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Janitsu wrote:
What is the current state of Twitch jungle? I've seen some diamonds playing him in my rankeds and he has been rather strong.
It's decent for solo queue. Super high risk but also a really high reward. His clear speed is solid with Feral Flare and his ganks are completely insane if you don't have any deep wards in his jungle.
Of course a huge risk is getting counterganked or counterjungled because he has 0 dueling potential, so that's something you need to be ready to face.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Next question. Can Shaco make a comeback? Seems like he could use flare and clear both his and the enemies jungle with relatively little risk. He'd trade map pressure for ****ing with the enemy jungler, and seems like maybe he could get away with the Flare/Bork/Tank items build?
Feral flare is quite good on him, but shaco scales like **** and late game he can't do much. You can use him to sneak easy barons quite early on if he has Feral Flare but in teamfights he's just plain worthless.
@ Shaco
He will turn his team into a splitpush comp, no matter what your team picks, if they do not utilize Shaco's splitpushing, they lose.
Sometimes he can do wonders in teamfights, tho. When you had a good start and you are already running around with Flare + Hydra + Stattik, assasinating carries is an easy task. With a GA to back you up, Shaco can often join a fight later and wreck enemy backlines.
He will turn his team into a splitpush comp, no matter what your team picks, if they do not utilize Shaco's splitpushing, they lose.
Sometimes he can do wonders in teamfights, tho. When you had a good start and you are already running around with Flare + Hydra + Stattik, assasinating carries is an easy task. With a GA to back you up, Shaco can often join a fight later and wreck enemy backlines.
I agree. I've seen shacos that are ahead 1v3 my back line, after a team fight would start.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
When do you gank? I've been told that if I gank after both my buffs I lose too much exp unless we get a kill out of it. If I knew how and when to gank, I'd probably go back to jungle as I had previously played quite a bit of it, in season 3. Based on what I was told jungle is all about farming and the only aspect of jungling that I enjoyed in S3 was ganking, and definitely not farming, so I don't play it now. I've occasionally been forced into it but I had no clue what to do when and in some cases I was slightly bashed on for lack of ganks. I do try to look out for opportunities to gank but it's not easy and generally when there's a good opening for a gank or countergank, say, top lane I'm either around bot lane or I'm low on mana/health. So saying "just look for a good opportunity to gank or counter gank" really wouldn't be helping me :I
Set-up for Shaco:
Thas youngMINI's runes, I think. Am also using them.
With simple 21-9-0 masteries.
Depending on your laners you might be forced to really just farm and wait up for either you or your laners to get stronger.
Ganking after getting both buffs is the most common thing, as you said you lose too much exp if it does not work out.
That is why you do a countergank after doublebuffs, most likely top lane.
If the enemy jungler does not show up, it will be a waste of jungle time? - No.
You still gank the lane, force summoners/HP/Mana/escapes.
Gank again. Then repeat untill enemy laner ragequits.
T2G vids about that:
Thas youngMINI's runes, I think. Am also using them.
With simple 21-9-0 masteries.
Depending on your laners you might be forced to really just farm and wait up for either you or your laners to get stronger.
Ganking after getting both buffs is the most common thing, as you said you lose too much exp if it does not work out.
That is why you do a countergank after doublebuffs, most likely top lane.
If the enemy jungler does not show up, it will be a waste of jungle time? - No.
You still gank the lane, force summoners/HP/Mana/escapes.
Gank again. Then repeat untill enemy laner ragequits.
T2G vids about that:
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)