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Lucorian5's Solo Queue Adventures!

Creator: Lucorian5 August 4, 2013 3:49pm
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 29, 2013 3:39pm | Report

Holy **** I'm gonna be mad about that one for a long time. We were gonna win, it was super close but we were definitely winning teamfights and we had a strong chance of winning the game. Only problem was they got an inhib off us earlier when WW walked into them 1v5 and set up an ace for them; even so we had one of their inhibs exposed and honestly we were just winning fights pretty well.

But then Maokai made one of the WORST ****ing plays I've ever seen in solo queue. Late in the game with their entire team MIA, he decides he's going to solo push mid with our adc farming bottom aand me getting blue buff, he goes halfway down the ****ing lane and doesn't listen to me pinging him back so lo and behold all 5 show up and the Ashe ult stopped him from getting away. So what does Warwick do? He ****ing dives in by himself of course, and dies. They then rushed our base and won it, one moment I'm grabbing blue and knowing one more fight will probably do it for us and less than 30 seconds later I'm staring at "DEFEAT" on my screen because our Maokai was such a dumbass. GG GUISE.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 29, 2013 3:50pm | Report
Had to dodge since we had a last pick troll who *****ed about not getting mid and said he doesn't play anything else; and it somehow cost me 10 LP and half an hour despite the fact that everyone had already picked....what the ****.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 29, 2013 10:09pm | Report

Fairly close game for a while, the highlight was my textbook dragon steal when they had all 5 around dragon while we only had two I just thought "ah man we really can't let them take this...oh **** it" and just E-Q'd over the wall, somehow nailed the smite without even looking at what the dragon's hp was at, and then successfully flashed back over the wall to safety. I felt so badass; last time I stole a dragon was accidentally with a blind Ashe ult which was cool but also just pure dumb luck while this took some degree of timing. Anyways after that it started to tip in our favor until we demolished them 5-0 in the last two fights and just won the game.


My client froze in loading screen and I had to try to reconnect, but everytime I tried it just said the NA server was "Unavailable" or "Undefined", even after fully Restarting my laptop it wouldn't work and by this time seven minutes or so had gone by so I basically gave up. But just before I called it quits I decided to give it one last shot and sure enough it worked, but I got in 8 minutes into the game only to find our Nidalee had also dc'd...but so had the enemy Thresh; making it a 4v4 with my return. Top was winning slightly, our Janna who had been forced to cover mid and build AP was losing significantly but Vayne was crushing Tristana 1v1 in the bot lane and once I got within a couple levels we just utterly annihilated them due to how fed Vayne was. Like honestly she killed all of them with 2-4 auto attacks gg wp.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 4:46pm | Report

Had to jungle again, we started off well, then started throwing horribly mid game and fell well behind; however late game we had some good teamfights that were really turning it around. Given one or two more teamfights that we were now winning we probably would have won but Kayle had other ideas, they rushed a baron and just as we were organizing to intercept Kayle decides to dive into the baron pit alone for reasons unknown and completely throws the game. We had no inhibs up so our only option was to desperately dive in as she died but we lost the fight despite killing Corki and one other and they pushed in for the win after the ace GG well ****ing played.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 6:00pm | Report lol. The score was something like 22-1 at the 20th minute and they didn't surrender, all 3 of my deaths were just dumb all-ins since I knew the game was long since over.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
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Oct 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2013 10:39pm | Report

Now see this is what was SUPPOSED to happen in my other three Shen games; playing Shen is a pretty calming experience I must say, and quite fun as well. I really liked my teammates this game, they did a couple questionable things ( Zed made me real nervous with his Doran's Blade start, but then he First Blooded Kat so I guess it paid off) and skill-wise they were just average or slightly above, but their attitudes were remarkably positive throughout the entire game even when things didn't seem that great. I mean we were never losing very hard but there was a short period where we were slightly behind in global gold and they kept their heads completely. They also moved as a unit and worked together really impressively well, in fact if I hadn't known it was impossible I would've thought the other four were all premade lol. It was just something you don't see everyday in Silver and it was real nice to have. Great game.

A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 7:42am | Report
Doran's Blade start isn't that bad, but I will never understand why people think it's better than Long Sword + 2 HP pots. :/
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 7:45am | Report

Most of the early downvotes on my Riven guide were complaining about the Doran's start too, even though it works fine. It's obviously matchup dependent ( Katarina cannot really harass you, whereas starting Doran's against Orianna will get you wrecked), but people shouldn't discredit it.
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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 8:26am | Report
Satella wrote:


Most of the early downvotes on my Riven guide were complaining about the Doran's start too, even though it works fine. It's obviously matchup dependent ( Katarina cannot really harass you, whereas starting Doran's against Orianna will get you wrecked), but people shouldn't discredit it.

But I don't get WHY you would start it over Long Sword, which seems like a stronger level 1 because of the HP pots? If you want a Doran's blade you could just get it on your first B.

It CAN work as a start, but I don't get why you would actually use it as a start when Long Sword seems stronger and you need to build Long Sword anyway.
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 1, 2013 8:39am | Report
The 80 extra HP (it's really 90-110 extra HP since you auto a number of times) can make or break a level 2 cheese (in mid you typically hit 2 around the same time your jungler dings 3, so even if you cannot cheese them or they flash, the jungler can gank very soon after) assuming you do not take harass at level 1 (I would say Elixir of Fortitude is even better but it's a riskier gamble in some ways despite being technically a "safe" buy with the health potions). Once you successfully zone the opponent out, you can now farm for free and heal much more than 300 HP from the passive.

(I can take wolves/wraiths very frequently with Doran's start on Riven whereas I end up with a noticeable HP deficit after each camp if I have a LS, so that's also something to think about)
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