap.

The purpose of this build is to maximize the effectiveness of Iron Man with maximum CDR as well as good mres and armor. He is an uuber tank as well as an effective AP AOE damage dealer.

The Runes and Masteries used with this theory are important as well. The mastery page is 10/9/11, hitting Arcane Knowledge , Vigor , and Transmutation . The rune page is 9 greater marks of insight, 3 greater quint of potency, 9 greater glyph of potency, and 9 greater seals of resilience. This is if you want to play mord top or in 3s (old 3s), where ad is more popular. This can be changed up a bit if you want to go mid, grabbing mres/lvl glyphs instead of the ap glyphs.

Get past the early game, get to lvl 6, and have good ward coverage after your first trip back and be careful before you get wards, and FARM FARM FARM FARM ALL GAME LONG. TAKE ALL THE CREEPS. TAKE ALL THE JUNGLE. CONSUME ALL. I regularly end games (in 3s) with as much CS as the entire enemy team combined, and i can 1v3 their entire team and walk out with half health and a triple kill at 30 minutes.

Good luck, and I hope you find better luck and more favor with Mordekaiser.

Thanks for the lengthy post, but I don't have any problems with playing as Mordekaiser as of now. I'm talking about what's about to happen to him.

Mord's all about the burst and when you take the DFG out, he loses a lot of his power throughout the game.

And also, I don't like Frozen Heart or Rylai's Crystal Scepter on him. At all. These items are built on somebody that is meant to lead the charge. Mord doesn't need these items IMO. Rylai's would be decent if not for the forgettable 15% slow and 3105 gold cost.

FalseoGod wrote:

In before a throat is slashed

+Rep pls if I helped! One click doesn't hurt :D Check out my first guide featuring Darius (NEED MOAR VOTEZ)!

Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 11:47am | Report
Can ppl here pls stop counter-arguing saying how awesome a champ is AFTER getting to 18 and completeling his whole build....

Imo he does ok if he gets a long calm gank-free laning phase against a passive opponent, but everything else can be pretty much lead into constant towerhugging.

Even with his push power(which doesnt have only positive aspects), if he gets an agressive enemy top for example, he simply will get outzoned by him right from lvl 1, the current Morde can't really win trades early without having some creeps he can use to buff his shield WHILE hitting the enemy champ at the same time.

Imo what Morde needs are some Def steroids, he's way too squishy for being a close range caster. Something like removing the shield's over time degradation etc.
Pre Nerf his shield was Op enough to fix it, but atm it's nothing more than a nice gimmick.
fumar's Forum Avatar
Oct 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 12:58pm | Report
I think Mord should get some sort of bonus when his shield is burst, like additional speed. That should do the trick.
bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 2:15pm | Report
Darcurse wrote:

Can ppl here pls stop counter-arguing saying how awesome a champ is AFTER getting to 18 and completeling his whole build....


Imo what Morde needs are some Def steroids, he's way too squishy for being a close range caster. Something like removing the shield's over time degradation etc.
Pre Nerf his shield was Op enough to fix it, but atm it's nothing more than a nice gimmick.

^ This.

Making the shield stay for an infinite amount of time would let him focus more on farming than constant pushing with his skills.

I'm afraid this would go a little bit out of control, but that is a great idea.
+Rep pls if I helped! One click doesn't hurt :D Check out my first guide featuring Darius (NEED MOAR VOTEZ)!

Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 25, 2012 2:21pm | Report
Well, there is still the idea to let basic attack dmg also generate shield, "OP" ADC Morde build inbound.
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