And with it, a couple of new stars that I was expecting since they were announced: Sejuani and Lissandra.

I've tested both of them in the live patch. I've toyed with Sejuani a lot more since the meta gods wanted me to jungle yesterday.

Things I've noticed and think that are worthy of commenting:

- Sejuani feels a lot more synergized now: she recieved the Katarina treatment whereas her performance isn't entirely dependant on her ultimate now. Actually, they have took some power from it to transfer to the rest of her kit. She has gained a knock-up CC with Artic Assault that also deals percentage HP. This gives her new options: you can either build her to farm the jungle ((you would max E then W) or try something more bursty for midgame ganks (E then Q).

One of the things I simply adore of Sejuani (and mostly of every HP scaling jungler) is how well Sightstone synergyes with their kits, making it a fitting successor to the Heart of Gold. I always build it early on to give my team more map control. It has helped us more than I can count. It's not that good if you build it in champions who don't have HP scaling as you'll stagger up your power level a bit (in my opinion, the main reason why Lee Sin has no lategame: he doesn't work with a defensive bruiser build, though the meta forces him to go that way most of the time).

- Now Lissandra feels a lot like Elise in the terms of being able to lane-bully opponents with a lot more lategame options. Her Q is a very annoying poke tool and it almost begs to build a Tear of the Goddess. She feels to me like she can be built in many different ways and allows for different approaches: may it be with CDR to make her a poke-lane mage, or plain offensive and bursty. Her E gives her something different that most midlaners don't have (a repositioning tool) and her ultimate is... a clickable stun or a Zhonya's Hourglass, pick your treat.

She may be the new Ahri, so be careful!

And with this my rant is over. Thanks for reading.