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Wayne3100's Quest for Platinum (Season 3)

Creator: Wayne3100 November 25, 2012 4:47pm

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2013 12:03pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

Skipped gold IV as expected.

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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 8:30am | Report

Game 150-153

Duo Queue with Luther3000 / Solo Queue

First game was played last night as I duo'd with Luther, more info on that can be found here.

The rest of the games were played today. In the Zac game, I killed my lane opponent ( Nasus) early on and I got some help from my jungle Amumu after to get some more kills on him, but bot lane lost hard and mid was being camped by the enemy jungler, so overall we ended up behind. Don't think it was the smartest idea to camp my lane in that game. I also missed quite a lot of cs, so despite being ahead of Nasus overall the gap wasn't as big as it should've been.

The Kennen game was pretty horrible overall, with the enemy Evelynn jungle being 7-1 within 10-15 minutes whereas our Nautilus only came top and then died to give double buff to Shen. Personally I played pretty horribly too and I think I might just stop playing Kennen since it's not working out for me atm.

In the last game, I played a lot better and - despite their bot being premade while Blitzcrank and I weren't - we won the lane pretty easily. The rest of the lanes were also doing relatively well, so overall it was a pretty easy game. Their jungle Elise did do a lot of work early, but fortunately that didn't give them a big enough advantage to be able to beat us. She then ragequit as she realised her efforts weren't going to be enough, gg.

Two wins, two losses and a dodge in between (we had a trollpick + horrible overall team comp, decided not to risk it), still 26 LP. Guess that's not too bad. Just a shame that I was already on 27 after the first game and the three games today didn't help me climb any further :P

LP: 26

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 6:56pm | Report

Game 154+155

Solo Queue

Remind me to never play "Good Guy Wayne" for my team ever again.

In the champ select of our first game, our last pick (I was 4th in the picking order) declared he'd like to play top. Eventually that was taken already, however, and we were left with support and AD. Since our last pick had also already mentioned not wanting to support, I figured I would despite also feeling more comfortable on AD.

Knowing the enemy team had a Zed and a Vayne - Janna combo bot lane, I decided to pick Lulu as I figured we should be able to do well with that in lane as well as in teamfights. As my teammate picked Corki, I figured we'd have a good chance of winning our lane. We then went into the game and he suddenly said: "Hey Lulu, let's play passive, ok?"

.......I could not have facepalmed harder. What turned out to be a Vayne main on their team ended up playing against our completely clueless Corki, with me trying to salvage things by poking aggressively. We ended up going even in lane and Corki actually got pretty fed together with our Akali, but so did their Vayne and Zed. A couple of bad teamfights later, we lost.

In the Renekton game, I laned against Tryndamere and generally did well, though I feel I could've gotten more of an advantage over him had I played/itemised differently. Overall we fell behind as a team though as they got more kills and dragons and we never really recovered from that. Eventually, we actually won several fights against them, but we were pressed back in our own base by then and we couldn't get objectives after winning fights as a result of that.

Not unhappy about my play in either game, but I should've just picked Caitlyn in the first one and destroyed that Vayne >.>

LP: 0

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 4:12am | Report

Game 156+157

Solo Queue

Both incredibly frustrating games. In the first one, I was miles ahead of the enemy Tristana, but she got kills in every teamfight and the game lasted way longer than it should have. I'm not even sure why/how we won it in the end.

In the second game, I got a free First Blood when the enemy Lee Sin invaded on his own, but despite the item advantage I had after that, the enemy Vayne got fed. Out of the 10 kills she ended up getting, 8 were free and completely unnecessary. The first, for example, was our Sona standing in the lane brush when we knew it was warded; she got knocked into the wall and killed (meanwhile Nami Exhausted me so I couldn't kill Vayne). Now, these sort of mistakes happen and it's not like I blame the Sona for it, but it just goes to show how it sometimes literally does not matter in the slightest how well you play. Like, I literally could not have done better up to the point when that happened (I did make mistakes after that though, I'll admit :P). Most of the other kills were on our feeding Katarina, who said "np I'll carry" in champ select and then went 1/9...

I know that I should climb if I play well consistently, I just wish I could get a few wins in a row while my mmr is still good...

LP: 13

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 7:08am | Report

Game 158-160

Solo Queue

Only won the game in which I sucked, lol.

In the Elise (jungle) game, I focused on helping Riven vs Renekton, but the other lanes ended up losing hard. I'm not an experienced jungler but I feel I did ok. In the last game, we had a really nice team (no flaming etc.) and we looked to be winning it, but a couple of bad fights meant Jax and Vayne got back in it and they won because of their superior comp.

