This game is probably in one of its more balanced states, given it's past. But there's no reason to simply ignore glaring issues that plague the game. There are always a few champions/items/archetypes that need examination, no exception here. The end of summer split LCS is a good point to stop and examine whats strong and weak within the game, after 12 weeks or so of lcs.

Thresh - if this isn't the most obvious head case then I don't know what is. The fact that a champion this blatantly broken was released should get the entire live design team fired. He's certainly no Xin Zhao release week strong, but he's comprable to that of Nocturne or Vayne. The main problem is he hasn't been nerfed. Even still he isn't being nerfed, they're only changing around his damage on Q and E. But changing numbers isn't a nerf. His power for a support is incredibly ******ed. He brings CC comprable to that of Nautilus while being incredibly powerful. He does everything to damn well. He scales into late game, he team fights, he catches people, he does it all. There is literally no reason this champion should exist in his current state and it speaks volumes to the failure of riot's balance team to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of champions.

Caitlyn - another no brainer. She's far and away the best ADC. When played well, she guarantee's a win in lane. She dominates a lane like no other champion. There isn't a single champion more lane dominant than her. She's a threat from the word go and has very few weak points in her game. She's another case of a champion that does everything to damn well.

Corki - as much as I hate him, he needs serious mana overhaul. There are a number of issues with him, but the fact that mana costs are what hold him back and riot has sat on their hands for nearly 4 months since the release of Season 3 is another tribute to the failures of the balance team. He's certainly not as strong as Season 2, and even with mana buffs he wouldn't be, but the fact that he is not even viable because of it (which is compounded by other issues) is ridiculous.

Fiora, Tryndamere, Master Yi - melee carries as a role aren't viable at higher levels of play. Just because Zionspartan, one of the most exceptional top laners in NA can pull of Tryndamere doesn't make him any better. These champions all have glaring issues

Gangplank - what was once an extremely strong champion is now one of the worst champions. He doesn't do anything well and needs some buffs.

Heimerdinger, Malzahar, Sion, Swain - haven't been viable since early season 1. An obvious and consistent issue in league

Lulu - too strong for a support, does everything extremely well. She has great utility and can 1v1 people throughout a good portion of the game. Even if she can't 1v1, she's far more effective than most supports.

Rengar - apparently he's getting a rework but he's still in the same boat as Thresh. The fact that he was released onto the live servers with his kit is another failure by the riot live team. He should never have been released like he was and it basically forced them to break him to the point where he isn't viable.

Sivir, Skarner, Lee Sin - nerfed far too much. Lee Sin is awful right now, we should be completely honest. He is complete trash. I don't understand why people like him. To lane with him effectively you have to outplay your opponent so hard it's unreal. Against anyone of remotely the same skill will make it impossible and then you get outscaled. His jungle isn't much better either. Skarners ult nerf hurt, the fact that it alone made him pretty much unplayable says alot. Sivir - cast time on ult needs to be removed, she has no real steroid so therefore requires higher base numbers which she doesn't have. Revert some nerfs made way back after her rework.

Vi - maybe revert some nerfs, they seemed a little harsh.

Warwick, Wukong - awful champions. Wukong is just trash, absolute garbage. One of the worst champions ever released. He doesn't need to be viable for competitive play, but he's not even viable in solo queue. It's nearly impossible to do well with him because his base stats and spells are so terrible. Warwick has been bad since his nerfs a while back.

Zac - once people figure him out, he'll be first pick/first ban. He's got a lot of utility and ganks like a monster. Another failure by the live design team.

Wit's End - nobody buys this item. For good reason, nerfing attack speed (increased the cost across the board) plus changing the way penetration worked was a huge nerf. This item is really only built on champions in Season 2 looking to mix their damage, but with the change to penetration nobody wants to mix their damage. Just took an across the board nerf combo'd with an increased price. Reduce the price

Will of the Ancients - the fact that you need 3 people standing around you (4 people recieving the buff) for it to best cost efficient says enough. People are defaulting to Spirit of the Spectral Wraith for good reason. It's an actually efficient item. Wota is one of the most inefficient items in the game.

Sword of the Divine it would actually be built if it wasn't so polar. The fact that it grants no stats while on cooldown makes it incredibly difficult to justify devoting a spot to. Even if it only gave half stats (20% AS) then it would be a bit iffy.

Runaan's Hurricane - you pay way too much for what this item does. Reduce the cost. The components are fine, but 1000 gold for the actual upgrade. Idiotic

Ravenous Hydra - like Hurricane, you pay way too much for what you get

Randuin's Omen - get way too much for what you pay

Mercurial Scimitar - if they had it build out of pickaxe and reduced the damage it would still be a decent item, even better than before because it wouldn't cost 4k gold. You might actually be able to complete one before a game ends

Guinsoo's Rageblade, Malady, Hextech Gunblade - hybrid items are generally bad. In the case of gunblade, it's a niche item on many champions and the cost is pretty damn high. Blade of the Ruined King is overall a better item and cheaper than Gunblade, which doesn't make much sense

Meta changes:
  • towers are far too important. When people consider towers more important than champion or minion kills, there is a problem.
  • Min/max-ing is far too effective. It's currently detrimental to split your focus. You generally go all tank or all damage (not entirely true but more so than season 2). Renekton is an example of champion that goes all tank. Don't try and tell me he builds damage just because he builds Black Cleaver. This current state essentially punishes players for trying to balance a champion with tankiness and damage.