And yeah, as I said, during the second game (the victory) I missed tons of cs and played horrible, but we won.

I am really good at winning 1 game and then losing 2 to compensate x)

LP: 11

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 11:46am | Report

Game 161-163

Duo Queue with Khazem

Sooo eh Khazem kinda randomly asked to duo so we played some games together a couple of hours ago.

In the first game, both of us won our lanes pretty hard (Khazem played Renekton top vs Rumble while I laned vs a Vayne - Leona combo together with a random Blitzcrank), but our jungle Shaco was so incredibly far behind that the game basically turned into a 4v5. The guy playing it actually had very impressive stats on the champ, this just wasn't his game.

In the second game, Khazem (playing Twisted Fate mid) got camped incredibly hard and died several times because Aatrox is a balanced champion who can straight up dive you, but our bot lane ( Zyra - Corki vs Janna - Vayne) was way ahead and our jungle Fiddlesticks was heavily fed, too. In teamfights, combining his ult with mine was usually enough to win. I did kinda end up with a lot more kills than I was supposed to get though, oops.

In the third and final game, Khazem played Zed mid and I jungled Elise. I ganked early for him as the enemy Lee Sin was very aggressive, resulting in a fail Flash from Lee and First Blood going to Khazem. Our bot lane was complaining about being ganked by Udyr often while I never showed my face, so eventually Khazem and I ganked it together and got some kills to make them happy as well. The enemy team had a fed Rengar who deleted our Tristana a couple of times, but overall we were still ahead and Khazem finally carried a game as Zed ^____^

Our LP gains were completely normal btw, so we'll probably duo more often.

LP: 50

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 8:33am | Report

Game 164-168

Duo Queue with Khazem

Reached promos after winning the first two games (first a 15:13 minute game because it was became a 5v4 after an enemy ragequit, then a 50 minute top Elise game in which everyone died all the time because we were constantly fighting and several people on both teams were fed).

Normally, I'd post individual screenshots of the games after, but since we were just immediately requeueing and we played another three games I'll just talk about them without a wall of pictures of all individual games.

Out of the 3 games we lost, I feel we should've won at least 2. In the first one ( Elise jungle), I felt I did extremely well and our team had a good lead, but we lost in late game teamfights because Caitlyn died instantly to Vi/ Jax while the enemy Ezreal wasn't being instakilled by our team and he got fed. I was really sad about losing that because I feel I completely outplayed Vi with early (counter)ganks and objective control.
The other one I feel we should've definitely won is the last one, in which one late game teamfight going their way decided the game after a lot of back and forth action. Although it was definitely a close game, I feel we should've just played that fight better and won.

In the game that was in between those two, Khazem was an incredibly rich Nidalee mid (using GP10 items and runes), but the enemy Udyr jungle was heavily fed and Nasus was allowed to push down our inner tower, inhib tower and inhibitor with only our Zac trying to stop him (he died to Susan instead of actually stopping him though >.>) because our Jax thought it better to push bot lane for a bit. I'm not even sure how it happened so fast, it was incredibly random and we definitely should've at least lasted longer than we did.

Extremely disappointed atm.

LP: 58

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 9:25am | Report

Game 169+170

Duo Queue with Khazem (who played Riven in both games)

Not even sure whether trying to climb is worth it anymore at this point.

In the first game we were winning bottom and top, but their mid ( Kayle) was fed too and their comp ( Zac - Vayne - Taric - Kayle) was strong enough to win 4v5 teamfights constantly. Not sure why a Vayne who gets 166 cs in 38 minutes is allowed to even play a part in teamfights, let alone be a threat in them (though ultimately Zac was the biggest problem on their team). I feel really bad for the Thresh I was laning with as he played amazing and didn't deserve to lose.

The second game was more onesided. Their mid Lux got fed and roamed top often to set Khazem behind vs Irelia. In bot lane, we had a rough start as Corki - Zyra vs Jinx - Nami, but eventually we started winning 2v2 fights and turned the lane around. However, the enemy Jarvan IV then had a great lane gank that resulted in a double kill for Jinx, at which point it was obvious we were at a huge disadvantage going into teamfights. Eventually we surrendered.

I don't want it to sound like I think I played perfect in these games, because I didn't, but a lot of my ranked games are just so frustrating to play atm that it makes me wonder whether it's even worth it to try.

LP: 30

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
kingkck1's Forum Avatar
Apr 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2013 9:55am | Report
Hey man you can do it. It may be hard but it will be worth it in the end. Just remember one thing. It's just a game.

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